90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 451: Creation

Chapter 451: Creation

Maybe tens of thousands of years ago.

Maybe hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Or maybe billions of years ago...

The time was too long, it was so long that even a god could not keep those memories of the years.

That day, on a riverbank, a young man in a white shirt walked slowly. The world seemed to be just like a new life. Apart from a large number of plants, there were no living animals in sight.

The young man's eyes were indifferent.

After a long time, the boy's pace slowed down, and a strange look appeared in his extremely indifferent eyes.

Right in front of him, on the bank of the river, a beautiful woman was staring at the mud on the bank.

"Unexpectedly, after the world opens again, creatures have formed in this world." The boy stepped forward as his voice was weakly said.

"Sir, you are?"

After seeing the teenager, the beautiful woman also looked surprised, "I have been here for decades, but you are still the first living thing I have seen... Why I have never seen you before?"

"You haven't been alive long enough." Those deep eyes rested on the beauty, motionless.

"Have you lived for a long time?" The beauty's tone was somewhat puzzled.


There was a smile on the beauty's face, and her voice was a little bit of surprise, "Then you must have traveled many places and seen many novel things, I have a question that I want to ask you!"


The beauty thought a little bit before she said, "I have lived for decades and have stayed here for decades, but I have never seen someone like me, and I have never seen someone like you. Since you have lived for a long time, you must have seen the same living beings like us, right?"

"I have seen them a long time ago." The boy replied.

The beauty was a little puzzled, "A long time ago? Then, in this world now, there is no one anymore?"

"Apart from you, I haven't seen anyone else in recent years."

There was a regretful expression on the beauty's face, "When I was born, this world was like this, but after so many years, it is still like this. I don't know when I will die. Living like this is really boring."

After listening, the boy looked at the sparkling, but still water-like surface of the lake, and said nothing.

"Sir, do you have a way to make this world have many lives? For example, like you, like me?"

After a long time, the beauty spoke again as she looked at the boy expectantly.

"You mean you want to create life?" After listening, the young man's expression was calm, his leisurely gaze lightly swept across the beauty, and when he saw her peculiar lower body, he gently shook his head.

The beauty was confused, "Sir, why are you shaking your head? Is it possible that even you have no ways too?"

"Have." The boy was silent for a while before speaking.

"Huh?" The beauty was taken aback, and then she was delighted, "Really? That's great... Sir, tell me how to do it!"

"Life is actually made of mud. And fate made you born on the bank of this river. In fact, it has already given you instructions. Take out some mud from the mud on the bank, and squeeze it into action according to the life you imagine." The young man replied.

The smile on the beauty's face gradually disappeared, and a lot of doubts appeared again, "Use clay to make life?"

"Yes, all living beings actually come from the silt."

The beauty then began meditating.

After a while, a smile appeared on her face again.

"Sir, then you say, what kind of creature should I make? Like you or me?" There was a bit of innocence in her voice as those soft eyes were all placed on the boy's body. 

"Everything is up to you." The boy's tone was light and didn't care.


The beauty nodded.

Then using her jade-like perfect hand, she took out a mass of silt from the bank of the river.

Since this was her first time, her moves were very rusty.

After a while, she pinched the human figure in the same way as a teenager.

"I'll help you." The boy looked for a while, then spoke softly.

"Okay." The beauty focused her attention and answered a word.

The young man then sat down as he took out a mass of silt from the bank of the river. However, his movements were quite skilled. Before long, he quickly turned the mud into a variety of creatures in his hands.

Fish, snakes, birds, tigers, lions...

Whenever it took shape, after the boy put it on the ground, those creatures either went into the water and disappeared, or quickly ran into the silent forest.

"Sir, have you ever made people before?" Next, the beauty saw strange creatures constantly appearing from the hands of a young man. In the way, she looked over curiously and couldn't help but ask.

The boy shook his head, "Never."

"Then, what did you make?"

"It's just some animals."

"Sir, I mean, have you squeezed mud to create creatures like this before?"

"Perhaps I have. But it's too long, I can't remember it anymore."

"So that is the case! Then, do you know how long you have lived?"

"I don't know!"

"Actually, I don't know how long I have lived either, maybe decades, maybe millenniums, maybe since the birth of this world, I have already been there."

"That's a coincidence."

"Yes, but sir is better than me. I never knew how to squeeze out some life through soil before. It would be great if I could meet sir sooner."

"Now, it's not too late."

On the river bank, the boy and the beauty were chatting with each other.

On the occasion of the chat, the beauty created humans from mud.

All the creatures that the boy pinched left this place.

However, the humans pinched by the beauty did not leave. Instead, they surrounded the river bank, very cleverly began to build houses, fences, and transplant trees. Soon, the originally barren river bank became lively.

Houses were taking shape.

In the chimney, there was constantly rising smoke.

At the beginning, those human beings were just looking for fruit to eat in the forest.

Later, they started hunting animals and fishes pinched by the boy for use.

During that time, the beauty had been squatting by the river while pinching out human one after another.

And the boy also released many creatures in the river and forest.

Many years later, the name of the beauty had been circulated for eternity among the humans she pinched out, named: Nuwa.

But no one remembered that boy.

He seemed to be directly forgotten in the long river of those years...

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