A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 87: Collaboration

Chapter 87: Collaboration

Hua Mi glanced over and spotted a bounty mission displayed.

It detailed the occupation of a mine outside Heishi Town by monsters, recruiting brave souls to exterminate them.

He wasn't particularly interested. His purpose here was to get familiar with the environment, not to stir up trouble for himself. Besides, he wasn't strapped for cash at the moment. Making a fortune by selling honey, why bother risking it all for tasks?

Hua Mi shook his head. "That's a shame."

The innkeeper wiped a glass, his tone unchanged, still gentle. Yet, some patrons, fueled by alcohol, began to tease.

"The boss here thinks he's too good for our little quests."

"Yeah, must be thinking it pays too little, not because he's scared."

"Come on, just because you wear a black robe doesn't make you an adventurer. I could be one too!"

Hua Mi wouldn't be goaded easily, letting their words flow without reaction.

"Where are you from?" The innkeeper, seemingly to ease the awkwardness, casually asked.

"The Black Forest."

The tavern fell silent, then erupted into laughter.

The innkeeper chuckled, clearly not taking the response seriously.

"So, what brings you to our small town?"

"Buying fertilizer."

Someone chuckled, "Ah, a farmer!"

The tavern filled with cheerful air. It wasn't so bad, this atmosphere. It made him feel oddly connected.

Initially, arriving in this otherworldly place, he felt a barrier between himself and the world, like watching a TV show through a screen—everything seemed real, yet he felt an inherent loneliness.

But amidst the laughter of these people, he felt himself grounded, no longer floating.

Was this a masochistic tendency? A self-deprecating thought crossed his mind, a faint smirk on his lips.


Leaving the inn, it was late. Having explored the town enough, Hua Mi decided to head back to the Black Forest.

He had arrived by summoning the Great Strength Bees, three of them that could reach speeds of around 10 meters per second and move in a straight line, far faster than walking.

But it was better to take off from a secluded area to avoid drawing too much attention.

Entering an alley, about to summon the bees, a chill ran down his spine.


That feeling of being watched.

Hua Mi swiftly turned around.

A semi-transparent milky-white figure lunged at him!

A specter?

After spending some time in this realm, Hua Mi had acquired some common knowledge. In this world, the souls of the deceased typically journeyed to the spirit realm, with only a few ending up in the Nine Hells—some by choice, others due to sheer misfortune.

The rest lingered in the mortal realm, commonly referred to as specters.

This particular one, however, wasn't ordinary. Hua Mi noticed crimson lines coursing within its milky-white translucent body.

Though he couldn't fathom the reason, this specter was unusually aggressive, bordering on malevolent.

Without thinking, Hua Mi summoned a swarm of Blaze Bees. Two groups arranged themselves before him, igniting pale flames, resembling a myriad of stars that illuminated the dim alley.

The malevolent spirit seemed to fear the azure flames, abruptly halting, hands shielding its face, emitting a chilling wail.

Not affording it a chance to react, Hua Mi directed the Blaze Bees like a meteor shower, bombarding the spirit.


A sound akin to searing iron echoed; the malevolent spirit was almost instantly engulfed by the azure flames. Its ethereal form shattered into countless pieces, swiftly consumed by the blaze, vanishing completely from this world.

The swarm surrounded him.

Hua Mi stepped out of the alley, scanning his surroundings.

Nothing seemed amiss.

He couldn't fathom it. Why would a malevolent spirit suddenly appear here? Heishi Town was a legitimate human settlement, albeit remote and small, but not to the extent where encountering such a spirit was commonplace.

People came and went. If there were malevolent spirits around, someone would've noticed.

Only one possibility lingered—it was targeting him.

But on his first visit to Heishi Town, with no grudges or vendettas, who would target him?

"Oh my!"

"What was that?"

"Did I... drink too much?"

Hua Mi heard sudden gasps as a few patrons exited the tavern, seeing the pale flames enveloping him, leaving them stunned.

Quietly, he retracted the Blaze Bees.


"Resurrection? What's that about?" Cole, overhearing passersby discussing a recent oddity in Heishi Town, found it incredulous. "You think Little Ford turned into a zombie? Should we check?"

Carter chimed in, "Impossible, zombies lack cognitive abilities... from the sounds of it, his state seems more like a revenant."

"What's a revenant?"

"It means..."

Carter paused mid-sentence, fixatedly staring ahead.

"What is it?" Cole inquired, following his gaze, equally surprised.

At the mouth of the alley stood a familiar figure.

Before he could react, Carter strode quickly in that direction.

He had no choice but to follow suit.


"Master, welcome to Heishi Town."

"... "

Hua Mi hadn't anticipated this encounter with them.

And this term "Master" was just awkward. He always felt like an impostor.

"Are you here to find us?" Cole jumped in before his companion.

Emulating the tone of the master architect Alyss, Hua Mi calmly replied, "Passing through."

Cole was taken aback. "So, you can talk..."

Before he could finish, Carter nudged him, shutting him up.

Unexpected as this meeting was, it might serve well. Hua Mi casually mentioned the recent attack by the malevolent spirit to them, hoping they might have some leads.

Cole was no help, baffled by the complexity, mumbling, "Revival and malevolent spirits? When did Heishi Town become so eventful..."

Carter, after pondering, said, "There are indeed a few specters in the outskirts' cemetery, but they never attack humans... going by your description, that specter seemed influenced to turn malevolent... there could be various reasons, perhaps due to some dark sorcery or..."

Clearly not Carter's expertise, Hua Mi let it slide, swiftly diverting the conversation.

No choice but to be vigilant in the future.

Initially planning to depart, Carter insisted he stayed.

"It's a courtesy to our guest. Hilia must be eager to meet you," Carter earnestly urged. "She's been stuck in her alchemical experiments with Unicorn Horn Powder, perhaps your guidance might help."

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