90,000 Years of Longevity

Chapter 413: Situation in Some Countries

Chapter 413: Situation in Some Countries

When that cruise ship swiftly rode the wind and waves in the Huangpu River, the whole world was completely undercurrent.

U.S. Congress.

In a luxuriously decorated lobby.

The high-levels of the entire U.S. all gathered here.

"Are you sure you are not kidding? This world will soon be destroyed? Do you know what this news means?"

The highest authority in the United States was a blond man. At this moment, he was standing on the stage, shouting at a man in a suit in front of him. His expression was extremely unnatural, deep in the pupil, there was a faint fear.

"Sir, I got this news from Mr. Ye Bei. Presumably, he is magical, and you should also know it, and when he speaks, I have been paying attention to him, not like lying."

The man who was yelled at had cold sweat on his forehead.

There was a burst of clattering noise in the entire lobby.

That group of high-level Americans began to whisper.

"The end of the world?"

"It's not possible, haven't our scientists always said that the earth is very safe now? Even if it is really going to be destroyed, it will be hundreds of millions of years later, right?"

"I always feel that I can't believe it."

"Yeah... no matter who Ye Bei is, but the topic of world destruction is definitely not something he can say alone."

"Unless a nuclear war breaks out."

"No, unless comets hit the earth."

"Comets can be ruled out. Don't forget that the funds invested by the world in astronomy every year can be said to be sky-high. Any comet that will pass over the earth will be detected immediately."

"I don't believe it anyway."

Those high-level people, after discussing for a while, maintained an attitude of unbelief.

Bu the face of the highest authority standing on the stage was unprecedentedly dignified. He was different from those discussing below. With his current status, there was a lot of information that could be accessed, and the degree of confidentiality of the access was naturally better than those of these people before him.

"He has an endless lifespan. In the history of human development, he can often be seen too. Even the entire human civilization may be born according to his will!"

Especially such a sentence recorded in top-secret information, so that he had not yet recovered.

"Everyone, please be quiet."

After a while, seeing those people in the lobby talk more intensely and didn't mean to stop at all, the president said this.

The voice in the lobby slowly quieted.

"I call everyone here this time, in addition to making sure that Mr. Ye Bei said that, there is one more thing I must tell you..." The president's expression was extremely serious, "Mr. Ye Bei's existence is indeed very incredible. What he said is absolutely different from ordinary people. Regardless of whether the world extinction is true or false, it has at least 80% credibility when he speaks it."

In the lobby, everyone took a hard breath.

Soon, someone stood up on the spot.

"Mr. President, you now represent the United States, and you also represent the world. There are some things that if you are not 100% sure about, you can never talk nonsense about it. Do you know the meaning of the destruction of the world? If the news is fake, and we officially spread it out, the entire United States will fall into panic, and after three days, it will spread all over the world!"

"Order will be pushed, the crime rate will increase sharply, and human civilization will retreat for more than ten years in just three days! Even the officialdoms of countless countries will be quickly overthrown. In three days, it is conservatively estimated that hundreds of millions of people will die in this disaster."

When he said this, the person was already sweating coldly on his forehead.

Those high-level Americans were still in constant discussion.

As for the president in power, after hearing these words, he took a deep breath.

How could he not know how big the panic would be once the news was released?

But the current situation did not allow him to think too much.

"Everyone, I'm calling you here this time to discuss this matter, but depending on your appearance, you all think that what Mr. Ye Bei said is false. But I want to make a hypothesis here! Suppose, what Mr. Ye Bei said is all facts, how should we respond to this?" The president spoke again, and through the microphone, his voice reached every corner of the lobby.

But the reaction of those people at the moment gave the president a headache.

"Why do you want to say that impossible assumption? It's like telling us that tomorrow a pig will grow wings and fly to the president's bed in the middle of the night. It makes me feel ridiculous to think of a response plan! "

"If the world is truly destroyed, do we still have to deal with it? The entire world is gone... With the current technology, it is impossible to colonize aliens! Because of that Ye Bei's sentence, it's ridiculous that so many of us are sitting here for a meeting."

"I think the right to propose to solve the problem should be given to the people of the United States! Maybe they would think of putting a propeller under the ass, and then flying into the sky through a fart, so as to avoid disaster. "


In the hall, the high-level Americans did not care that the president's expression became uglier, but instead burst into bursts of silly discussion during the discussion.


And this did not happen just in the U.S...

When the group of people who came to East China Sea University returned to their respective countries and brought the news back, most of the high-level officials of the country also had a meeting to discuss, without exception, after learning the news that this era was about to end, high-level people of various countries would just sneer or either ridicule madly.

There were even some people who directly clamored to let their leader roll off the stage.


But there were also very few forces who believed it.

For example, the leader of the Holy See.

The dark forces controlled by Wang An.

Their senior leaders also gathered to seriously discuss how to deal with it.

Unfortunately, after discussing it for a long time, there was still no results. Instead, as the discussion time lengthened, each of them became more and more desperate, and even had the urge to go crazy in the last period of the era's destruction.

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