90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 420: White Tale

Chapter 420: White Tale


Inside a base stationed near the East China Sea.

At this moment, many Japanese people in uniforms were running back and forth.

The expressions on the faces of those people were very enthusiastic.

In a command room, a Japanese man with a bit of black beard was talking on the phone.

"Taki-kun, are you sure that that cruise ship is about to arrive on the high seas? Although that sea area is not under the jurisdiction of any country, it will still have some impact if we open fire rashly. The most important thing is that we and that cruise ship have no contradiction with each other!"

"This is an order, you immediately lock it with a missile. As long as that cruise ship enters the high seas, you will launch it immediately!"

"Yes!" The man trembled and nodded.

But after agreeing to do that, he always felt that something was really not right.

So he couldn't help but continue to speak, "Taki-kun, my sister is said to be with your father... According to normal ethics, we can be considered to have a certain relationship! The missile will definitely be launched, but before that, can you tell me why such a command was suddenly issued from above?"

There was silence on the phone. Then the cold voice appeared again after a few seconds, "Well, for the face of my father, I will tell you! This time, the attack order was formulated by the United States. And everyone on our side has agreed to it not long ago. A Chinese man slaughtered and killed a lot of important people and forces in our Japan! According to intelligence, the people on the cruise ship are extremely important to China. Destroying those two people could be regarded as a kind of revenge! "


Originally, the man was still a little depressed. However, after listening to this explanation, his whole aura changed in an instant.

"Taki-kun, don't worry. In this mission, we will exert our strongest strength."


A word came back on the phone, which meant to hang up.

As for the man, after placing the phone back on the table, he felt the blood on his body boil completely at this moment and then walked quickly toward the outside.

"Everyone, listen to me, immediately enter the state of preparation of the base, lock onto that flying cruise ship above the high seas of the East China Sea, and conduct thermal guidance. Once locked, fire directly!"

The people below were taken aback.




Afterward, those people answered like a rainbow.


At the same moment.

Nevada State, Area 51, inside the conference room.

The gray-haired old man was staring at the computer screen with a serious face.

Amazingly, it was the live video from the base in Japan.

If this scene was known to the people of Japan or the world, their jaws would definitely fall off in surprise.

The military base was the top-secret place among top secret places.

As a result, Area 51 not only knew the exact location of the base but could also easily monitor everything happening inside... How terrible was this?

"Things are going very well, with them to test Ye Bei's strength, it can save us a lot of trouble, but at the same time, we must be prepared with both hands." The old man said with a deep voice.

"Sir, we have notified the person in charge of the United States. He said that the military base in Japan has always had close cooperation with the United States! They have enough confidence that no matter how powerful the people on the cruise ship are, they will definitely not be able to resist missiles. That kind of large-scale explosion is enough to wipe out everything around them and turn it into ashes." A man said cautiously.

The old man frowned slightly as he said, "Confidence is a good thing!" He said with majesty, "But don't forget, if Ye Bei is really a god or immortal, missiles are not necessarily effective."

"Sir, this is the age of technology, the age of thermal weapons. I think that Ye Bei, no matter how great he is, even if he is really a god, is still nothing but flesh and blood. Even if he can't be killed, he can be seriously injured. If he is truly a god, with our many years of research, our Area 51 has mastered so many top-secret weapons and information, so we must have the power to kill the gods." Another person stood up and spoke with an extremely confident expression.

"Yes, after so many years of development, we have encountered so many powerful aliens. So Ye Bei is really nothing. I only hope that this action can be completed quickly. If this is the case, we can also get that person's genes sooner!" The old man sat in the chair said in a deep voice, "His existence is too valuable. If we can really decipher the mystery of human immortality, we will no longer have to hide in the ground in Area 51. When the time comes, our existence will surpass the United States, surpass all countries in the world, and surpass everything, and mankind can easily break through the real shackles."

The white-haired old man's complexion looked a little fanatical.


"That day will arrive sooner or later."

"Not only Ye Bei, but the Old Immortal is also worth studying. He has lived more than one hundred and forty years. According to many people's testimony, he also possesses a lot of supernatural powers and amazing physique!"

"Look at the offensive methods of Japan, I hope it can be fatal."

In the conference room, several other people also opened their mouths one after another, and their eyes became hot and expectant.

After a few seconds, in the computer monitor screen, several missiles were launched in a whistling manner, and they made very eye-catching white tails in the air, which looked very charming!

But in these white tails, there was a faintly terrifying killing intent!

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