Till the End of Time

Chapter 972

Chapter 972

She dreamt that she was tied up and thrown into the burning fire.

She desperately called for help, but could not make any sound.

She was terrified, terrified.

After washing her hands, Niya asks Zong Yanxi about song en.

Sonne said she was sleeping.

"I'll see."

"No way." Sonne refused. "Wake her up later."

"I'll just have a look and not disturb her. You can follow me if you don't mind Niya tugged at him and said.

Sonne hesitated, Niya said“ She's asleep, and she won't know. "

After that, regardless of the approval of eulogy, he took him to the room.

Song en, "..."

The door opened gently. Niya made a hiss gesture to Sonne.

Song en, "..."

He was pulled to the bedside by Niya, Zong Yanxi curled up, is not safe sleeping position, her head exudes a lot of sweat.

He looked miserable.

Niya frowns. Is she hot?

But it's not hot in this room.

Why is she sweating so much?

Zong Yanxi, struggling in her dream, sees the figure through the fire. She can't see the person's appearance clearly, but has a very slender figure.

She desperately wanted to catch him and yelled, "help me... Help me --"

Niya blinked“ What is she talking about? "

Song en arrived for a moment. She may have had a nightmare. She reached out and patted her on the shoulder, "Miss Zong."

"Help me --"

When she saw the man coming, his appearance became clear and she reached for him

Suddenly she opened her eyes. I gasped and woke up.

What comes into view is song en's handsome face, deep and clear facial features. Now he is looking at her with concern.

She woke up a little.

"Nightmare?" Song en asked with concern.

Zong Yanxi sat up and found that her hand was holding Songen's arm. She was so flustered that she let go“ Sorry, I... "

"Nothing." Sonne went to get a pad and handed it to her. "Wipe the sweat."

Zong Yanxi takes it and holds it in his hand. She had never had such a dream in such a long time.

The scene in the dream is so real.

Real let her feel now again on the body still has the burning pain of fire.

Song en saw that she did not move. He reached out to wipe the sweat on her forehead. As soon as his finger touched her forehead, Zong Yanxi suddenly withdrew.

The unexpected touch.

Sonne's hand was in mid air.

The four eyes are opposite. Both were slightly at a loss.

The atmosphere became subtle.

Song en took back his hand and apologized for his subconscious outburst“ Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. "

"Nothing." Zong Yanxi came back. Leaving his eyes and wiping the sweat on her forehead, her movements were confused and inexplicably flustered. As for what she flustered, she didn't know.

"I picked the fruit and Sally went to wash it. Get up and have some." Said Niya.

Zong Yanxi's eyes fall on Niya, deliberately avoiding her eyes and touching Songen. And he said, "OK."

Niya smiles, "I'll wait for you outside."

Then he ran out with short legs.

Song en and Zong Yanxi were left in the room.

They were speechless to each other.

A different emotion is spreading.

They didn't speak, as if they knew what to say.

It's like trying to avoid it.



They both spoke at the same time. At the same time.

"You first..."

"You first..."

It happens to be the same again.

Zong Yanxi broke the deadlock first and laughed dryly, "Niya is so cute."

Force a topic.

Song en looked strange and nodded.

Buzz at this time Zong Yanxi's mobile phone rang, she went to get the mobile phone, "I answer the phone."Sonne nodded, turned and went out.

It's Gu Chan.

"Are you not in city B?"

"Well." Zong Yanxi responded.

"No wonder I didn't find you."

"When did you come back?" She asked.

"I just came back and went through the resignation procedures."

Zong Yanxi seems to hear the melancholy in his words, "why?"

"My mother found out that I was looking for him, and I was not allowed to go back to China."

"Then you..."

"Don't say it. I think she really doesn't want to mention it. She has a firm attitude. I don't want her to worry about it."

Zong Yanxi will not force him to do such a thing.

"I'll see you when I have a chance." Zong Yanxi said.


They said a few more words, hung up the phone, put down the phone, she was distracted for a moment.

I feel that Gu Chan's mother and Guan Jin may have some trouble before. Otherwise, why is she so afraid of Gu Chan going to find her father.

But now that the client has decided, she can't say anything else. Let it be.

Guan Jin now has a family, and it's a good thing not to know about it.

She put on her shoes and came out.

Sally cut the fruit, Niya took a piece to Sonne, saw her come out, yelled, "come on, you try it, I picked it."

Zong Yanxi smile, "you pick will be sweet?"

"Of course." Niya replied.

Zong Yanxi sat on the sofa and took a piece.

The flesh is soft, waxy and sweet.

"Niya picked sweeter fruit than she bought."

Niya laughed happily, revealing a row of neat white teeth.

The child always likes to smile, so that people who look at her are also very happy, unconsciously follow the smile.

Song en looks at Zong Yanxi's lips, and smiles on her face. She reaches out and pins her disordered hair behind her ears.

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