While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 533: Is this leading to an incest?

Chapter 533: Is this leading to an incest?


As soon as this realisation struck me, my mind went into disarray. Prompted by the sudden tensing of my muscles and the lack of control over my actions, I actually staggered on the spot, almost falling to my back before I finally managed to regain my senses.

"What happened, dear?"

Seeing those strange actions of mine, Eve couldn't help but giggle a bit before actually asking about their reason. While in any other situation, seeing her charming, relaxed smile would be enough to put my mind at ease, with how I always strived to fulfil my promises and obligations, I had no time to enjoy this moment anymore.

"I'm not sure whether you saw my memories of what happened between the time where I put you into cryostasis and received the embryo of your soul. If not, then in quick words, to make this place, I had to basically sacrifice every living being on the island as the basic supply of power for the core of this tower. In the process, I learned that I could actually develop my own sub-space, similar to those ancestral grounds that you had to see in my memories. Long story short, the people that I saved from the rule of the foreign government of the nearby island, are now living there But the problem is, the time flows incredibly fast when compared to the real world!"

Recounting the events regarding this subdimension of mine, I was collecting the scraps that remained from my clothes before grabbing all sort of thrash from the entire place and throwing it all together to my craftsmanship orb.

After altering just a few settings, which used to be absolutely worthless scrap turned into two parts of clothes. With how little material I had to work with, one could claim that they were pretty revealing, but that could only be fixed after I would get some more cloth from the under dimension

Unless just as I was worried about, Celeria already made her way there, and with how much of the local time it would take us to get there, she could completely rout everyone living there under her undisputed rule!

"So that's the case We don't have the time to waste then!"

While I really wanted to hope that rather than destroying all the hard work that those subjects of mine put into stabilising their life there, I knew better how victims like Celeria would act if given too much power. After all, I was the prime example of this!

"While I really acknowledge your kindness, I would rather if I were the only one in the world to ever see your full beauty Please, at least wear this"

Passing down two pieces of clothing that were closer to a bikini rather than something that actually covered a sensible amount of skin, I pulled simple shorts on myself as well. Yet as I looked at Eve fiddling around with that garment of hers, only to finally find a way to put it on herself, I couldn't help myself but compare what I had right in front of my eyes to the stuff that kids on earth would adore in the gravure magazines.

With the notion, that no human girl or female on earth could even come close to Eve's beauty and sex appeal right now!

"Gosh, I really hate going out right now Seeing you clothed like this, I don't have any other desires than just tearing it our from your body"

Turning her head with a surprise, Eve glanced at my face before her eyes loitered down towards my crotch. Seeing how my body reacted to her current look, she blushed while raising the corners of her mouth and swinging her ass a bit as if she wanted to subject me to even greater torture.

"Don't we have something to do first?"

Just as I was about to discard the lives and happiness of everyone in the underdimension, Eve put my thoughts back on their tracks. After all, by going to that place of mine, I could get all the cloth that I could ever want!

Yes, that's the spirit! By going there, I could end up with all sorts of dresses for Eve, so that I could make her cosplay anything that my heart would desire! And seeing how her eyes were clouded with the lingering lust even despite going at it so hard just a moment ago, I could tell that she wouldn't have anything against this kind of kinky play!

"Yeah, you are right! Let's hurry up. Follow me!"

Even though Eve most likely knew how to get back to the ground level of the tavern due to seeing me doing so in the memories that were passed down to her with the soul embryo, the chances that she bothered to remember that tiny detail in the heat of the moment with all sorts of information being fed to her, was simply too small for me to let her potentially embarrass herself. 

As we climbed the stairs in a hurry, I could already project at least several types of costumes that would fit Eve's cute appearance. From Bunny that would contrast well with her platinum hair, through a cute Neko pyjama that would only bring the paleness of her skin to its extreme By the time we finally reached the hidden door leading to the entry floor of the tower, I couldn't even remember the primary reason for our haste in the first place!

"It took you long enough!"

Yet rather than rushing forward those last few meters towards the gate leading to the lower dimension, we were instantly frozen on the spot.

"Wha If you knew that I'm here, couldn't you dress a bit more decently?!"

Shouting from the bottom of her lungs, Celeria attempted to hide her face by turning her head around, yet with our current level, it went without saying that noticing her bright blush on her cheeks was as easy as stealing a balloon from a toddler. No matter how bullish that would sound!

"Eh I guess she just heard us and managed to realise that her manners were lacking All that haste for nothing Anyway, Eve, meet Celeria. Celeria, meet my dearest fiance, Eve. Needless to say as even without prior notice I guess the two of you already realised it just from each other's appearance, but it appears that you are step-sisters."

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