A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me

Chapter 170: Restore memory

Chapter 170: Restore memory

The location of the huge monster's eyes is a pair of cold eyes, looking straight in their direction, as if instantly penetrating the heart.

This shocking and bizarre sight made Xiao Qin stop in his tracks for a moment.

He felt his legs go weak, and suddenly he couldn't seem to take a step, in front of such a huge monster, he was as small as an ant, easily trampled to death.

But in the end it was a subconscious desire to know that made Xiao Qin turn around quickly, no longer stare at the monster behind him, but to catch up with the youth and the woman where they left.

"There must be something very crucial on them! I must know it to be able to ...... otherwise, otherwise I will not be able to leave this place alive."

In this moment, the usual cowardly look of Xiao Qin seems to have faded away, but with a kind of determination.

Everything is moving fast, the youth and the woman are at a river to cross the bridge when the villagers are catching up. They were oblivious to Xiao Qin beside them, but looked at the two in front of them, "Hurry up and give her up!"

"This is the bride of the gods, and you are offending them by doing this!"

"If we had known that you outsiders would do such things, we shouldn't have taken you in in the first place!"

"Now leave the man and we can still let you go."

The woman's face was awe-inspiring, yet determined, as if whatever happened would not change her mind.

The youth is complex, as if he suddenly changed his mind at this point, slowly took a step forward, and spoke to the villagers: "What you say makes sense, I think you can ......"

Xiao Qin stunned widened his eyes, he did not expect this look a talent how to look how to give a feeling of reassurance youth, actually at this time really said such a scum speech to!


On the mountain road outside the village.

Wuji Gu was driving his tricycle back to the village, the corpses behind him were frantically chasing them, and the middle-aged man was shivering with fear and had to tell Wuji Gu where to drive.

As for Shao Yang, he keeps an eye on the ghosts behind him to prevent them from picking up the car.

This image is simply as what the post-apocalyptic text was chased by zombies.

Wuji Gu doesn't know why things have turned out this way, he obviously doesn't know how to drive! Not to mention the tricycle.

At that time things were very sudden, Xiao Qin actually suddenly turned into a corpse, but also to bite Wuji Gu's neck, looking at Wuji Gu on -

That is impossible. Wuji Gu even the Liege can beat, how will be such a corpse to the pit, he subconsciously grabbed the other side, it threw the corpse out, but also just smashed those rushing behind the corpse.

Wuji Gu himself was shocked, "Oh no, Xiao Qin he ......"

"It's okay, that's not Qin! He was switched from the time he got in the car." Shao Yang spoke up quickly, "Let's get back while we can."

The middle-aged man, however, said with a trembling voice: "My body can not make the force, can not drive ......" He as an ordinary villager, although long ago lived in such an environment for decades, but encountered such a large number of corpses or the first time, people are paralyzed with fear.

Wuji Gu was stunned, and the next moment he was pushed forward by Shao Yang, who then pressed the middle-aged man, "Teach him!"

Anyway, things were just so sudden, but they were too late. The middle-aged man had to talk to Wuji Gu in a hurry. Fortunately, Wuji Gu is also a learning curve, so the crowd was able to retrieve a life from the mouth of the corpse.

As for Xiao Qin, Wuji Gu and others can not help, do not even know when he disappeared, can only hope that he was lucky to stay alive.

In this way the wind and lightning, Wuji Gu hard to drive the tricycle out of the motorcycle style, the middle-aged man looked around the scene but suddenly his face changed, "What's going on, according to reason now should have been able to see the village is ...... not right, here, here is where? "

"Tell me clearly!" Shao Yang, with a stomach full of fire, looked coldly at the middle-aged man.

"This isn't outside the village!!! Look at those tombstones, you guys, there are too many of them." The middle-aged man spoke with a trembling voice.

"Indeed, there are more graves around here than when we came, it's almost as if we've sailed into a graveyard." Wuji Gu even had room to interject, "If there were corpses in all these graves ......"

No sooner had his words fallen than the tombstones around him made a strange sound and a pair of hands reached out from them.

Crowd: "......"

Wuji Gu : "...... I don't know when I spoke so well!"

"It's not right, it can't be like this." The middle-aged man's face was already hard to see, "Could it be? Is it because of that legend?"

"This is not the first time I've warned you, tell me what you know." What Shao Yang hates most is the grindiness of these NPCs.

"It's the room where I live!" The middle-aged man said, "That coffin inside that the Liege was chosen as a sacrifice after the escape from this mountain road ...... but was caught back, but also on the road was beaten half to death. Since then this road has been appearing some weird things."

"You actually dare to live on." Wuji Gu thought this person also had a big heart.

"It's a village rule! I must also comply unless there is enough money to leave here." Middle-aged man full of cold sweat, "and in the past decades, because the seal is perfect, also never had anything happen, although often haunted, but at least no one died ...... did not expect, must be the seal is loosened this ghost ran out! We are caught in a trap from the time we left the village!"

"So where is that ghost supposed to be hiding?" Wuji Gu thought up and said, "Anyway, find a way to get rid of it and get out, right?"

Shao Yang and the middle-aged man both glanced at Wuji Gu with desire for words.

"Just kicked down by you, I think." The middle-aged man said hesitantly.

After all, no matter how you think about it, the ghost came out of the coffin and followed Wuji Gu and the others, and got into the car in the process.

Wuji Gu : "......" How did he know that ghost could actually shake it off so casually!

"So what other solution is there?" Shao Yang looked coldly at the middle-aged man, who would not go against Wuji Gu anyway.

"I heard!!! Just heard, there are many people in the village have encountered ghosts outside the village, just wait until dawn, you will be able to walk out!" The middle-aged man hurriedly said.

"Are you kidding me." Shao Yang looked to the bodies coming after him with an anxious look already on his face, "Are we going to drive on this road until dawn? This broken car won't be able to take it at all!"

Even if he can deal with these corpses for a while, he can't possibly deal with them until dawn! By then they will all be drained.

And at this point, the situation has become more and more tense, and even the road ahead have appeared to try to pick up the corpses in the car, looking at the middle-aged man is weak in the legs. Fortunately, the person driving the car is Wuji Gu, simply indifferent to these, and occasionally kick some of the bodies close far away.

"Dawn is still too far away, this will definitely be accounted for."

The road seemed to have no end, and there were more and more bodies. Shao Yang all began to get tired.

"It's okay, we can definitely go." Wuji Gu opened his mouth and said, "These ghosts in the end, although there are many of them, but they move slowly and their attacks are not high ...... but the way they move makes me very confused."

Shao Yang suddenly realized something as he listened and looked at Wuji Gu with surprise, "You remember?"

The previous Wuji Gu was convinced that there was a scientific reason for the ghosts here, and suspected that the mold was causing hallucinations, and even thought that his bodyguard was persecuting him in conjunction with some family member!

Shao Yang thinks that Wuji Gu's ability of association is too rich. Obviously at the beginning because of playing a hand game things are almost thought up, but after encountering so many bizarre things but do not believe in the world of ghosts.

"Yes, it was not long ago." Wuji Gu said, "After all, so many ghosts have appeared here, it would be strange if I still can't remember."

Wuji Gu felt that the system was too pitiful, actually throwing people into the copy without saying a word and then erasing their memories. If he hadn't thought about it now, he would have been convinced that everything was a hallucination on his part.

Even now that his memory is restored, Wuji Gu can't summon the ghosts in his body, they seem to be sealed by the system. Good thing he was lucky enough, otherwise he would not have survived until now.

But as long as the memory is restored, is this copy really good to pass?

Wuji Gu does not think so, his heart is still vaguely worried about the intention, after all, the man who appeared in the mist before the umbrella, no matter how to look at the role of the Li Ghost boss level, and they now actually can not find a little bit of news about each other, how to think are not right.

In fact most likely, that man is the god of this place. But he is rumored to be just a being who was cuckolded and then divinely hidden, so who knows how to fix it.

But now is not the time to dwell on these things.

Shao Yang is still slightly ashamed that he did not want Wuji Gu to regain his memory, but looking at the chaotic scene next to him, he quickly put this matter behind him and prepared to apologize to Wuji Gu when it was safe to do so.

"Great, so what exactly do you think we should do to get out of here." Shao Yang hurriedly asked, feeling that Wuji Gu did not look generally reliable after he recovered his memory.

"Yes, I think these ghosts are too strange. In theory, they should be trying to kill us, but actually now it looks more like they are baiting us ......" Wuji Gu had already stopped the tricycle.

"Let us think we are escaping, but in reality we are driving towards a more dangerous place, and if we do just drive the tricycle until dawn, it is the real death that will be waiting for us then."

"What?" Shao Yang all completely did not expect this, although he has a lot of copy experience, but in this copy also missed several times, plus the situation is urgent, a time actually can not even think.

"I'm right, right?" Wuji Gu looked at the middle-aged man, or to be precise, looked through the middle-aged man at some being attached to him, "That's what you're after."

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