A Magical Tale: The Peerless Summoner

Chapter 179: Late reinforcements

Chapter 179: Late reinforcements

Then they shook their head in awe.

It took four of them to battle one before they could kill her, while Helena had quickly killed two all by herself.

Lauren who had been flying about in the air to dodge the killing branches of the vine, then flew towards her sister who held her by her hands with a beautiful smile in her face.

"Let's go to the ground" Deborah said while Lauren nodded her head. Then they both lowered themselves from the air to the ground.

Once they landed to the ground, they walked towards Helena to say how they were amazed by her fighting skills and spellcasting proficiency, as only she had fought three witches alone and killed two overpoweringly, and didn't sustain a single mark or bruise.

"I think this is the last of them, right?" Helena asked, looking at her friends.

"Yea. I think so" Lydia said.

"Alright then. Let's go back to our room at that inn to relax before going to the second kingdom to battle the witches there." Helena said.

She then said further with a smile appearing in her face "We need those contribution point, girls."

Once she said that, Lydia and the rest looked at her with shock in their faces.

Then Lucretia said before Lydia could speak "Helena, I think it's best that we return to our training camp. We have been away for too long. Don't you think that they would be excessively worried about us? I am even sure now that your sister would be looking for you by now"

When Lucretia said that, Helena's eyes shone.

She then said "You are right. We have been away for too long and who knows, they could have sent my two sisters to come look for me in this kingdom. Alright then, after we have rested for this night, we would return tomorrow."

Then she said further "Although we would have gotten a hundred thousand contribution points if we swept through the two kingdoms that we selected for the mission of witch-hunting. But since we didn't do that, we would only be given fifty thousand contribution points."

"Anyways, fifty thousand contribution points isn't that bad. We should still be able to get some things with them after we have split it amongst ourselves. Then we go for some other tasking missions in the future, We would definitely make more, I believe."

"I agree with that thought too" Lydia said with a nod of her head.

"Alright girls, let's return" Helena said.

"But senior Helena, can we just return like that?" Deborah suddenly asked with a profound expression in her face.

"And why can't we?" Lucretia asked back with puzzlement in her eyes.

"I mean, the king whose palace we kind of fully destroyed. He would definitely be mad now and would be full of vengeance to kill us. He might even be out now with thousands of soldiers and hired, elite magical warriors to hunt us down and probably kill us or enslave us to do to us what he wants"

"So, I don't think we should return, or we would only get ourselves into more trouble. Besides, the king may hold the inn owners hostages so that he could force us to agree to his heavy demands" Deborah said while the rest looked at Helena to hear what she would say.

However, Helena only produced a smile in her face.

She then said without an hint of arrogance in her tone "Well, armies that would consists of millions of specially-trained soldiers aren't enough to subdue or subjugate me. Don't forget that numbers are simply nothing to me. Before immense incomparable power, all are simply nothing."

Then she continued "So, if the king wants, he can start searching for us to kill us or capture us and take us back to his palace where he would torture us. But don't think that I will let any harm come to you girls. If I will fight the whole dozens of world our there for your sake so that I can protect you girls from all sorts of harm, I am fully ready to"

"Furthermore, I have Vinna, my fiery bird pet who is the first, largest monstrous magical beast of her kind. A Great Mage spellcaster-level beast since countless eons of years ago."

"So, due to her astronomical and unmatched control over fire, and her nigh-indestructible body that can't be pierced or damaged by many tremendously powerful attacks, only she is enough to kill Summoners and whatever you can think of that can match the greatly offensive, god-level power of Summoners. Therefore, if she can kill Summoners that can easily control a vast battlefield that contain more than tens of millions of fierce and adept, human and non-human warriors, what then are tens to hundreds of thousands of soldiers to Vinna who can destroy a Summoner? So, don't be afraid girls, we got some really insane power watching over us from the background. Haha!" Helena said and then grinned when she made her final amusing statement.

Immediately after Helena said this, the girls eased up. The tension that Deborah had caused to erupt within their bodies because of what she said, had quickly settled down back and then cleared away.

"Lets go" Helena said to the girls who nodded their heads and began to follow behind her to leave this area and return back to the inn to relax.

But before they could take many steps to leave this place, they suddenly felt some strange distortion in the atmosphere. This had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

Helena's brows then furrowed, same with her colleagues.

Lauren then asked "Senior Helena, do you know what's going on?"

Helena nodded her head.

"Someone is using a Spatial Transference spell to come down here, probably to come attack us. I am sure that this person is an enemy." She said while Lauren quickly moved away from where she stood to hide behind Helena, who she had put all her hopes of protection on.

Not long, like a few minutes later, the bodies of some people suddenly materialized a few feet before them.

Then when Helena looked at these people, she saw that they were witches and wizard. While an old man that had grey hair, seeming like their leader or the strongest as he was at the front and emitted a stronger, constant fluctuations of magical power around him, began to look around to for the bodies of his friends and colleagues.

At this time, Helena's friends had quickly gone to the back of Helena to stay, as these people that had appeared in the dozens and began to emit a type of power that was much more stronger than the witch that they faced, caused them to feel horrified.

Old man James after looking around for sometime at the headless and charred corpses of his colleagues that littered the floor in this place, said with a masked, towering anger in his tone "So, you are the insane little girl that has been killing off my colleagues one after the other, all in order to release those kids that we wanted to devour back to their wailing, sorrowful parents, right?"

"Yes!" Helena answered fearlessly.

However, she was shocked that there were still many witches in this town.

'Very good that you all appeared before me. Now, I can kill of you and rid this kingdom of cannibal witches and wizards.' She said inwardly with a smile appearing in her face.

"But why are you doing this?" Old man james asked.

"Please do tell me, I want to know." He said further.

Helena only shook her head with an apologetic expression appearing in her face.

She then said "I am sorry, old man. There is no need for you to know why I am doing all these. However, just know that since you are here, you can't leave again with your life intact. So, prepare to die"


Old man James grinned.

He then said "So bold and fearless. I am really impressed. I wish I had a daughter like you."

Helena shook her head and sarcastically responded to what old man James said "But sadly, you will eat her down to the bones."


Old man James laughed again.

"I think you might be right about that." He said.

He then continued with an unfathomable expression appearing in his face "Since you would be dying soon in my hands, there is no harm in telling you this. I killed my wife and my three little sons and ate them down to the bones, when I sadly turned into a cannibal wizard. Haha!"

Helena looked at him and then shook her head.

She then said "You disgust me."


Old man James laughed raucously and nodded his head at the same time.

He then said "That's what I love to do. To disgust delicate-looking, beautiful young girls like you and the sweet, cute ones hiding at your back"

He then said with a serious expression in his face "So, girl, tell me your name, your full name. I would always like to remember your name after I have killed you and fed off on your delicious flesh and crispy organs."

Helena looked at him and said with a smile that radiated both coldness and an unconcealed killing intent "My name's Helena... and I am the one who will vanquish your filthy, degenerated souls"

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