A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 82: Thunder Blossom Honey

Chapter 82: Thunder Blossom Honey

Hua Mi was left with a relatively large Thunderfire Bead in hand. He tucked it away into his storage ring; it could serve as a hidden weapon if necessary. The Thunder Blossom field now sported a large "bald spot" from the fire. Fortunately, since this batch of Thunder Blossoms had passed their honey-flow period, and the seeds were already collected, the losses weren't substantial.

Enabling the ventilation function, Hua Mi allowed the greenhouse smoke to dissipate before returning to the entrance to continue bottling the honey.

"This batch of honey might not sell well on Earth..."

Thunder Blossom honey didn't bear the usual amber or white color but veered towards cooler hues, presenting a faint blue tint. Once bottled, it became even more distinct—not only blue but also exhibiting faint streaks of electric white gently coursing within when at rest.

The combined colors defied description; it was truly magical in appearance. Ordinary honey couldn't boast such a display. Even if magical elements couldn't be detected, the overt appearance indicated an issue—definitely not suitable for sale to Earthlings.

Although he had previously announced the new product on the online store, he hadn't specified a particular time...

No specified time meant no delays.

"'Soon' is a relative word."

For humans, "soon" could mean a few days or even months, but for elves—long-lived beings—several years could still qualify as "soon."

He could simply issue another announcement explaining the lack of suitable honey sources. He believed the customers would understand.

There was no need for an elaborate explanation; four words were sufficient: "Coming soon, promised!"

After some time, the Thunder Blossom honey in the bottle formed a loosely packed electric sphere that slowly changed shape at its core.

Despite resembling electricity, it lacked the ferocity associated with thunder. Instead, it exuded a remarkably soothing aura.

Apart from the typical honey's sweet fragrance, a hint of post-thunderstorm freshness lingered, mitigating the cloying sweetness to a pleasant aroma.

"I wonder what effects it'll have after consumption..."

Yet, judging solely by its appearance, he hesitated to taste it directly. A touch with his finger yielded no peculiar sensations, just the usual stickiness of honey. But who knew what harmful magical effects it might have once consumed.

This was where the Pseudo-Flower Spirits would come in. They not only discerned taste but also identified potential hazards, an innate ability akin to their telepathy, requiring no spell components (including magic) to execute.

It made sense considering the myriad poisons in the Black Forest. Without their discerning abilities, Xiao Zi, an indiscriminate foodie, wouldn't have survived till now; she'd have eaten herself into oblivion.

Their expert analysis concluded that the honey wouldn't cause poisoning or any negative magical effects. Moreover, they sensed its strong affinity with thunder and lightning.

Then came the tasting.

After some training, Xiao Zi had toned down her enthusiasm, still brimming with excitement but no longer lunging directly at it.

After the seven pseudo-spirits sampled it, their praise for the taste was unending.

"I declare, Thunder Blossom honey is the best so far!"


"Mmm, mmm..."

"I wonder what taste the honey bestowed by the other Goddess would have. Could it be even better than this?"

"Definitely! 'Flame Blossom' is superior, so the honey made from it must be even more delicious!"

"That's not necessarily true."


These few were undoubtedly the most fervent honey enthusiasts, eyeing what was in the pot while anticipating what was in the basin.

Having cleared the Thunder Blossom honey with the Pseudo-Flower Spirits' approval, Hua Mi picked up a spoon and savored a spoonful.

Smooth on the palate, it spread throughout his mouth, delivering a refreshing taste that lingered between his lips and teeth.

At this moment, a wardrobe malfunction was in order.

Struggling with the scarcity of praise-worthy words, he could only say this: this honey, without being brewed into honey water or turned into honey fruit tea, even without being made into honey wine or any other concoction, was already an exquisite delicacy.

This spoonful of honey triggered a serene force to spread throughout his body, inducing a peculiar sensation. The human body was mysterious; if lacking certain nutrients, it instinctively craved items rich in those nutrients.

Whether it was iron, salt, or vitamins, the body instinctively sought out foods containing those substances.

Similarly, after consuming a spoonful of Thunder Blossom honey, his body now seemed to be in a unique "hungry" state—it instinctively wanted... to touch a light switch.

Yes, he felt an extreme lack of electricity.

Not being shocked was discomforting.

"So, 'affinity with thunder' means this? Consuming Thunder Blossom honey grants a resistance to thunder... No, not just resistance."

It was a step further; it allowed the absorption and transformation of thunder energy.

Time to experiment.

Use the Thunderfire Bead?

No, that'd be too wasteful.

After a brief contemplation, Hua Mi decided to return to Earth and touch a light switch. It saved resources and was convenient.

Even though he was well aware of his high tolerance level—far exceeding domestic electricity intensity, capable of withstanding even the lightning intensity generated by the Thunderfire Bead—for safety, he would start with voltages lower than 36 volts and gradually increase.

From a lighter's igniter to a mosquito swatter, then to an electric scooter's battery...

He distinctly felt more excitement with greater electricity.

Moreover, during the "recharging" process, the burns on his palm from the Thunderfire Bead visibly began to heal, almost completely restored within seconds.

This was proof that under the effect of Thunder Blossom honey, he could absorb lightning power and use it to restore his physical condition.

He termed this state "Electro-Capacity."

Consuming a spoonful of Thunder Blossom honey sustained the "Electro-Capacity" state for about 5 minutes. The more he consumed, the longer it lasted.

Once completely digested, the Electro-Capacity state dissipated.

Naturally, there was a limit to the voltage he could endure. A lightning strike, like the Unicorn's, he'd absorb that.

Certainly, he'd be blown up.

He could vaguely sense this limit during the recharging process. It was akin to knowing how much water you could drink when thirsty.

Although this honey couldn't be sold on Earth, it could fetch a price in the other world.

Moon Slumber Flower honey, priced at 4 gold coins. Feathered Garment Flower honey, priced at 8 gold coins. So, pricing this Thunder Blossom honey at 20 gold coins wouldn't be excessive.

This honey was truly a nemesis of thunder and lightning.

Imagine after a life-or-death battle, when you're severely injured, and your adversary, equally exhausted, attempts a final blow. Yet, with one thunderous strike, you're resurrected...

Undoubtedly, that would haunt them for life—a hurdle they'd never overcome.

Even in old age, remembering it would provoke disgust before drawing their last breath.

Not only could it be used in combat, but it could also be utilized in healing injuries or restoring physical conditions through recharging.

Delicious and without side effects.

Finding such an exceptional "alchemy elixir" was a rarity.

He'd feel guilty even pricing it low, considering the hard work of the little bees.

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