While Others Cultivate, I Use My Unique RPG Leveling System to Cultivate Smut Romance With Their Girlfriends!

Chapter 528: Bonger's avatar

Chapter 528: Bonger's avatar

*Bonger, quick! How many points do you need to upgrade?!*

If what I just saw happening to Eve's soul was what I assumed it was, then only by upgrading the system and allowing myself to grow beyond the border of the spirit realm could I give Eve a chance to overcome the bottleneck of this grand realm at once.

It was common knowledge that if someone used the momentum of breaking through the small stage to overcome the hurdle of ascending to the new level of existence, then said the step would be far easier than building the potential to breaking through this last hurdle from the scratch!

"I'm sorry, but we are nowhere close We need fifty thousand points"

Yet just as I was thinking about the possible ways of obtaining more points so that I could not only reach the next stage of life in this world with the even greater system but maybe even improve some of my statistics to become even stronger, Bonger's words instantly brought me back down to the earth.

*I guess we will have to see it through as we are now then.*

After spending most of my points to increase my attributes to their current maximum, there was no way I could just go on and farm almost the entire requirement of fifty thousand points, especially with no portals available for me to jump into some instant farming spot.

Yet while it was a pity that I couldn't further my growth, it took me just a single second to sort out my own situation before focusing my attention back at Eve.

And just like expected, her aura continued to decrease in size, despite its thickness already reaching the tangible standard, as if her core suddenly expanded to the current limit of her soul influence area!

Moment by moment, what used to be beautiful and eerie soul, was turning more and more solid, making me more worried with each passing second. And then, just like that, it collapsed completely!

As if all the remaining aura of her soul was suddenly sucked inside her core, I could see how her dantian bloated up with the sudden influx of the condensed energy 

Only to shatter apart!

Considering how I myself never reached this step, the moment Eve's soul aura started dissolving the parts of her core that instantly spread through her entire soul, I felt a tuck on my own consciousness.

While it was a rather long while since I last felt the dual spirituality acting up like that, I didn't think that it was dire enough to warrant changing my focus from Eve to myself!

Yet as my fiancee's soul continued to enrich her own essence with the parts of her shattered and dissolving core, the force that was pulling my own inner self only grew in strength, quickly reaching the point where I was forced to kneel down from the immense pain!

Who could've known that the first time I would lose my balance wouldn't be in a fight against an overwhelmingly strong opponent, but with my own cultivation path acting up!

Moment by moment, the pressure on my own soul continued to grow, forcing my soul influence to violently contract and rock on the barriers of my core as if it was doing its very best to follow Eve's steps.

After fighting this feeling for a short moment, I felt the overwhelming power that I always prided myself with suddenly slipping away from my fingers, when the force pulling on my soul only increased!

Suddenly feeling a strange, metallic taste in my mouth, I swiped my lips with the palm of my hand. With a bad premonition taking over my mind, I glanced downwards at my hand, only to realise it was actually covered in my own blood!

"Just what the hell"

I couldn't even finish my own sentence, as yet another powerful wave of pain overwhelmed me, pushing my face against the cold stones of the floor. At the same time, Eve's energy continued to thicken while still decreasing its volume. Yet rather than rejoicing at this notion, I was barely able to hold on to my consciousness with how the pressure on my soul was turning unbearable!

"Let me help!"

Suddenly, Bonger's voice appeared in my head. As if just its mere presence was enough to shield me from the pressure, I could feel the force pulling on my soul weakening. Finally capable of standing up, I rushed towards Eve's bed, hoping to at least judge whether or not she was reaching the limit of her breakthroughs.

Yet rather than noticing her expression to calm down and the momentum of her soul cultivation dying out already, what I saw with my energetic vision, was a boundless sea of energy!


Feeling someone's hands on my shoulder, all the red alerts went off in my head. Instantly raising my guard to its maximum, I surrounded myself with barriers, ready to unleash a barrage of spells against anyone who dared to barge in into this place!

"Don't worry, it's just me. While it's only temporary, it can alleviate some of the pressure on you."

Standing before my very eyes, was almost an identical copy of myself. Just this alone was enough to startle the heck out of any sane person, yet to add the insult to the injury, that person had just a single difference when compared with me. It had no face at all!

If not for its voice clearly belonging to Bonger, I would be ready to freak the hell out right now!

"Just what the hell is this thing"

Unable to stop myself from voicing my surprise, I didn't realise that I allowed those words to slip from my mouth before it was already too late.

"It's just an avatar of my soul. I used the excess energy that was killing you to create it. But we don't have the time for such idle talk! If you want to save Eve, you need to get your act together and follow my words right now!"

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