The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 107: The Mayor

Chapter 107: The Mayor


Nishino doubted the words that came into his ears. Shibata and Goshogawara must have been the same. Theyre making strange faces while having their mouths wide open.

Yes, no monsters cancome here. Its set that way.

Unbelievable, Nishino thought to himself. Did it function like a Save Point in games? No, this man just said that it was set that way.

(A skill or an occupation that can create no, set a safe zone?)

Was it governance? Management? Or barrier? Various guesses were made, but there was no way to confirm.

I see that you cant believe what we said. Its natural. I was like that at first as well. The one who smiled wat the secretary-like woman sitting next to Fujita, Shimizu.

Watching the mature woman speak in a calm manner with her legs crossed, Fujita laughed.

Yeah. Also, Shimizu-chan panicked more than you guys. Its a lie!! You screamed so very loudly. H-hey, you dont have to tell them about this! And Nijou-san was screaming more loudy than me! But Kamome-chan is cute, so its fine.

What do you mean by that! Are you suggesting that Im not

At that point, Shimizu noticed the gaze of Nishino and the others. She quickly averted her eyes away from them. Then, she raised her glasses and fixed her posture. Betraying her heart, there was a tint of redness on her cheek.

Anyways, what he said is all true. There arent any monsters here, so you can rest without worrying. Um, how exactly does that.

Nishino was not able to finish his sentence. Before he did so


Opening the door swiftly, an old man walked into the reception room.


Nishino readied himself unknowingly. Then, he stared at the individual that just entered.

It was an old man with a good physique. He knew with a glance that the mans age was quite high, but the atmosphere around him betrayed such a notion.

(I think Ive seen him somewhere before.?)

Where was it? Nishino tried to remember, but his exhausted brain kept refusing and proclaiming I dont want to work anymore-degozaru! Oh! So youre back, Soichiro! Seems like you were safe. I was worried for you! Good work, Mayor Uesugi.

With Fujitas greeting, Nishino finally rememberd. Oh right. This person is the mayor of this town. If his memories were correct, this man had won his fourth election this year. His strong looks and remarks as well as his solid political skills garnered the trust of the townspeople. His reputation and approval rate were said to be much higher than the governer and some mediocre politicians.

He was so impressive that some people thought. isnt it better to have this person as govenor? Ah, you guys should at least recognize his face right? This person is the mayor and is called- Uesugi Kansei. Nice to meet you, young uns. And welcome to the City Hall!

The major who was smiling looked somewhat like Fujita. By the way, he called them young uns, but he completely ignored the fact that there was an ossan among them. The 55 years old Goshogawara Hachiro felt slightly hurt.

Um, mayor. Why are you even here?

Because I was bored! Ive been constantly at work in the office, so much that I felt my body was becoming dull! You were bored

Sighing, Fujita pressed his cigaratte against an ashtray.

I really want you to understand. Do you know that well be finished if some accident happenes to you? Umu, I know that. Swhy Im only walking inside of the building. Its my way of thinking for the employees that are working for me! Is that so.

Fujita looked over at Shimizu, hoping that the mayor would open his ears and listen for once. She nodded and offered the convenience store bag she had set aside to the mayor.

Mayor, these are the magic stones that we gained from this times exploration. Please take them. Oh, this will truly help.

Upon receiving the bag, Mayor Uesugis mood become better.

Now, Im going to go cheer up the others. Oh, and Fujita, the bed is vacant right now. Its not a bad idea to converse with the young uns, but have them rest first. Well then. Bye! And then he left like a storm. For a few seconds, there was silence in the acception room.

Hes one hell of a peson

Yeah, he is.

So about the continuation of our discussion

Wait a moment.

Fujita stopped Nishino with his hands.

Well put our conversation on hold for now. You guys should sleep first.

Eh? But

It was too half-baked. He hadnt heard enough information yet. More like, he hadnt virtually learned anything at all. Nishino thought so, but exhaustion suddenly washed over him, making him dizzy.


A-are you okay, Nishino-san?

Shibata who was beside him supported him.

Look at you now. Dont push yourself too much. You body was a its limit a long time ago Well, its partially my fault that you didnt get to rest immediately. Sorry about that. No its not something Fujita-san should apologize for

Regardless. Please have some rest first. We can talk later.

He had no choice but to say yes. Nishino obediently followed Fujitas words. Thereafter, they were guided to the napping room. Although the beds were cheap because they were for workers, the comfort of the beds after not using for several days was enough to put them to sleep.

Several hours later.

The sun was setting and the evening was coming. Nishino woke up.

(I slept for around three hours)

Looking next to him, he saw Shibata and Goshogawara still asleep. To be honest, he hadnt had enough sleep either, but he felt like it was too wastful to spend his time sleeping. As there was noone around him, he decided to do what he had to do.

Status open.

Nishion opened is status plate and gazed at th Mail items.

(Fujita Soichiro, Shimizu Yuna, Uesugi Kansei theyre all real names.)

The names displayed in the address book were identical to the ones they claimed to be. Apparently, they havent used a pseudonym.

(Either they arent wary of us or they dont feel the need to be wary of us. It remains to be seen.) Next, he checked the undread mails. As expected, several mails have been sent from his friends. From the content, everyone seemed to be safe when they sent the mail. Apparently, they were mostly hiding near the City Hall.

(Ill have them join us here.)

Nishino sent mails to his friends saying, Come here while pretending that you guys found this place by chance. Fujita had promised to cooperate in searching for his friends. In that case, they shouldnt be mistreated when they arrive here.

(Next up is Rikka)

He also sent a mail to her. The meeting time had already long passed. A mail had arrived from Rikka, asking what happened. He sent a reply, answering why his reply was late, wher he was, and what he knew about the situation.

(Safe Zone)

From the conversation earlier betweeen Fujita and the mayor, it was likely that the mayor has a skill to create a Safe Zone.

(The mayor. Does it have to do with governance or politics?)

Nishino recalled his initial list of occupation that he could obtain. He chose Commander in order to suvive, but there were other obtions such as Adventurer, Student, Chairman, and Politician.

He had initially dismissed some of these thinking, In this kind of world?, but if his guess was right, the professions that were irrevelent to fighting monsters also should have some important skills that could ensure survival. Maybe.

Since he couldnt verify his hypothesis himself, he had to ask others. This was an area of research for the future.

(This should do for now Now, should I call

He suddenly noticed the small table beside his bed.

Rice balls?

A plate or rice balls and a bottle of tea were on the table. There was also a memo underneath the plate.

There isnt any poison, so you can eat without worrying. Fujita.

Such words were written on the paper. What was this man thinking? Be more vigilant! Be more wary! Be more suspicious!

(If hes like this, I would look like a fool for worrying so much.)

No, his behavior was not the wrong one. In this situation where one wouldnt know when others will come at his or her neck, it is wrong to trust others so easily.

Even so


His stomach rumbled.

Nishino brought the rice ball to his mouth. It was filled with salted Japanese plum (umeboshi). It was not particularly delicious. Those in convenience stores were actually better than this. Nevertheless(Really all this is making me go out of tune)

His mouth was full before he noticed. The taste strangely penetrated his heart.

Fujita was in the parking lot, thinking about the teenage boys and the ossan that he brought back a few hours ago.

(That boy is carrying quite a bit on his shoulders.)

He wasnt trusted. The other side was suspicious of him. That much he noticed quickly.

(Despite being a high-school student)

Those eyes werent what kids should have. He didnt know what happened to them, but the past five days must have been quite the hellish experience.

He was glad he saved them, but he was at the same time filled with a sense of helplessness.

(I want to do something for them but)

There was nothing he could do if they didnt open their heart first. The only way to resolve this issue was to slowly build trust by confronting them openly. He had promised to search for their friends, so he could start from there.

Fujita-san, do you have some time?

N? What is it?

From the barricade, a man who was patrolling called out to him.

No, its just about two girls who want to enter.

Just let them come in. Things like this, do you really need to report to me? Its just that they had weapons, and they asked me Is there a student named Nishino-kun here? If Im not mistaken, one of the guys that Fujita-san brought in the morning had that name right? Say that first!

As soon as he heard that Fujita started to dash. There were two girls that were coming down from the barricade. Both of them were quite pretty. One of the girls had a gals appearance, with her blond hair made into side-tails. She was probably a high-school student judging from her uniform. She was carrying a backpack, and a hatchet was hanging from her waist.

The other girl had pink hair and appeared more mature. She wasnt wearing any uniform. Rather, she was wearing plain jeans and a hoodie, something men often wore. The most noticeable thing was the ridiculously big rife on her back. Where did she even get that?

(They have weapons meaning these girls possess skills as well?)

However, it wouldnt be wise to take their weapons away by force. Fujita wanted to avoid stimulating them as much as possible.

Are you guys the ones that are claiming that they are acquainted with Nishino-kun? Thats right! This means that Nisshi must be here. Ah, thank God.

Theyre currently resting in the napping room. If you want, I can guide you guys, uh Its Rikka. Aisaka Rikka, pleased to make your acquaintance. Hey, you too, oniiNatsun. I-Im Ichinose Natsu. Nice to meet you.

Aisaka-chan and Ichinose-chan, right? Im Fujita Soichiro. Nice to meet you. The two girls bow their head at Fujitas introduction.

Then let us head to where Nishino-kun is.

Thinking about how he could fulfill his promise earlier than expected, Fujita led the two towards the napping room.

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