A Beekeeper in a Magical World

Chapter 108: Blood Cyan Crystal

Chapter 108: Blood Cyan Crystal

Hua Mi, the little flower spirit, found herself captivated by the bestowed floral sea before her.

After glancing ahead for a moment, she turned back to Hua Mi, wearing a questioning expression.

With a nod from Hua Mi, she flapped her wings and flew towards the floral sea.

As the flower spirit passed, the bestowed flowers below seemed to react, swaying and dancing as if in a raging sea of fire for an instant.

The tin cans nearby were utterly astonished, murmuring something in the language of the fire spirits.

Hua Mi scanned the surroundings and asked, "I've noticed there are no longer soldiers guarding the temple. Has the war truly ended?"

The tin cans shook their heads, "The disagreement over the construction of the temple remains the cause of conflict. Although the dispute over ascending to the fire elemental plane has ceased."

"The construction of the temple What's the issue?"

Hua Mi observed that the temple was incomplete, only a foundation stood, and the flames were visible from here.

The Demon-Slaying Sword, it was still there, exactly where Hua Mi had left it after use.

"The kings on both sides disagree on the specifications and style of the temple."


In short, they're just looking for an excuse to fight.

Hua Mi couldn't be bothered delving deeper into the internal issues of the fire spirits. As a regular human, sometimes he just couldn't comprehend their thought processes.

He then controlled a scout bee to wander through the temple.

Nothing happened this time.

He had already confirmed during his previous visit that the temple would not bestow blessings a second time, regardless of using azure fire bees or any other type. It seemed to be a one-time deal, unrelated to individuals.

This time, after such a long interval, the blessing remained untriggered.

It appeared time was not a factor.

This temple indeed could only bestow blessings once.

Glancing at the little flower spirit, who was joyfully dancing upon the floral sea, Hua Mi decided to let her enjoy her time here.

He chose not to disturb her blissful moments and headed to the blacksmith with the tin cans.

While passing through a narrow alley, Hua Mi caught a glimpse of a skirmish in this civil war.

Two fire spirit soldiers in the alley were grappling with each other.

One had the other pinned, raining blows upon their head with resounding thuds. Despite being restrained, the suppressed soldier continued flailing limbs, attempting to reverse the hold.

They remained locked in this back-and-forth struggle, neither yielding.

Moving forward, they encountered another group in a brawl.

Hua Mi's initial impression was akin to a bunch of LEGO figures brawling.

All that could be heard was the clashing of metal, surprisingly loud.

However, upon seeing Hua Mi approach, they immediately ceased fighting, hastily splitting apart and respectfully standing on either side, watching him pass through their midst.

About ten meters away, Hua Mi heard the resumed clatter of their fight behind him.

Honestly, children brawl more intensely than this. Hua Mi suspected they had an agreement not to go all out, just putting on a show for their leaders.

If this was their behavior during the Second Abyssal War the human and elf soldiers who rushed in for support must have felt utterly despondent.

Oddly enough, the floating mausoleums in the sky engaged in a more intense battle, launching relentless attacks without hesitation, causing parts to fly everywhere.

Soon, Hua Mi and the tin cans crossed numerous fire lines, arriving at the blacksmith's workshop.

Upon entering, a strong smell of sulfur assailed their senses.

The room remained unchanged, resembling a metallic cavern.

The blacksmith, suspended from the ceiling by chains, sat behind the forge, wielding a flaming iron hammer, mechanically striking a metal ingot repeatedly.

Approaching him, the tin cans said something.

Initially disinterested, the blacksmith said nothing and continued his work.

However, when Hua Mi produced the peculiar thumb-sized crystal the Blood Cyan Crystal the blacksmith paused mid-swing, his flaming hammer hanging in mid-air.

Flames on the hammer retracted into the blacksmith's body, and his hollow eyes instantly ignited.

He uttered a brief sound.

It meant he wanted to take a look at it.

Taking a step forward, Hua Mi placed the crystal on the forge his Blood Cyan Crystal and the blacksmith extended a massive hand toward it.

With a faint clang, as if there was an irresistible attraction between the crystal and the hammer, the crystal instantly adhered to the blacksmith's metallic palm.

He grasped the crystal with both hands, studying it carefully for a moment.

"Interesting This crystal possesses unique properties. Where did you get it?"

"Alchemy byproduct."

"No wonder. It doesn't seem like a natural mineral Would you mind if I melt it down? This way, I can explore its properties more thoroughly."

"Go ahead."

Hua Mi readily agreed. His sole purpose in coming here was to learn about the crystal's nature and function. Even if it meant consuming the crystal, it was acceptable.

Moreover, the crystal's properties were stable. Even if it melted, it wouldn't produce any special magical effects.

The fire spirit blacksmith was an expert in this field. If there were any dangers, he would surely sense them.

After obtaining Hua Mi's consent, flames erupted from the blacksmith's hands.

The flames held the crystal aloft, suspended above the outer blaze.

In this intense heat, the crystal began to melt from the periphery, transforming rapidly into a light cyan liquid.

Oddly, within it, blood-like veins remained unaffected by the heat, as if impervious to its effects.

"Fascinating substance"

The blacksmith murmured in admiration, seemingly lost in some emotion, forgetting there were two customers before him.

"What are its properties?" Hua Mi asked.

"It possesses a plundering nature," the blacksmith's attention remained fixed on the melted crystal, giving a somewhat casual response.

Hua Mi didn't grasp the meaning of this.


What could a thumb-sized crystal plunder?

Moreover, both he and the pseudo-flower spirit had concluded that the crystal's nature was stable. Even under intense forging or melting, it wouldn't exhibit any special magical effects.

"That's because you haven't activated it in the right way."

Finally diverting his attention from the crystal, the blacksmith explained, "Besides its plundering nature, this crystal has a high affinity for lightning. Apply sufficient lightning force, and you'll witness its true form."

Saying this, the blacksmith placed the partially cooled crystal back on the forge. Then, he retrieved a conical tool from beneath the forge with his left hand, its tip aimed at the crystal, while holding a hammer in his right hand, forcefully striking the tool's base.


A loud striking sound echoed through the room.

Then, a crackling sound followed.

A strong blue-white arc emitted from the tool's tip.

The electric glare was blinding, causing Hua Mi to squint.

He witnessed the arc striking the crystal accurately.

It leaped up suddenly, then quickly descended, tumbling on the forge and turning over.

Soon, Hua Mi realized it wasn't an illusion.

The blood-like veins inside the crystal seemed to grow more pronounced, extending from within to the surface, resembling lifelike creatures, thirsting for


Truly fitting for a byproduct of bloodsucking bees, it had a sinister nature indeed.

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