A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 53: Massive Gains

Chapter 53: Massive Gains

Jennifer heard what her mom angrily said and nodded her head.

"I promise not to disappoint you mum" She said confidently.

"Whatever. And for the second time, if you however beaten, don't come running to me. Or you wouldn't like I what I would do to you. You can leave now. I have things to do" Anissa said.

Jennifer nodded her head.

Then she stood from where she sat and left the room.


Few minutes later...


Jennifer kicked at the door of Helena's room.

However, no one responded to the bang sound that her leg made against the door.

"Brat, don't tell me you are scared and would pretend like you aren't in there. I know you are in there. So, keep away the pretense and come out this moment. Your fucking nemesis has arrived!" Jennifer shouted in an arrogant tone.

But no one responded.

Then out of anger which had abruptly appeared in her face, she kicked the door again. And very hard this time.


A louder bang sound rang out when her leg kicked hard against the door.

"Little bitch, come out!!" Jennifer shouted and then kicked at the door again with rage.

However, no response was heard from within.

Jennifer then roared angrily to the sky.

Then she began to inhale and exhale noisily with a gaze of intense wrath in her eyes.

After sometime of calming herself down, she left there and went back to her room.

The other girls who had come out to see what was happening became unhappy that no fight was going to take place between the two strongest girls in the school.

"Do you think she is in there?" One of them asked a girl that was by her side.

"Probably. But I don't think I have seen her since we finished class for the day" Another said.

"That's right. I also haven't seen her since we finished class. But where would she have gone to? What a pity. I was prepared to have myself greatly entertained by their battle. But it seems it wouldn't happen anytime soon" One said in an unhappy tone.

"Well, they would fight one of these days." Another who was listening to the conversation that a group of girls had gathered to discuss amongst themselves suddenly said.

"Right. Since Jennifer can come to Helena's room to strike it with her legs, the fight will surely happen soon. It seems Jennifer has grown way impatient to have that majestic room for herself. Haha! I surely can't wait for that great day where they would battle each other to arrive." Another said and smiled.

"By the way, before the battle between Jennifer and Helena would take place, let's have a bet amongst ourselves on who would win. Let's tell this to the other girls so they could come join in on our bet" One unexpectedly said.

"Nice one, Laura. That's a really good idea." A girl called Florence said excitedly.

As they continued the exciting discussion amongst themselves, Helena was busy reading the books that Sephia made her to read.

At the moment, she had gone through more than three hundred books that had incomplete spells written in them. And like a whale, she continuously took in large amounts of information that she was getting from the massive numbers of magical books that she was reading.

Her mind didn't even snap from all the heavy translations of ancient words that it was exposed to.

If it were other people, just the second or third book would make them drop what they had the intent to do and leave here at once. But Helena who had a powerful mind was able to take in everything she was exposed to with great ease, and without tiring.

Also, due to having read a lot of drafted magical spells from the immense numbers of books stored here, she had comprehended many things about how some powerful spells should work and had begun adding her own ideas to complete them.

Then due to having a powerful memory which had unequaled retentive capacity and was exceedingly sharp, all that she had read could be easily recalled by her in an instant and without her leaving anything out. Whereas in others, even if they could remember a few things from all that they had been reading for hours, most, if not everything would become scrambled or scattered in their heads.

A few hours later, she reached the five-hundredth book which actually contained lots of drafted magical spells that if completed and then mastered, one would actually be able to fight a Summoner. This meant that they were spells supposed to be used by a World-level Spellcrafter.

Helena understood this due to the plethoric and extremely complex words and diagrams that she came across for the different spells recorded in the large book that she was going through at the moment.

Although she couldn't understand them at all, she was able to put them exactly the way they were written and drawn in the book in her head without fainting or bleeding from her nose and mouth. Even some instructors here might not be able to achieve the wonderful feat that she just easily carried out.

'I think I have to stop here. I would visit here tomorrow.' Helena said inwardly.

Then when she thought of her immense acquisitions, she said with a broad smile on her lips "But damn, I have really gained a lot. Now, I know at least ten thousand more magical spells. Although they are way incomplete, it's still something. Besides, I could still use them in an attack or for defense. Then when I reach a point where I can craft my own personal magical spells, I would try to complete them. At that time, I don't think any spell crafter would be able to fight me. Well, except those damned fiendish summoners"

After she finished thinking, she left the store and headed for her room.

Immediately she got in, she closed the door behind her and tried to practice many of the great numbers of spells that she had easily memorized from five hundreds books in that store.

"Accelero" She said.

Immediately Helena uttered that, her body suddenly glowed in a dim color of light.

Then when she took a step to move forward, she crossed a distance of twelve feet in an instant.

"Haha. Nice!" Helena laughed and said excitedly.

Then putting her hands out in front of her and making them face upwards, she uttered "Celarus Obsidua"

Once she uttered that, a thick purple-grey fume discharged from her hands. Then immediately after the fume exuded from her hands, it rapidly condensed to form the skull of a strange, hideous beast which then unexpectedly opened it massive to roar.

Although no one heard the roar that came from the skull, including Helena herself, everyone that were in a range of fifty feet to the mystifying beast skull began to cough several mouthfuls of dark red blood.

Since Helena was the creator of the magical attack, she wasn't affected by the strange, undetectable power put out by the skull that had formed from the fume.

But since it wasn't a complete spell, the skull couldn't stay for a longer time as it quickly turned back into purple-grey fume that immediately vanished into the thin air without a trace.

And as soon as the fume rapidly faded away, Helena became extremely weak.

The extreme weakness that suddenly came upon her could be noticed on her body which had turned pale white.

Helena then came to an understanding that those two spells that she uttered were spells that needed great amounts of Aetha energy to manifest or materialize. And that if they were complete, just one spell could have sucked her dry and damage her magical meridians; the extraphysical veins in which Aetha energy flows in the bodies of Magics.

She exhaled deeply when she concluded what she was having a thought on.

"Perhaps those spells belong to a Fifth-level or Sixth-level Spell Caster" Helena said.

Then she lied on her large and really soft bed to recover her lost Aetha energy.


Next day

- Training Ground -

"Good morning, Deylina" Helena respectfully greeted when she appeared in front of her body trainer and combat instructor.

"Nothing is good about the morning if you can't give me fifty squats" Deylina said while Helena shook.

"Widen your legs and give me fifty squats, now!" Deylina unexpectedly said.

'Ugh!' Helena uttered within.

The she began to do squats.

After doing it for six times, Deylina said indifferently "One"

'This crazy race and their crazy way of counting. Or is she intentionally counting like that?' Helena couldn't help but ask within herself.

After sometime, Helena's legs began to feel weak which then began to tremble.

'This crazy instructor of mine is going to at it again with how weak my body is. What can I do to complete the sixty squats that she asked me to do?' Helena asked inwardly.

Then as she thought hard of what to do, she abruptly recalled an incomplete spell that she learnt from the tremendous numbers of spells that she learnt from those books.

With a smile appearing in her face, she uttered within 'Vatiphi Missoria'

As soon as she said so, the weakness in her entire body disappeared in an instant. While she felt a great rush of energy in her entire body.

Helena at the moment felt that she now had enough energy to run round the entire world a hundred times.

Although it was only a feeling that she felt, she could actually do so.

All the Aetha energy which her body had gathered over night had transformed into energy that would be tremendously useful for her body which it would use to carry out extremely strenuous or greatly taxing activities.

And this incomplete spell which she uttered was a spell that belonged to the Fifth-level (Heaven-level Spell Caster). She had actually understood how to apply it profound principles so it could work for her.

Immediately she felt the enormous burst of energy in her body, she began to do her squats. And at an insane speed that Deylina and a few others that were also on the field and were looking at her couldn't help but open their mouths wide in shock.

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