A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 117: Yin-Yang Bees

Chapter 117: Yin-Yang Bees

A peculiar-looking little bee hovered in front of Hua Mi.

Why was it peculiar? Its appearance was asymmetrical.

Not its limbs.

But the colors on its body were asymmetrical, unlike the typical symmetry seen in ordinary bees.

Half black, half white.

Separated by an "S" curve running through the middle of its body.

Evoke the image of a Tai Chi diagram.

Initially thought to name it "Tai Chi Bee."

However, that name felt too lofty, a bit overbearing.

Thus, settling for the name "Yin-Yang Bee."

Ignoring its peculiar appearance for a moment.

Its abilities were quite unique.

The Yin-Yang Bee could generate a peculiar magical field around itself, which Hua Mi referred to as the "Yin-Yang Field."

Strictly speaking, this magical field came in two types: Yin Field and Yang Field.

Controlled by its thoughts, they could transform between each other.

While in the Yin Field, it could render objects entering its domain motionless.

For instance, throwing a stone towards the Yin-Yang Bee in the Yin Field state.

The stone, upon entering the field, would lose its kinetic energy.

But the lost energy was actually stored within the field.

If, while the stone hadn't yet exited, it were immediately transformed into the Yang Field, it would turn motionless into motion again, hurling the stone back.

In simple terms, it was "rebound."

Not just physical items could rebound.

Even magic.

Imagine a formation of Yin-Yang Bees blocking the way, or more covertly, concealed beneath their black robes a set of physical-magic dual-defense armor.

Of course, a single Yin-Yang Bee could only endure a limited amount of energy, so the more, the better.

Currently, he had ten ordinary bee groups remaining.

Converted four into Yin-Yang Bees directly.

The remaining six, all transformed into Ashfire Bees - a total of 12 Ashfire Bees, of which he planned to carry four for combat.

"Need to buy more bee groups."

For the Ashfire Bees used in honey gathering, a greater arrangement was necessary.

The previous yield produced secondary products that directly augmented his attributes, raising his expectations for this bee species; it was currently his favorite.

Regarding this newcomer, the Yin-Yang Bee.

In terms of combat, its role was unquestionable, even surpassing that of the Ashfire Bees.

But regrettably, it lacked a honey sac, reducing its rank in Hua Mi's estimation.

[Yin-Yang Bee]

Derived from the curse-affected Ashfire Bee, similar in size, exhibiting black-and-white coloration...

[Lifespan: 2]

[Reproduction: 0.8]

[Productivity: 0]

[Attack: 15]

[Defense: 1]

[Life Force: 2]

[Speed: 1]

[Harvesting Ability: 0]

[Combat Ability: 13]

Overall assessment as [Semi-Level 6 Bee].

A pity for its lack of harvesting ability, or else, Hua Mi wouldn't hesitate to give it a Level 6 bee evaluation.

Next up, hybrid experiments...

Although the hybrid result from the Bloodsucking Bees seemed to indicate that new bee species generated by curses lacked hybrid abilities.

But it was worth a try; who knew what might happen.

Perhaps, turning negative into positive might lead to a stronger second-generation bee species, resonating with the similarly cursed Bloodsucking Bees.

Thus, the usual cultivation of new bee queens continued as usual.

Subsequently, Hua Mi made some simple arrangements in the greenhouse, focusing on the Mirage Flower Field and the Mixed Field.

These two fields were the first plantings, potentially prone to more issues.

Originally planning for the Seven Little Ones to rest for a while, he'd spend extra time there during this period.

However, upon their recovery, they immediately and enthusiastically engaged in work.

No complaints, full of vigor.

Capitalists would weep at the sight.

Exiting the greenhouse, he spotted Xiao Bai wielding her new toy in the snow, engulfed in pale flames. Her hair transformed entirely into a fiery state, aimlessly launching Ashfire Balls, melting vast stretches of snow.

Everyone was so busy.

Busy was good.


Returning to Earth that day, Hua Mi promptly ordered bee groups and began plotting the next plan.

Speaking of which...

During this period, he had been dedicated to learning about the other world through various means.

Reading, consulting the Seven Little Ones...

Now, his understanding of the other world wasn't profound, but it was a basic entry.

One could say it was a tremendously mystical and intricate world.

Magic and extraordinary powers led it down a path entirely distinct from Earth's development.

Comparing the two worlds at a macro level, the other world and Earth seemed entirely different, including in history, geography, and other major aspects.

But upon closer analysis of some details, like daily life, racial characteristics, and more, numerous similarities emerged between the other world and Earth, with some places being identical - including certain physical laws.

And one more glaring similarity: both worlds had the human species.

And many other creatures were also common.

As for whether there was any connection between the two worlds, it was difficult to say.

Hua Mi didn't dare openly ask the people from the other world, primarily fearing any trouble it might stir up for Earth.

He could only search for traces within books.

There was another curiosity that intrigued him: the owner of the small wooden house. Was she really the mysterious person called "Alyss"?


The following day, Hua Mi returned to the other world.

The four Yin-Yang Bees had all completed their transformation.

Regarding the practical combat abilities of this bee species, Hua Mi decided to conduct an experiment.

Covering all the Yin-Yang Bees beneath his black robe, he called Xiao Bai over.

"Come, fire at me."


Xiao Bai tilted her head, looking at him puzzledly.

Although she resembled an emotionless young girl, her eyes were akin to those observing someone abnormal.

Hua Mi thought his actions indeed seemed somewhat abnormal.

It was just an experiment; why insist on personally participating?

So, controlling the Yin-Yang Bees to form a spherical array, he directed Xiao Bai to fire at the bee cluster.

This time, Xiao Bai had no doubts. Holding her staff, a ball of Ashfire shot straight towards the bee cluster.

At this moment, the bees were in the Yin Field.

As soon as the Ashfire ball touched the Yin Field, it immediately lost its forward momentum and transformed. It elongated into a fire snake, continuously rotating around the bee cluster.

Hua Mi could distinctly feel the energy of the flame lingering within.

Immediately, he controlled the bee cluster, transforming it into the Yang Field.


The flame reassembled into a fireball, flying downward, creating a vast expanse of wet ground in the snowy field.


Though controlling the rebound of the fireball still lacked proficiency and accuracy needed improvement.

But for a first attempt, this result was quite impressive.

As Hua Mi was about to continue practicing, he suddenly heard footsteps behind him.

Turning around, it was the centaur, Nite.

His teleportation gate had been completed.

Just one night, and the efficiency was remarkable.

This was the strength of high intelligence races, huh?

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