A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 64: Alyss's Invitation

Chapter 64: Alyss's Invitation

On the other hand—

The seven Pseudo-Flower Spirits, after deliberation, made a decision that defied their ancestors. They opted to reside within the greenhouse. It'd be more convenient for tending to the flower field, saving them the daily back-and-forth. Plus, they adored the ambiance within the greenhouse.

Of course, Hua Mi was more than willing. At most, it meant providing them with a bit more honey. With their thoughtful care for the flower field, she'd be so much more at ease—she was entirely on board with that.

The seed-making machine had also been relocated into the greenhouse, ensuring both breeding and nurturing plants could go on without a hitch. They seemed to have found joy in farming, becoming even more vibrant.

Yet, if they could reduce their need for honey due to spiritual satisfaction, that would be even better. Don't judge their appetites by their size; their consumption post-casting spells was indeed substantial. Especially Xiao Zi, eating for three. Each time Hua Mi witnessed her voraciousness, her heart bled a little.

Using magic within the greenhouse, they fashioned a delicate and compact "tree," each branch hosting their individual houses, painted in colors matching their hair. The designs varied: some conventional, others cozy; a few resembled flowers while some looked like fruits.

Hua Mi couldn't help but think, swapping their houses for seven differently colored gourds would be a stunning sight.

In the afternoon, Hua Mi received a raven's letter. Needless to say, it was from Alyss. She was still within the Black Forest. Since there hadn't been any issues with the greenhouse, Hua Mi hadn't contacted her.

The letter contained only a single sentence: "Need to discuss something; please come quickly—'Huami' Alyss."

What could she want to discuss? Is it possible she's running low on corner powder?

After weighing her options for a moment, Hua Mi decided to honor the invitation. Alyss, after all, was a distinguished elf, a top-tier architectural designer in the Jade City—having connections mattered.

Hua Mi knew the general direction but wasn't certain about the distance. It was already late afternoon, and if the place was far, she might have to spend the night outside. She debated whether to postpone until tomorrow. However, the urgency implied in the message "come quickly" convinced her otherwise.

Recalling how Alyss used to arrive early during the greenhouse construction, Hua Mi deduced her residence might not be too far from the Bee Speaker's Cabin.

So, she decided to get ready and set off immediately. There was another thing to consider; despite walking in the right direction, getting lost in these complex forest terrains was a possibility—a delay she couldn't afford. Hence, for safety, she opted to bring a "guide" along.

This time, Xiao Lu volunteered to accompany her. She seemed particularly interested in Alyss, lavishing praise on the architect from their very first meeting. Granted, Xiao Lu tended to exaggerate; sometimes, for no apparent reason, she'd go overboard, making Hua Mi feel a tad awkward.

Hua Mi only brought along the Stinging Pain Bee, Ironclad Swift Bee, and Circlet Cutter Bee for protection, leaving the rest of the hives in the greenhouse to roam freely. The Compound Bow and Thunder God Arrows couldn't be overlooked.

With the storage ring, there was no need to carry these items physically. A mental command and a flick of thought conjured the bow and arrows into his grasp. However, they did occupy significant space—six of the twenty slots in the ring.

Additionally, the scroll obtained from the apprentice, a potent combat tool, was nestled within the ring. It was a powerful five-ring spell—Great Doltishness. Not an insult; that's genuinely its translation.

Despite its playful name, the spell was formidable. Its effects were undoubtedly impactful. Every adventure required thorough preparation; no room for negligence. Safety came first.


Hua Mi and Xiao Lu made their way toward Alyss's location. A recent heavy snowfall had left the ground covered. Each step plunged past their ankles, slowing their progress. However, Alyss's residence appeared closer than anticipated—much nearer than the trek to the Black Castle Ruins.

In less than an hour, they reached their destination. Even from a distance, amidst the towering trees of the Black Forest, they caught a glimpse of a concealed building.

The forest's tall trees, though multistoried in height, were spaced widely apart, offering unobstructed views. From a distance of dozens of meters, Hua Mi could discern the building's outline.

It seemed to have three stories and an attic, resembling Earth's Gothic architecture but not with the usual somber, lonely vibe. Instead, its primary color was platinum, exuding a cheerful feel. The borders on doors and windows added a touch of delicacy.

A translucent, faint barrier enveloped the structure, presumably a kind of warning enchantment.

"So quick in finding our destination; you're quite impressive!"

"...," Hua Mi refrained from assuming a sarcastic tone, familiar with Xiao Lu's nature.

"Let's go." Hua Mi hastened her steps, reaching the barrier and cautiously extended a twig, testing for any imminent danger. Satisfied, she crossed it.

Up close, the distinctive house appeared even more intricately crafted. Several of its refined design details were beyond words, dazzling the eyes. The aesthetic pleasure it offered just by sight was uplifting.

The seams between the white bricks were almost imperceptible, seemingly held together by a magical effect. Two armored guards stood at the entrance, wielding massive swords, entirely silver-hued with exquisite, intricate patterns on their plate armor.

Through the crevices of their helmets, hollow insides were visible, adorned with intricate patterns emitting a dim red glow—reminiscent of their eyes, sending chills down one's spine.

Aside from the armored guards, on either side of the main gate, perched two peculiar bird stone statues. Initially assumed to be ordinary sculptures, they suddenly turned their heads, fixing their gaze upon Hua Mi.

Click, click, click—

A synchronized rhythm of footsteps echoed from both sides. Glancing sideways, two squads of smaller-sized animated armors wielding spears advanced toward them, enclosing them from both ends—pincer movement. It was part of their patrol.

"Is such a show of force necessary?" Despite believing Alyss wouldn't orchestrate a grand welcome, Hua Mi couldn't help but be on guard, ready for combat or escape.

At that moment, the sound of the door opening resonated from above. The two squads halted simultaneously, holding their spears, stationed on either side.

Raising her head, Hua Mi spotted a familiar figure appearing on the second-floor balcony.

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