A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 39: The Summoner's death

Chapter 39: The Summoner's death

Then the instant that he slashed out, a massive black beam carrying the power of death shot towards Alyssa at a speed that would rival that of lightning.

Alyssa who had a smirk in her face suddenly had her hair turn golden, while an intense purple glow shone in her eyes.

She had brought up her Hrithika form.

Then immediately, she enveloped herself with the raging purple-golden flame that had manifested around her just upon bringing up the Hrithika form. Her intention was to wrap the blazing, consuming fire around herself to protect her body from the beam composed from the Calaendrian spiritual power of death.

And with a hand out, she quickly fired off a shockingly large beam of purple-golden fire towards the enormous beam composed from the power of death.


The two solid beams collided into each other and a loud boom sound which was instantly accompanied by a wave that could seemingly splinter the earth for hundreds of kilometers surfaced and raged into the distance in all directions.

Their attacks which were composed from different uncanny powers actually possessed a great degree of density. They were solid attacks and so could produce a wave of such of such calamitous power when they struck one another.

But possessing the form of a powerful race that could easily claim to be the strongest and most powerful race in the Andromeda universe, and could even contend with the strongest spirits from the Calaendrian realm and possibly subdue or suppress them, the attack that Alyssa sent out shattered and dispersed the solid, focused beam composed of death power which the summoner sent out.

And since it had destroyed the attack, although it had also dimmed, it continued onward towards the Summoner who suddenly developed fright in his face.

Then without wasting time, he grabbed the Death-bringer Sword with both hands and struck heavily at the dimmed, concentrated beam of purple-golden fire.


A loud bang sound rang out as the beam explosively shattered apart due to the immense force that struck it. Then a wave possessing shocking tyrannical power immediately erupted from the point at which the halberd struck the beam and then swept out in all directions like it was raging, fiendish monster seeking for whom to devour.

Although the Summoner stopped the beam and surprisingly shattered it apart, he however was knocked flying across the sky at a high speed. Also, when the massive, dimmed solid beam of concentrated flame shattered before him with a loud, ear-aching bang sounding out, many tiny fragments of the uncanny, fire-composed dense beam got on his body and burnt it to the other side, revealing numerous amounts of charred holes on his body which showed what was behind him.

A little before this moment, the Calaendrian spirits dwelling in his body had leapt back to their spiritual world, instantly causing the summoner to become very ordinary like an actual human. The body of the summoner which had immense godly powers circulating in it became so ordinary after the powerful spirits left. And so, being an ordinary person who had no other form of power, he plunged to the earth at a great speed.


He burst into a mist of blood and hundreds of bits of flesh and bones upon hitting the earth hard from that great altitude in the air.

And as soon as he died, Ivory who also came with both Alyssa and Jessica immediately set out to quickly capture the other frightened summoners before they could escape and force them them to produce their precious items and their monies.

While the Fey race, Vampire race and Werewolf race who earlier had great sorrow and anguish occupy the entirety of their hearts as they were been easily killed in great numbers by the Summoners became exceedingly happy before a great rage that could easily burn the world to a crisp if it surfaced in the real world as flames, suddenly manifested in their hearts.

Then with ear-rending roars of a fury that it degree couldn't be fathomed, they shot at great speeds towards the fleeing members of the seven races to kill them too. It was payback time. And it was definitely certain that they would entirely wipe out the seven races.

Some Summoners who didn't vanish on time were held back by Ivory whose eyes intensely shone from the amount of monies and treasures that she would make from these people who she had caught.

Although they tried to fight her, but she was very strong and so quickly overpowered them. Then with loud, resounding slaps that would reshape their thinking, they quickly yielded to her request and gave her what she demanded for. But after surrendering it to her, they were instantly wickedly slain. This, she did without pity in her eyes. It was better to totally crush your enemy beneath your foot than allow them crush you later.

As for the Zohrrindane race ruler who was shocked and then instantly terrified by the sudden turn of events, became someone who gloom occupied every inch of his heart. He even had great difficulty breathing.

Jessica who had understood what was going on appeared before him using her teleportation powers. Then looking at him with intense coldness in her eyes which also invoked a strong feeling of disdain, she said indifferently "Kill yourself"

The Zohrrindane race ruler heard this and his mind spoiled.

Why did you guys have to appear when everything was going fine?

So many honeyhives and melons to attack and suck at, but now he had none and was going to even lose his life. All his carefully laid out plan to dominate the Fey race, take their mineral resources, and useless the beautiful women and enchanting female children of the race had been destroyed.


He screamed out loud in agony and dashed towards Jessica with a weapon in his hand to inflict her with injury for what she and her group had caused.

It was only a slap from Jessica at his face which made his head burst into a mist of blood that was quickly dispersed by the wind at that altitude in the air.

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