A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 75: Azure Fire Bees

Chapter 75: Azure Fire Bees

Before me stood a towering, straight-edged palace, resembling a golden sword thrust into the sky.

A staircase of over a hundred steps led to the main entrance of the palace. The doors, also made of brass, bore intricate carvings that gleamed blindingly under the firelit sky.

Despite its other charms, this city suffered greatly from light pollution.

Ascending the steps, the gorgeously patterned doors swung inward.

Two fire spirits, adorned with magnificent designs, paused at the doorway, led further into the grand hall by the brighter of the two.

Inside lay a spacious yet empty expanse, every footstep echoing distinctly.

At the end, another flight of stairs.

Seated upon a metallic throne was a colossal fire spirit, flames fervently emanating from where its eyes would be.

That must be the Fire Spirit King.

Standing beside the throne was a tinier fire spirit.

"What did you say?" the brighter one lowered his head, addressing the Fire Spirit King.

The latter clanked to a stand from the throne.

Towering over two meters tall, he was a stark contrast to the smaller fire spirit nearby.

The Fire Spirit King spread his arms, his shiny metallic shell resonating with a booming voice. "Welcome, my friends!" (All following dialogue is from Alyss.)

"It's an honor to be here," Alyss nodded slightly toward him.

Hua Mi mimicked her gesture, hand over chest, standing quietly to the side, listening intently to their conversation.

"The friendship between elves and humans is etched in our hearts, but I'm curious, how did you come here?" inquired the Fire Spirit King.

"Through the Fire Elemental Plane," Alyss replied. "With the help of a companion, I was fortunate enough to locate this magnificent city."

"Very clever!" praised the Fire Spirit King, pausing before asking, "Does this mean we will reconnect with the main world?"

"I believe a decision on that should consider your opinions; after all, this is your city," Alyss replied calmly. "Apart from us three, there's no one else aware of this currently."

"It's indeed worth pondering. It's been a thousand years, and whether we can integrate back into the main world is uncertain... Oh, you mentioned three of you?"

"Yes, we have another companion, a scholar, but currently untraceable. Do you happen to know where he might be?"

The Fire Spirit King contemplated for a moment. "I have no information about your companion; perhaps they landed on the other side."

"The other side?"

"The other side of the temple, controlled by a group of fanatical extremists engaging in a war against us."

So, the war the Fire Spirits spoke of referred to an internal conflict within their race.

This city of brass revolved around the Temple of Fire, symmetrically divided into two sections.

Now, occupied by two factions of Fire Spirits with differing ideologies.

Alyss succinctly translated, allowing Hua Mi to grasp the predicament the city currently faced.

In essence, one side embraced conservatism. They believed that as long as the Fire Mother still sheltered the city, they shouldn't defy their ancestors, maintaining the status quo.

The other side, labeled radicals, refused to accept perpetual drift in chaos. They sought to utilize the power of the Fire Seed, liberate themselves from their heavy shells, and attain absolute freedom in the Fire Elemental Plane.

Thus, a centuries-long conflict erupted over control of the Fire Seed.

But the strengths of both sides remained evenly matched.

After conversing with the Fire Spirit King for a while, Alyss was interrupted by a slender fire spirit who whispered something to the king.

Apologizing, the Fire Spirit King announced, "I must oversee the battle. You are free to explore; every elf and human guest here is welcome."

"I'll be in the rear command center. Feel free to seek me out if needed."

With that, he departed through the rear door, leaving behind the tinier fire spirit.

Approaching them, the tinier one greeted them in both human and elven languages, despite the awkward pronunciation and heavy metallic quality.

Though hard to understand, Alyss was eagerly capturing everything with her "camera," snapping away at the hall's interior.

"Are you satisfied?" Hua Mi asked her.

"Beyond expectations. This hall is the epitome of Fire Spirit artistry!" Alyss exclaimed, unable to contain her admiration. "I want to document every detail."

Hua Mi sensed her passion for architecture but had other questions, reluctantly interrupting her immersive experience to continue their previous conversation.

"Regarding Uuno, I'm curious why you brought him here. Is it out of friendship or..."

"He's a partner, not a friend. Why did I bring him? Because without his help, I couldn't have located the Lost City... at least not this quickly," Alyss replied absentmindedly, clicking pictures while her thoughts wandered.

Hua Mi then understood the crucial role Uuno played in this.

Truth be told, his appearance easily overshadowed the fact that he was a scholar.

"Does your slight distrust for Uuno stem from his profession as an Abyss Scholar?" Hua Mi paused before asking, "What level is he, as a scholar?"

"An Apprentice Scholar."

Roughly equivalent to a 4th Circle mage.

Hua Mi now had a better understanding.

"Still distrust him?"

"Whether I do or not, he's currently missing, which makes him a variable."

Alyss remained noncommittal.

Seeing her immersed in architecture, Hua Mi decided to inquire further about the notebook's owner from the Fire Spirit King.

Thus, with the tinier fire spirit as a translator, they exited through the rear door, passing through a courtyard to the outside, traversing an aerial walkway, and arriving at the command center.

Presumably, the Fire Spirit King had already informed the guards in advance, as they encountered no obstruction along the way.

The command center, a round tower-like structure, had an elevator that led straight to the top.

The top floor housed a spacious circular room where several Fire Spirits engaged in heated discussions.

Compared to those seen outside, these Fire Spirits were noticeably brighter and larger.

One side of the room was open, leading to an extended platform for an expansive view.

Occasionally, magical mounds flew in and out, conveying information or items.

The Fire Spirit King stood on the lookout platform.

Approaching, Hua Mi stood beside him, gazing into the distance.

The entire city lay almost

suspended in the air, drifting around in the Elemental Plane of Fire.

"Does Your Highness know who this belongs to?" Hua Mi took out the notebook and showed it to the Fire Spirit King.

The Fire Spirit King examined the notebook, his eyes tracing the ancient elven script.

"This belongs to the Elven Elder, a respected scholar among your kind," he finally spoke after a moment's concentration. "It's rare for an outsider to possess something belonging to him."

The Fire Spirit King seemed to hold the Elven Elder in high regard.

"He has connections to the past and present, bridging the gaps between elves and our kind. We could seek his counsel," he suggested.

"The Elven Elder?" Alyss overheard the conversation and joined in, putting away her camera. "Where can we find him?"

"His usual residence lies beyond the Great Flame Mountain," the Fire Spirit King pointed in the direction of the fiery peak that dominated the skyline. "But be cautious; the mountain is treacherous."

The mountain, a blazing behemoth, posed a significant threat, its fierce eruptions a testament to the intense power simmering within.

Alyss glanced at Hua Mi, their eyes meeting.

"We should head there," she said decisively. "To find Uuno and maybe uncover more about this Elven Elder."

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