While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 551: Sisters' reunion

Chapter 551: Sisters' reunion

"I'm coming."

After just a short moment of hesitation, a slightly familiar voice finally came out of the hole. After a quick commotion appearing amongst the part of the crowd that I could see from the surface, the posture of this small girl finally appeared in front of my eyes, giving me the chance to see how she struggled to push herself through the mass of people.

"Okay, that's enough. Let me help you a bit."

Rather than wasting the precious time on watching the silly struggles of Jelleria to get out of her bunker in rather an unorthodox manner, I reached forth with my magic, before grabbing her by her arms and lifting her all the way to the ground before sealing the hole behind her.

"Just as we agreed to, I brought your sister back home. Sadly, I think you will need to work with her for a long time in order to let her mental injuries to heal a bit."

Hanging my head from my chest, for the first time ever since I got this request in the first place, I felt a real and decisively warranted pity towards this family. Devoid of parents, most likely either poached to the city or killed during one of the poaching runs, then the two sisters get ripped apart, only for the one that offered herself for the sake of her younger sibling to go through an unimaginable hell of being used as a tool by her kidnappers

"Wait, you brought her back? Are you for real? Where is she?!"

It took Jelleria a few moments to finally comprehend the meaning behind my words. With her pupils dilating as if she moved from the ground basked in the bright daylight to the cave covered in absolute darkness, she frantically shook her head around, as if trying to find anything that could hint the location of her long lost sister.

"Yeah, she is by the fountain. Now go, I can't even begin to imagine how much you missed her."

As much as I wanted to just deal with this affair and get moving to the main continent, a single wild thought of mine made me change my mind in one instant. I personally experienced the anguish of being unable to help my loved one, so when I saw the hope and worry blossom just as fast and just as beautifully on Jelleria's face, I couldn't stop my heart from erupting with pain, when that familiar expression struck me in the eyes.

Why was it familiar, one could ask? And the answer couldn't be simpler. After all, I saw it on my own damned face whenever I happened upon something that I believed to stand a chance in helping Eve!


Out of nowhere, or rather, due to my focus on my own internal state, I nearly jumped on the spot when Jelleria's desperate shout broke the relative silence of the village square. Turning my eyes to the now moving body of the girl, I saw her spring towards her sister, still obediently standing in the very middle of the cage that she couldn't even see.


With just a swipe of my hand, I released my hold on the energy that created the barrier that separated Kaila from the rest of the world, allowing Jelleria to jump forward and sink into the arms of the poor girl standing there. 

Just this sight alone, the look of insane relief, happiness and joy filling Jelleria's face made it worth for me to let those girls reunite. Yet as this strange, soothing feeling was spreading through my body, I realised that no matter how nice it was to watch them, I still had something to do!

"Okay girls, you can take your time, catching up with each other. For now, I will leave my avatar here to make sure you will be safe, and just before the stampede comes back, I will bring some of my friends to deal with it once and for all."

Hiding my smirk when the inevitable sight of extremely flat and perfectly well-endowed girls squashing their bodies together as if only hugging each other could save them from the evil of the world entered my eyes, I looked back in the direction of the heavenly city. Lowering the centre of my mass, I looked at the due once again, before giggling slightly.

"Seriously, there is no need to worry that much. I wouldn't let you enjoy your happiness like that only to doom you to death immediately after!"

After reassuring the girls, I tensed all my muscles before sending a telepathic message to my dearest friend.

"Bonger, would you mind coming here for a moment?"

With how its body was only an avatar, there wasn't that much that he could do himself, yet this new ability that my system gained with its recent breakthrough still made for quite a nice way of communicating with others.

"Sup, bro."

As if delicacy was something that never existed in its dictionary, rather than approaching me slowly or at least giving any hints of his appearance, Bonger just materialised right in front of my eyes, even before my imaginary lips could finish their tasked sentence.

"Would you mind keeping an eye of the situation here? There will be a magical beasts' stampede appearing here soon, so I would like you to keep watch for it. Can you do that for me?"

As natural as it was for me to request something from my system, from the very moment its semi-corporeal body appeared, my mentality was starting to shift more and more heavily towards treating him like any other person I would meet in this world, with all the baggage of our already existing relationship right on top of this attitude.

"Sure. And by the way, since you are calling me here, I assume you will return when the stampede will appear, right?"

Rather than just accepting my order or outright refusing it, Bonger looked at me with a strange glint in his comically round and simple eyes. To be completely honest, I was quite amazed at how this friend of mine could convey such complex emotions despite only banking on the body of a damned stickman!

"Yeah, I will be returning here. Right now, this stampede poses no threat to me or any of my companions, so I think it will be a good way for both me and Eve to test our new strength. But before I go, is there something I should know?"

Even after I completely ignored his previous slight mishap with its words, I was unwilling to let go of anything that could potentially be related to Eve. As such, not even this small glint in his eye would be left ignored by me!

"Well I'm not gonna lie. In all honestly, it will be better if you just go and see the situation yourself. While your dearest Eve is in no danger physically I'm not so sure about how will she end up if she keeps acting the way she does right now."

Hearing those words, I could already imagine what was going on in the gorilla sect headquarters. With a dark past of her own, it wouldn't take a genius to guess how violently Eve would react to someone slaving innocent people away and whoring them for some measly cultivation profits!

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