A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 93: you are totally stupid

Chapter 93: you are totally stupid

Chapter 93 You Are Completely Stupid

The moment Wei Ruo saw the three of them, the two men and Wei Yilin also saw Wei Ruo.

Wei Ruo quickly regained his composure, and turned his eyes indifferently to other places, pretending not to know Wei Yilin.

She pretended to be a passerby, not recognizing Wei Yilin nor the two people beside Wei Yilin as kidnappers, and walked to the side as if nothing had happened.

The two men looked at Wei Ruo vigilantly, seeing that Wei Ruo's expression was the same and he didn't recognize them, they gradually relaxed.

As long as they are not discovered, they will adhere to the principle that more things are worse than less things, and they will not do anything to passers-by.

Wei Ruo turned around naturally, turned around, and started walking back.

At the same time, Wei Ruo said silently in his heart, little ancestor, don't make a sound, don't call me, pretend you didn't see me! Don't make a sound, I'll go back and find someone to save you! If you make a sound, we're all done!

Wei Yilin saw that Wei Ruo clearly saw him, but turned his head and walked away. Wei Yilin, who had never called Wei Ruo "big sister" in all sincerity, shouted loudly: "Big sister!"

Wei Ruo's body froze, and his whole body was completely cold.

While cursing Wei Yilin's prodigal **** in his heart! While running quickly.

But within two steps, he was caught by one of the men.

"Don't be rough, don't be rough, I'll go by myself!" Wei Ruosheng was afraid that the other party would be cruel to him, so he hurriedly begged for mercy.

This place is desolate and open, and the probability of someone coming to rescue her immediately after she calls for help is very slim, and if no one can come to rescue her in time, her uncooperative behavior will result in violence from the other party, and she may even die on the spot.

If Wei Ruo wanted to survive, and if he could suffer less flesh and blood, he would be captured very cooperatively.

Wei Ruo was taken to Wei Yilin's side by men, and they tied them up together.

Then the two men communicated in a language that Wei Yilin could not understand.

Wei Ruo roughly knew that the two men spoke the language of the Japanese country. In fact, when he saw the two men for the first time, Wei Ruo guessed their identities as Japanese pirates.

Although the two used turbans to cover their Japanese pirates' unique hairstyles, their figures and appearances were far from those of the yellow and emaciated ordinary people who were opening up wasteland in the south of the city.

After a brief discussion, the two Japanese escorted Wei Ruo and Wei Yilin up the mountain.

The two Japanese pirates found a cave, which was only one or two meters deep and more than one meter high, which could barely accommodate two adults.

Then Wei Ruo and Wei Yilin were thrown in like objects.

After being locked in the cave, Wei Ruo looked at Wei Yilin who was facing him, and smiled, "That's all right, let's die together."

"Who made you so cold-blooded and ruthless? Seeing that I was dying, I turned around and wanted to leave." Wei Yilin didn't feel that there was anything wrong with him, and even felt a little happy.

Hearing this, Wei Ruo smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Wei Yilin dissatisfied, what time is it, why is she still in the mood to laugh?

"I thought you were just a little stupid, but now you're totally stupid."

"Who are you calling stupid?"

"Aren't you stupid? In that situation, how could I rescue you from two Japanese pirates with high martial arts? Am I a god? I pretended not to know you, and the two of them thought I was fine when they saw that I was fine. I don't know if they are kidnappers, they will let me go. After I leave, I can call rescuers to save you. Do you think I have a better chance of saving you by myself or call the Wei family's guards and government officials? Is there a high chance of success in saving you together?"

Wei Yilin was dumbfounded by Wei Ruo's question.

At that time, he really thought that Wei Ruo was ruthless and ungrateful and would leave. If it were Sister Wanwan, she would definitely not be like this, but he never thought about the way Wei Ruo said to deal with the problem.

But if you think about it carefully, Wei Ruo's approach is actually more useful, because neither Wei Ruo nor his sister Wanwan can save themselves from the two ruthless Japanese pirates. Under such circumstances, it is definitely more useful to move rescuers.

Wei Yilin realized that he was reckless, but facing Wei Ruo, he refused to admit his mistake:

"So what? Who knows if you will really find someone to save me after you leave? Now we are all arrested, and we are going to die together! When I die, you can be buried with me, and it is also for my sister Wanwan Revenge!"

"Oh, Wei Yilin, you can die if you want, I won't die." Wei Ruo sneered.

"Just brag, these two people are not from Xingshan County at all, they are Japanese pirates, they kill without blinking an eye! You will have the ability to survive from their hands? I don't believe it!" Wei Yilin mocked.

Wei Ruo hooked the corners of his mouth, and didn't say anything more to Wei Yilin.

She leaned her back against the stone wall of the cave and took a short rest.

She has roughly grasped the current situation. The two Japanese pirates outside were probably survivors of the war.

As for Wei Yilin, he probably ran to the south of the city because of something wrong, and happened to be caught by two Japanese pirates in disguise, and took them as hostages, just in case they would be useful if someone found out.

What she has to do now is to find a way to delay the time and fight for the chance of survival for herself, because if there is a trouble, they will definitely choose Wei Yilin, who is relatively easy to take, as a hostage instead of her.

Moreover, these Japanese pirates act viciously. She is a thirteen-year-old girl, who knows what they will do to her, and it would be good to just give her a happy one.

Hearing a pirate coming in, Wei Ruo opened his eyes.

Wei Ruo said immediately: "Two warriors of the Yamato nation, I have a way for you to make up for your mistakes."

Wei Ruo heard some Chinese words from the conversation between the two Japanese pirates just now, and guessed that the two have learned some Chinese after they have been on the East Coast for a long time.

Wei Ruo's words stunned Wei Yilin, and then showed a look of contempt. Does she know what she is talking about? She told the two Japanese pirates that she could help them make up for their mistakes?

But the Japanese pirate in front of him stopped, and asked Wei Ruo in Chinese with a not-so-standard pronunciation: "What do you mean?"

"You were defeated. Although a few people survived by chance, neither died nor were captured, but according to the habits of your Yamato people, you who died in battle should commit seppuku and apologize to your emperor." Wei Ruo didn't worry Analyzing without delay.

"You know, us?" The Japanese pirate showed a very surprised expression.

Wei Yilin was also stunned, staring at Wei Ruo suspiciously: How did Wei Qingruo know so much?

"I know a little bit." Wei Ruo replied, "I just said that I can help you make up for your mistakes. Do you know what the idiom "make up for your mistakes?"

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