While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 530: After all, I promised.

Chapter 530: After all, I promised.

At first, there were no visible signs that something went wrong. Considering how we went at it despite the pitiful state the two of us were in, I didn't found anything strange when Eve's eyes clouded up, making her expression look like she had the time of her life. 

After all, with all this time that she spent deprived of all the bodily sensory feelings, suddenly enjoying such a deep connection with me mixed with the carnal pleasure of making love with me would easily warrant such a slight change to her.

Yet as few moments went by, I finally realised that something was wrong. 

Not only Eve's eyes turned completely absent as if she couldn't even perceive what was going on around her, her skin started rupturing all over! 

Yet before I could even figure out just what the fuck was going on, the force that Bonger somehow managed to stop from attacking me, returned all the more powerful!

In an instant, I felt as if my entire soul was crushed into a tiny speck, with the effects of this strange attack instantly reflecting back on the state of my body. Before I could realise, rather than exchanging saliva and love juices with Eve, our wounds opened myriad of connections that allowed our blood to rapidly mix!


With my mind squeezing out of my brain, I couldn't even spell Bonger's name to ask for his help!

Yet just as I thought that this would be the end to the two of us, I felt a sudden burst of energy exploding within my body!


As if some kind of strange medicine started working wonders on me, I felt the insane pain imposed by this strange force alleviating for a moment, only to start growing back to its previous volume


Before the pain from before could return, yet another mini-explosion went off within the confines of my physical body!

While I would love to focus on the pleasure of being with Eve for the very last time, I couldn't help but focus my attention at the source of those strange explosions. After all, if it was something that only accelerated our decay, then stopping it from happening would give us some more time to keep enjoying our last minutes!

Closing my eyes and connecting my lips to Eve's so that in case that I would fail at this last task of mine I could at least have her sweetness as the last thing that would appear in my mind, I focused all my attention at the internal state of my body.


As if reacting to my mind, several explosions instantly went off when I turned my vision towards myself, as if just the mere fact of observing the process could accelerate it!

Yet on the other hand, this fact allowed me to almost instantly locate the source of those strange, energy-filled explosions!

As it turned out, it wasn't something that was actually sourced from my body! Wherever the droplets of Eve's blood that entered my body mixed with my own blood, the moment it diffused into a proper mix, a tiny amount of incredibly small particles dissolved in my own bloodstream!

If I were to compare them to something, whenever they were going off, it felt as if an incredibly small atomic bomb was setting my entire body alight, only for my dantian to rapidly suck this energy away before converting it into a power of my own!

While I had no idea just how the heck Eve's blood could contain such insane element to it, just a single glance at my status window was enough to open a window of opportunity for me!

It turned out, that whenever this tiny explosion happened, over a thousand attribute points would enter the count of my system!

Yet rather than this process slowing down after the initial few explosions, with both of our bodies constantly deteriorating due to the barrier that the system imposed on me, dissolving either of us to advance further due to our dual spirituality, more and more of Eve's blood entered my own bloodstream, while our connection allowed me to use my own vitality to heal her to a certain extend!


It took only a few mere moments for my attribute points to reach the threshold required for the system upgrade, almost instantly shooting past it and aiming for the six-digit figure!


Understanding how dire the situation was, Bonger didn't dare to waste any time either. The second his words reached my ears, I felt something changing within my body. 

It was as if all my flesh, all my bones were ruptured into myriad pieces, held together only due to the lack of force that would bother to shatter them through the entire area. Yet before I could even scream from the insane pain that this feeling inflicted on me, I felt a sudden burst of energy that used to bring both me and Eve close to our demise, suddenly turning into a flow of vitality and energy, instantly doing its best to put our bodies back in place!

In a timeframe too small for me to even decide how should I call it, I felt Eve's soul finally solidifying properly, almost instantly followed by my own. Yet rather than ending there, the moment some kind of a strange quality of our souls changed at the same time, I suddenly realised that rather than perceiving Eve under my hips, rather than feeling her with my senses, I just knew everything about her!

Without even looking, feeling, touching or doing anything else, I could locate every single wound of her skin, now closing under the influence of the insane force that oozed from our souls and continued to heal and reinforce our bodies!


Putting my focus back at the most important aspect of my life that was right in front of my eyes, I saw Eve revealing her pupils for the first time since they become clouded after I infused her with that soul embryo of hers. 


Connecting all the dots about what was happening right now, I stared directly at her eyes, only to push my pupils downwards. With everything that was going on, I couldn't stop myself from bearing an insane hope that somehow, all of those strange events could end up healing her wound!


Yet just as I noticed that there was not a single wound on all of her body that I could inspect in order to make sure she was all right, I felt her arms suddenly bursting forward, locking behind my neck and pulling my entire upper body right at hers!

This move had one more inevitable result. With how she pulled me towards her, my hips also moved forward, forcing the head of my little pridefully sized soldier to reach the gates of her fortress!

"You did it"

With my head smashed right into the side of Eve's neck as her arms locked me in this insanely comfortable position, I could feel, hear, see and smell the words that escaped her delicate mouth. 

Instantly catching up what she was talking about from how healthy her voice sounded, an enormous wave of relief coursed through my entire body. It was as if a burden that was constantly weighting down on me ever since I saw Eve's body being pierced Was no lifted!

"Yeah. After all, I promised."

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