90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 467: The Weather Changes

Chapter 467: The Weather Changes

In a group chat forum, many netizens gathered here and the discussion was quite intense.

"Hey, is the end of the world really coming soon?"

"Only ghost knows, it's normal anyway, there is no vision."

"Well, I used to think that by the end of the world, the world will definitely be chaotic, and there will be killing, burning, looting everywhere. But now, there is nothing at all, everyone is still staying at home honestly."

"Nonsense, who dares to mess around now? The government is so aggressive now, who dares do that?"

"If there is a doomsday, it will be fine. I will live like a waste in my entire life, with only brute force, and I can only move bricks on weekdays. But in the doomsday, I feel that that is my main battlefield."

"Upstairs, it's not because you've read too many novels, right?"

Originally, these netizens talked fiercely. On average, more than a dozen messages were sent out every minute.

Then just at this time, a netizen posted a video in this forum without warning.

"Everyone, the content of this video is absolutely true. Do you all know about the plane crash at the Pacific? This video was captured by satellites. The woman above is Xu Qiuhua, the star of our Chinese nation!"

With the video sent out, that netizen quickly sent out such a line.

Obviously, this line was written a long time ago, and he just copied it in.

Within a few seconds of the video coming out, the forum fell silent.

"Xu Qiuhua?"

"I know this woman. It is said that just half an hour ago, the passenger plane she was travelling on exploded."

"She's not dead yet?"

"What's with your words, upstairs? How come I can't feel any kindness in your words?"


"Look at the video, I'm sure the woman in that video is Xu Qiuhua."

"Is it really legit? Maybe it's a promotional video from an unscrupulous film company..."

"Impossible! Haven't you seen Xu Qiuhua's material? She is a singer. Since her debut, she has never made a movie, and this video is a bit vague. If it is really a promotional film, it must be high-definition."

"Let me see!"

In the forum, many active netizens started to watch the videos one after another after they first published their testimonials.

Suddenly, the entire forum had become quieter than ever.

One minute!

Two minutes!

Three minutes!

Three full minutes passed without a single message.

"Fuck, this is too real!"

Five minutes later, a message was sent.

With the emergence of this news, in the forum that was quiet for a while became popular again.

"Great God!"

"Where did this video come from?"

"Yes, yes... Who knows the source?"

"When I watched it, I almost thought I was dazzled. The video is not very clear, but it just gives people a real feeling. This is unimaginable."

"The video was downloaded from a website. Now, this video has been circulated nationwide, and even countless people all over the world are studying it. Just earlier, I saw you guys discussing Xu Qiuhua, so I just posted it here."

The netizen who posted the video was summoned by the crowd and then reappeared. After leaving such a sentence, he disappeared again.

Immediately after that, in the forum, this group of netizens also disappeared as they quitted the group chat one after another and went to search for the latest news.


The United States, Area 51.

With the constant cool breeze, the original green Tree of Enlightenment had completely withered, and the leaves on it fluttered down in the wind.

Some fell on the stone table.

Some fell on the ground.

The pole of the Tree of Enlightenment was also yellow and dry as if it would be broken if one applied a little force.

"Master, I haven't figured it out all these years, but I have no regrets either. I just want to be completely crazy in my last years..." Wang An sighed.

"En." Ye Bei said lightly, "You do your thing, I should also return to China. In the next time, the whole world will change very quickly. During this period, maybe someone I know will show up, and maybe there will be the answer I'm looking for."

"Master, you have lived in seclusion for too long. In the current world, there must be many unfamiliar places. Although this old servant does what he wants to do, as long as you have any requirements, you can put it forward at any time. Even if I give my life, I don't hesitate to complete it."

"En." Ye Bei nodded.

"Then Master, your servant will leave first." When Wang An said this, he faced Ye Bei and his body stepped back.

"You don't have much time left." Ye Bei looked at him with a leisurely gaze. After Wang An had withdrawn more than ten meters, he said softly.

Wang An's body trembled slightly, "Your servant knows, so in the last years, your servant wants to be crazy. Don't worry Master, I still have a sense of measure. As long as things can be completed, then even if I die, I will die a good death."

"Well, you go."

Ye Bei said no more.

After dropping this sentence, he slowly turned his body and looked at the Tree of Enlightenment that was swaying in the wind and would fall down at any time.

Time went by, Wang An was also getting farther and farther.

When he could not see Ye Bei anymore, Wang An turned around.

However, his steps were extremely resolute and moved towards the unfamiliar land in front of him.

Ye Bei stood under the Tree of Enlightenment.

The moment Wang An's turned around, he opened his mouth and muttered in a low voice, "Lu Wensheng, Wang An... these two people are really similar. However, hundreds of millions of years ago, I did that too..."


Right after his voice dropped, a heavy and cool breeze hit.

The tree in front of Ye Bei, which had dried up, collapsed to the ground with a crash.

The sun still shone from the sky.

Ye Bei looked up slightly.

"This world has begun to become a little different. This day, everything has changed." The corner of Ye Bei's mouth moved slightly.

When he was speaking, an antique wooden door appeared out of thin air in front of his eyes. The wooden door seemed to stand alone on the grassland in Area 51.

Ye Bei took a step forward, opened the wooden door, and everything behind it was a different scenery.

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