90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 418: New Understanding

Chapter 418: New Understanding

The cruise ship flew very fast, and the cold wind was blowing in everyone's ears.

On the deck, Ye Bei and Wang An looked very calm.

But over time, Wang An always felt a little uneasy.

After a long time, he looked at Ye Bei and asked, "Master, now that this cruise ship is flying, it will definitely become a very conspicuous target. And in this era, there are many hot weapons. The explosion produced by it is very lethal. Once the cruise ship arrives on the high seas, some enemies hiding in the dark may use some means to attack us."

There was a faint worry in Wang An's pupils.

He was not afraid of death. He was old anyway, and if it weren't for Ye Bei to continue his life, he would have died long ago.

What he was really worried about was, if some crazy people really appeared and caused some damage to Ye Bei, it would not be a good deal.

"It's okay!" After Ye Bei heard it, he just replied indifferently.

Wang An was slightly surprised but did not dare to ask anymore.

"In ancient times, stars can be broken with one finger, sun and moon can be created at will, each strong person even uses planet as their residence. In this era, how strong can those weapons be?" While the atmosphere was silent, Ye Bei turned his head and looked at the distance quietly.

One finger to break the stars?

Sun and moon can be created at will?

Use planet as residence?

Wang An's body trembled, and the muscles on his face shook violently.

After a while, Wang An took a deep breath.

After glancing at Ye Bei's body, he quickly lowered his head again.

Ye Bei was very strong.

This concept was refreshed in Wang An's mind again.

In the past, he had always felt that as long as Ye Bei was willing, there was no place on this earth that he could not go, there was nothing he could not get, and there was no one he could not kill.

Of course, in the past, Wang An always faintly felt that although Ye Bei was powerful, with the technology of this era, using those ultimate weapons would more or less cause some harm to him.

But now... Certain concepts were once again completely broken.

Even at this moment, Wang An sincerely expressed sympathy to some people who tried to make some small actions in secret.

"Those guys are really unlucky. They don't know how powerful Master is as they always want to shake the elephant with the power of ants. It is estimated that at the moment of death, they will not understand who they provoke."

Looking at Ye Bei's profile, Wang An thought secretly in his heart. At the same time, an unprecedented sense of anticipation slowly rose from Wang An's heart.

"I have lived more than a hundred years, and I have seen scenes large and small things. To be honest, I have never seen missiles or other super-destructive weapons head-on. Perhaps, watching the fireworks exploding from the missiles in front of my eyes is also a good thing. The scene will definitely be very dazzling, right?" Sitting on the chair, Wang An's eyes were deep, and the picture in his mind made him a little intoxicated.

He had lived for so many years and he was going to return to the soil soon. It was also a good choice to enjoy the madness during these last years.

After figuring this out, Wang An's expression became more relaxed and contented.

Perhaps his state of mind was completely let go.

At this moment, even if Ye Bei was avoided, his pressure was much less.

"Master, when this cruise ship really arrives at Area 51, are you going to destroy that place?" The atmosphere was too silent, and Wang An began to actively look for topics.

Ye Bei shook his head gently.

"In fact, that place had a relationship with me a long time ago. After the era of myths suddenly disappeared, all the immortals who claimed to be immortal disappeared, and when modern civilization appeared, I found an opportunity to establish Area 51. Their role, in addition to helping me collect some information from the ancient mythological era, will also actively seek out the mystery of longevity."

Wang An's complexion was very calm.

Area 51 related to Ye Bei, which he had expected long ago.

Wang An still understood very well that in this world, as long as it was a little bit old, some background forces more or less had a certain relationship with Ye Bei.

When one person lived long enough, the impact on this world was self-evident.

"You haven't found it for so many years! That puzzle is really deep enough..." Wang An sighed, "Master, you seem to have a very special concern for the age of mythology."

"In that era, the gods and immortals were able to live forever, which is very similar to me." Ye Bei said.

What Ye Bei said was very simple.

However, in these words, there was a huge amount of information hidden.

In Wang An's mind, he couldn't help but draw a majestic picture.

The mountains were continuous.

The canyon kept going.

In the sky, countless giant and extinct birds flew by.

On the ground, huge beasts could be seen everywhere...

Human beings had incredible powers. When they fought, there would be dazzling lights in the sky from time to time.

That was indeed a shining era.

"Master, in this age, in your long years, can you be considered famous?" Wang An continued to ask after a long time.

"Each era has its unique characteristics. This era is not outstanding, but many places are also still very good. Throughout the history of this era, there have been many amazing people." Ye Bei whispered softly.

After listening, there was a bit of sadness in Wang An's pupils.

'This era, to you, is not worth mentioning... But for me, it is very long, even my whole life, in this era, is just like a grain of dust.'

Of course, Wang An did not say this.

As the standing position was different, the past experience was also different.

Although he understood Ye Bei more and more. Wang An knew that his understanding of Ye Bei was actually still just the tip of the iceberg.

The boy in front of him was too mysterious, too elegant, too otherworldly...

All words were not enough to describe him.

Wang An took a deep breath.


With the cold wind blowing on his cheeks, sitting on the chair, his face looked much older at this moment.

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