WTF, The Centuries-Old Ancestor In Our Family Take Concubine Again!

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

“Fellow cultivators, assist me in subduing this beast!” Li Su called out, and the sea beast, formidable and late fourth level, equivalent to Nascent Soul late stage, found itself surrounded. It had taken advantage of the black seawater to ambush Liu Xinyue, catching her off guard. Had they met on equal terms outside, where she could face a Nascent Soul late-stage opponent, she wouldn’t have been in such a precarious situation. She had been ambushed this time.

These sea beasts were likely descendants of the sea clan’s ancient army. The atmosphere here was rich in spiritual energy, and while the sea beasts couldn’t access places like the herb garden, they still had plenty of things to eat. Spiritual energy itself served as their nourishment.

Facing this late fourth-level sea beast, Li Su boldly engaged in battle. The sea beast was incredibly ferocious, but Li Su surprisingly held his ground.

“Li Dao friend’s aura…” The Nascent Soul cultivators around them couldn’t help but notice. One Nascent Soul cultivator immediately sensed something was amiss and wasn’t alone. Other Nascent Soul cultivators also began to feel that something was wrong.

Li Su had been at the Nascent Soul first stage before, but in the past three months, his aura and spiritual pressure had suddenly surged. Based on their observations, Li Su was now at the Nascent Soul’s fourth stage!

How could Li Dao’s friend reach the Nascent Soul’s fourth stage in three months?The Sect Master of the Wind Thunder Sect couldn’t help but widen his eyes. He was only at the Nascent Soul second stage himself. This guy’s progress was already considered fast.

Several hundred years ago, after he became a Nascent Soul cultivator, the Wind Thunder Sect became the seventh-largest sect in the Northern Region, albeit at the bottom of the list. It took him several hundred years to reach the Nascent Soul’s second stage. His spiritual roots were decent, and he could have joined another sect, but he preferred being the sect leader for more independence. Little did he know that Li Su would surpass him so quickly and jump three stages in one go.

The other Nascent Soul cultivators were equally shocked. Next, they witnessed how Li Su, who had just left Liu Xinyue completely defenseless, managed to hold his own against the late fourth-level sea beast despite being at the Nascent Soul’s fourth stage himself. Not only did he hold his own, but he also seemed to have a slight advantage, although it wasn’t very pronounced. Of course, this was without Li Su using any secret techniques. The sea beast was incredibly cunning, and it might not have been killed even with secret techniques. Li Su was reserving his secret techniques as a last resort.

Why is he so powerful?Besides Li Su, Liu Xinyue was somewhat dumbfounded. She had just been caught off guard earlier and was preparing to use her hard-earned trump card when Li Su unexpectedly came to her rescue. Now, Li Su displayed the cultivation level of Nascent Soul’s fourth stage and demonstrated remarkable strength, holding his own and even gaining the upper hand against a late-stage sea beast. This left Liu Xinyue somewhat astonished.

It wasn’t just her. Everyone present was astounded. Along with their surprise, there was also confusion. They couldn’t understand why Li Su’s cultivation had increased so rapidly.

Nascent Soul’s fourth stage, how did he reach it so quickly?The Sect Master’s aunt wore a puzzled expression. Even the Sect Master looked surprised, but his main emotion was confusion.

Following that, she assisted Li Su in battling the late-stage demonic beast.

Nascent Soul’s fourth stage… His Nascent Soul must be of the highest quality!Bi Luo, not far away, brightened her gaze.

“Let’s help Li Dao, friend.” Despite their confusion, the other Nascent Soul cultivators joined in to assist.

“I see now. A Dao friend has been truly blessed this time, which must be his destiny.” Over an hour later, at the large square, the golden-robed cultivator spoke.

The late-stage fourth-level sea beast, sensing the unfavorable situation, eventually fled. However, it had been injured by Li Su’s flying immortal sword, and it couldn’t escape entirely. Li Su didn’t pursue it. The square was about to be opened up, and the sea beast had nowhere to run.

He led the group of Nascent Soul cultivators to the square and explained the reason for his rapid increase in cultivation. Of course, he didn’t go into too much detail, leaving more room for the Nascent Soul cultivators’ imagination. In any case, with so many inheritance stone tablets here, what kind of inheritance stone tablet Li Su obtained was left for them to guess. Such opportunities didn’t need to be explained in great detail. The Nascent Soul cultivators didn’t ask either.

Seeing that Li Su had risen three levels in three months thanks to this inheritance stone tablet, although they found it amazing, they gradually accepted it. They also couldn’t help but feel envious. Such opportunities were granted to those destined for them, and according to the default rules in the Northern Region, these opportunities weren’t usually counted as part of the allocated resources. Even if they were considered, it was still thanks to Li Su that they could enter this place. Li Su still had the priority to choose.

“It appears that the inheritances here are meant for those with destiny. Let our disciples enter first, and if there are no suitable candidates, we’ll let the independent cultivators in,” the cultivator with a golden robe said.

“Agreed,” the Nascent Soul cultivators had no objections.

The disciples from the Eight Great Sects entered one after another. Li Su didn’t pay much attention to this matter. This trip to the sect’s ruins was already a success for him.

“Li Dao, friend, thank you for your help just now,” Liu Xinyue came over and expressed her gratitude.

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