A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 207: many people fell ill

Chapter 207: many people fell ill

Chapter 207 Many people fell ill

"There have been many people who have fallen ill in Taizhou in the past few days. Most of them have a symptom, such as fever, difficulty breathing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. In severe cases, they will fall into a coma. The doctors in the prefectural city and the doctors in my mansion have gone to see it. I prescribed medicine, but there was no obvious improvement." Mrs. Yuan described.

Wearing the words, Wei Ruo quickly asked: "Is there a phenomenon of human-to-human transmission of this disease? That is, the person who has this disease will soon have the same symptoms in the people around him."

"It seems that there is such a thing..." Madam Yuan described.

Wei Ruo's heart sank, realizing the seriousness of the problem.

"Ma'am, where are these patients now?" Wei Ruo asked with a serious expression and eager eyes.

"Most of them are in their own homes." Mrs. Yuan explained.

"Madam, please take me to the nearest patient. I need to make a diagnosis in person." Wei Ruo said.

"But I'm afraid that the sickness will infect you..."

"If you don't make a face-to-face diagnosis, it is difficult to prescribe the right medicine. If you are afraid of infection, I will not be able to treat people well." Wei Ruo said.

"Then I will go with you." Madam Yuan said.

"Ma'am, you still have brother Sheng to take care of, it's not suitable to be in danger, just send someone to take me there."

Of course Wei Ruo didnt dare to let Mrs. Yuan take this risk, not to mention Mrs. Yuan has a son who is under the age of one.

"But if you..."

"Don't worry, ma'am, my medical skills are fair, and I won't let myself get into trouble easily."

Hearing that Mrs. Yuan held Wei Ruo's hand, she said gratefully: "Now we can only rely on you for this matter!"

"Don't worry, ma'am, as a member of the Taizhou government, I don't want to see a large number of innocent people die unexpectedly." Wei Ruo said.

Seeing Wei Ruo's determined expression, Madam Yuan couldn't help but be moved: "Ruo'er, you are really the most extraordinary woman I have ever seen. If you are a man, you must have a place in the court."

In this world, there are many restrictions on women after all, even Princess Jingmin, who is favored by her father as a princess, cannot avoid it.

"Don't think about some things that can't be changed. What I want to do is the things that I can change. Whether it's a woman or a man, it doesn't prevent me from doing things in accordance with my heart." Wei Ruo said.

"Okay, I'll let Qingyi go with you now, if you have any needs, just tell Qingyi directly and let her do it." Madam Yuan said.

Speaking of which, Mrs. Yuan took out the jade pendant she was wearing and put it in Wei Ruo's hand: "This is my token. If you see this token, you will see me. If you hold it, it will be convenient for you to do things. This is my responsibility. I beg you, you took risks for the people and you took risks for me, and I owe you a favor."

"Ma'am, let's talk about these things after the incident. We'd better go see the condition first." Wei Ruo said.

Madam Yuan stopped talking nonsense, and immediately asked her subordinates to take Wei Ruo to the nearest patient's home.

In addition to the close-fitting maid and light clothes, Mrs. Yuan also sent six followers to Wei Ruo to ensure Wei Ruo's safety.


Xiaowei Mansion, Yingzhu Garden.

"Master, there is no news about the Seventh Prince from outside, but there is another situation in the city, many people are sick, and the city is going to be chaotic."

Xiaobei also reported to Wei Jin the latest news from Ke Chongshan and the others.

"Did Miss come back after being picked up by the prefect?" Wei Jin also asked.

Although it is not clear what Madam Yuan is looking for Wei Ruo to do at this time, Wei Jin also knows that it must be related to recent events.

"Not yet." Xiaobei replied.

Wei Jin also frowned slightly.

"Is the young master worried that Mrs. Yuan asked the young lady to do something? It's unlikely. The young lady should not be able to help with the messy things outside. The young lady is only good at farming. It will have to wait until the spring of next year." It's a good time for the eldest lady to show her talents, and looking for the eldest lady now may be just to talk and relieve boredom." Xiaobei said.

"Not necessarily." Wei Jin also said, "Go and send a letter, so that Ke Chongshan and the others don't have to go out to find the whereabouts of the Seventh Prince in the next few days, but stay in the house and wait for this year to pass safely."

"Then I'll go right away." Xiaobei hurriedly obeyed.


Wang Meiyuan.

Hearing that Wei Ruo was taken to the magistrate's mansion by the carriage sent by Mrs. Yuan, and has not returned by this time, Cui He couldn't help but mutter in front of Wei Qingwan:

"Miss is really good at it. I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup I gave Madam Yuan to make Madam Yuan like her so much. This New Year's Eve even called her to the house."

"Perhaps it's my sister's temper that suits Mrs. Yuan's appetite. That's my sister's ability." Wei Qingwan said.

"In terms of skills, I feel that your skills are much better than hers, miss. She just knows how to farm and cook some dishes, which are not skills that a serious lady can do. She doesn't know anything about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting." Cui He said.

"Don't say that I don't have many opportunities to show these skills to others. If there are, Madam Yuan prefers her sister, so what can I do."

"I don't know, I just feel a little bit wronged for Miss."

"Let's not talk about it, go and get ready for the New Year, mother is waiting for it." Wei Qingwan said.

Wei Qingwan and Cui He continued to help the Yun family with the affairs of the mansion.


Wei Ruo went to the home of a female teacher in an alley next to the prefect's mansion. The female teacher and the maid who served her were both infected, and the symptoms looked the same.

Wei Ruo came out of the room after checking her pulse.

Waiting at the door, Qingyi asked Wei Ruo about the situation carefully: "Miss Wei, how is the situation?"

"It's pneumonia, you need to take medicine immediately, and the disease is contagious, so you don't want to enter the house." Wei Ruo said.

"Is it contagious? Is that a plague? Will the people of the entire Taizhou government be in danger?"

The expressions of Qingyi and the guards standing behind her changed immediately.

If it is the plague, the problem will be very serious.

If another plague breaks out at this juncture, the Taizhou capital may be full of dead bodies!

"Don't worry, it may not affect the entire Taizhou Prefecture. According to the results of my inquiries now, the disease is not highly contagious, and it can be controlled by taking measures now." Wei Ruo said.

Before Wei Ruo showed the sick female husband and maid, he asked about the conditions of the people who had come into contact with them and assessed the contagiousness.

And so far, the deaths are all older and poorer people, and most of the people in the prime of life only have some symptoms and no deaths.

The female gentleman and her maid who just checked are not very old. The female gentleman is in her thirties, and her maid is sixteen. The relationship is to move more muscles and bones, and the symptoms of the body are relatively mild.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Qingyi asked.

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