The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 111: Town Development

Chapter 111: Town Development

It happened as we were approaching the first floor. The hallway, which was dimly lit by candles and LED lights, blinked irregularly and were extinguished.


I raise my voice. Everyone looks up towards the ceiling. Then, the fluorescent lamps installed on the ceiling turns on.

Light? For real? We can use electricity?

Rikka-chan reveals her shock. Nishino-kun and the others seem surprised as well. Deep inside, I am also quite startled.

There is a reason behind this.

In the current world, electricity cannot be used. While small household appliances that utilize batteries are still usable, facilities that require power supplies via electric wires or wireless connection are completely down.

I have confirmed this many times on the way here, so there is no doubt about this. Despite this being the case, the lights are now lit in the City Hall. What does this mean?

(Is the private power generator still alive?)

I have not tried them out myself, but if they are indeed still alive, why did they not use them up until now? Were they afraid of attracting the monsters with the noise?

(Or do these things now work in a completely different way?)

I glance at Chief Shimizu who is in front of us. She doesnt appear particularly surprised at this situation.

(Does she know whats going on?)

I feel like talking to her, but it wouldnt fit Ichinose-sans character. How frustrating.

Shimizu-san is this perhaps?

Yes. It is most likely just as Fujita-san thinks.

I see, so thats how

Fujita-san nods as if he accepts and fully understands the situation.

Stop. Please stop nodding amongst yourselves. There are people here that are oblivious to what is going on, so please explain clearly for us.

Um, Fujita-san, whats happening? This is?

As I am having such thoughts, Nishino-kun asks a question. Nice. Fujita-san turns towards Nishino-kuns direction.

Now that you mention it, we were not able to finish our discussion.


The reason behind why the City Hall is a Safe Zone where monsters do not approach. I have not explained that to you, right? !

Nishino-kuns expression shifts. Rikka-chan and the others are also interested in this topic, and I am no exception.

Eh, youre willing to tell us? Legit? After all, I am here precisely because I want to obtain this information. I wait patiently for Fujita-san to speak, bracing myself so that I would not miss a single phrase.

If I were to begin with the conclusion, this is Mayor Uesugis skill. His occupation is Mayor, and he possesses the skill Town Development. Fujita-san teaches us about Mayor Uesugis skill.

City Development.

That is the skill Mayor Uesugi has. While it sounds mediocre, it has an incredible effect.

Summarizing its effect, it allows Mayor Uesugi to designate an area of radius 50 meters as his land. The land that he claims would then become an area where monsters cannot tread upon.

It seems like they have tested out the skills effective area by luring the monsters. By raising the level of the skill, he could increase the amount of land that he claims and simultaneously unlock other functions. These functions included water, gas, boilers, electricity, and defense facilities among many others.

When you arrived here, there was a moat by the barricade right? Thats one example.

Apparently, a moat could be created by selecting the option for defense facilities. Also, there seems to be traps that could be used against monsters. When we arrive at this discussion, Rikka-chan tilts her head in confusion.

Huh? I thought monsters cant come in here? Why are defense facilities necessary then?

Its a safety measure in case something goes wrong. If, for some reason, monsters make it in, it would be devastating if we dont have anything, right? Its something like that. Better safe than be sorry. Thats how it is. Also, it isnt like everyone here is a combatant. For people like them, its more reassuring to have physical defense facilities. Regardless of the time period, people are always more easily convinced if they can see the actual thing for themselves. Hee~. Youve thoughts things through.

Rikka-chan nods in acceptance after hearing the words of Fujita-san and Chief Shimizu.

Securing drinkable water, strengthening defense facilities, and acquiring a source of electricity. With electricity, we can use all kinds of equipments that we previously couldnt. The sound of Ohh could be heard from everywhere.

Certainly, with electricity, not only could lights be turned on, refrigerators and computers could be used as well.

(But how does the electricity work?)

Where on earth would the electricity be supplied from? Well, I guess saying that its the effect of a skill would cut it, but if that is the case, then it truly is like a fantasy.

We arrive at the first floor. There are already a lot of people. Perhaps everyone within the City Hall has gathered here. There are around 70 people in total. I highly doubt that the number exceed 100.

In the front row, Mayor Uesugi is standing on a simple pedestal with a loudspeaker on his hand.

Ah, let me first apologize for suddenly gathering everyone here. As for the reason why were having this meeting, as you guys might have already figured out As expected, Mayor Uesugi explains about how electricity has been recovered. For new members like us, he kindly proceeds with his explanation about his occupation and skills, finishing his speech by saying that electricity could be used after this round of level up. At the prospect of using electricity without restraint, everyones eyes shine in excitement. There are even some people that are shouting Long live the Mayor! (For the time being, we have achieved our purpose of coming here.)

We were able to learn about the City Hall and why it could be considered a Safety Zone. Of course, this is assuming that we believe what the people here are saying. I dont think theyre lying to us, so it should be safe to assume that what theyre saying is the truth.

(Well, what should we do from this point forward)

Should we stay here, or should we leave?

If this place is truly a Safety Zone where monsters cannot enter, it is quite an attractive location to stay.

( First, lets meet up with Ichinose-san.)

We can decide on what to do after talking things through. Before sending her a Mail containing all the information that we have acquired, I first look at the unread Mails.

Wow, there are an astonishing number of them. The scroll bar at the side of the screen is extremely thin However, since most of them say No abnormality, Ill ignore them.

I quickly type in what I have to say and press send.

You have received a mail.

That was quick! What a quick response! I read the content of the mail while thinking, As expected of her.

Understood. Then lets meet up. Can you leave quietly? Or should I go there?

Rather than having her come over, it would be better for me to head over there. It would be bad if she meets a powerful monster while coming here, and it would be less risky for me who has a higher mobility. After sending a reply, I look around.

(Okay, lets leave while saying that I have a stomachache.)

Lets proceed with what I have planned out previously. Its the one where I pretend like Im in the bathroom for a long period of time. Just as I am about to signal Rikka-chan (Hm?)

For a moment, I notice Mayor Uesugi on the stage.

Thus, it was thanks to everybody that we are now able to use electricity! It may appear to be a small light in the grand scheme of things, but it is a big step for us! I ask of you all to continue fighting with me! Mayor Uesugi inspires everyone with a lively smile. There is something about him that attracts people around him. HoweverI feel somewhat uncomfortable as I look at his gestures.

(Is he hiding something?)

It was a faint feeling that I picked up because of Observation and Enemy Detection. It bothered me and ended up distracting me for a second. It was then that somewhat grabbed my hand.


Who is it? I look to the sides and open my eyes.


A sound leaks out of my mouth. There, I see a woman who I am acquainted with. She stares at me while sniffing and having teary eyes.


She mutters so with a voice that almost disappears by the end. I cant be making a mistake here. Standing there is Nijou Kamome, a junior of mine during my time as an employer.

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