The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 369 The Path Toward The Apex

Chapter 369 The Path Toward The Apex

A Year Later.

Maximus was lazily lying under the sun as his wives fed him some fruit.

Opening the Myriad World Mall, a smile appeared on his face.

[Dimensional Origin Shop:


Yearly Income: 650 Quintillion+]

"Finally, three stars!"

"Three stars? What three stars?" Isabella asked, seeing him so happy.

"Nothing, it's my shop in the Myriad World Mall, it's reached three stars."

"Huh? Really?" They asked in disbelief.

As far as they knew, their son Lux's shop was only at two stars.

Although it had sextillions of yearly transactions every year, it's only two stars.

Hearing that their husband's shop is already at three stars, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"Yeah," Maximus nodded confidently.

"How much do you earn every year?" Skye asked like a money fan.

"Just a few hundred quintillion..."

"It's so low?"

They thought that for Maximus to have a three-star store, its yearly transactions would reach hundreds of sextillions or even septillions of dimensional coins.

"This is gross income, I don't spend anything," Maximus explained, seeing their expression.

Unlike Lux, who competes on quantity and prices, Maximus mainly sells quality.

To keep prices low and quantity high, Lux might not even earn a hundred quintillion dimensional coins in gross profit.

"I see," they nodded in understanding.

With joy on their faces, they couldn't help but be more enthusiastic in serving him.

Knowing they wanted some gifts, Maximus was not stingy and generously bought them what they wanted.

After finally coaxing his wives, Maximus reviewed the benefits of a three-star shop.

The benefits are mainly five things: popularity, status, unlimited credit, upgraded permissions, and a personalized virtual store.

Popularity is more exposure for his shop than lower-star shops.

Status adds prestige and trust to the quality of his products.

Unlimited credits allow him to borrow from the transdimensional bank an unlimited amount of credits.

Upgraded permission allows him to manipulate his shop more in-depth.

If a two-star shop allowed him to categorize his products into precise groups.

Then a three-star shop allowed him to add various permissions, hidden clauses, conditions, services, etc.

Finally, the Personalized Virtual Store is a physical shop granted to him by the Transdimensional Organization in the virtual world.

Unfortunately, besides popularity, status, and added permission, he couldn't benefit and use the other two.

For him to access the transdimensional bank and virtual world.

Maximus would need to update the Myriad World Mall to the full version, which means exposing the Etherium Realm coordinate.

Maximus no longer had worries about the hidden dangers of the Myriad World Mall.

The Dimensional Origin Library is already separated from him, with fake coordinates.

The reason he didn't want the coordinate of the Etherium Realm to be exposed too early is that he wanted to maximize his benefits.

After all, as one of the few owners of this transdimensional platform, the benefits he receives were astronomical.

From reselling to exporting, the profits every year are not something he can just let go of.

More importantly, he could imagine the reaction of the Apex Sovereigns he fooled with overpriced resources.

Seeing Maximus made a fool of them, they would surely tear him to pieces.

Thus, unless there is an absolute need, Maximus wouldn't expose the Myriad World Mall without reaching tier 9.

Without absolute strength, how dare he face their wrath?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but speed up his progress to reach tier 9.

[Tier 8: 1.3%]

Unfortunately, looking at his pitiful progress, he couldn't help but frown.

At his current pace, he needed at least a thousand years to advance.

Thinking of a solution, he grabbed a piece of abyss merit crystal and absorbed it.


With a quick calculation, Maximus calculated that he would need about 100 septillion abyss crystal merits to fill his missing energy.

"Tsk, this is insane!"

As far as he knew, Lux, Liam, and Isabella only used tens of sextillion abyss merit crystals to advance to tier 9.

This is still because they used a castrated version of 'Origin.'

For others to advance to tier 9, no matter how solid their foundation is, they only needed a few sextillions.

100 septillion abyss crystal merits to advance? Where could he find that?

Putting it out of his thought, he tried to use the Etherium Realm Merit.


"It's the same?"

Because both are part of the origin of a dimension, the energy contained in them is the same.

"What about Amalgamation of Will?"

Absorbing a unit of Amalgamation of Will, a surprise appeared on his face.


"Is this possible?"

Thinking about it, his cultivation manual is of Ultimate quality.

How can it be limited to the type of energy it can absorb?

Mocking his stupidity, he couldn't help but laugh.

Living for so many years, he became affected by the preconceived notion of this world.

From magic crystals, power of law, essence of law, and special treasures...

His thoughts were locked to these types of energy, limiting his Ultimate Cultivation Technique.

As a technique that delves into the Origin, how can it be limited by energy?

From electricity, kinetic energy, gravitational energy, void energy, etc.

Maximus tried all of it.

Not to his surprise, it was able to fill his missing energy.

However, after a bit of deliberation, he crossed all the other energies and focused on the Amalgamation of Will.

Although he could use any kind of energy, it was not as efficient and abundant as the Amalgamation of Will.

Among all the energy he could use, Void Energy had the highest conversion rate, only needing 1 septillion units of energy to fill his realm.

Unfortunately, it wasn't easy to extract.

If he had that time, it would be better to absorb his naturally generating mana and power of law.

Although slow, he didn't need to do anything and just wait a thousand years.

On the other hand, the Amalgamation of Will had a slightly lower conversion rate than the crystal merit, requiring 100 octillion units to fill his realm.

With over a hundred quintillion population and hundreds of trillion guild members, he receives 10 septillions units of Amalgamation of Will every day.

Reserving 1 septillion for his comprehension of knowledge and daily expenses, he can still save 9 septillion.

Saving over 9 septillion units of Amalgamation of Will every day, he only needed 30 years to fill his realm.

After the conclusion, an uncontrollable excitement passed through him.

"Having a huge population is indeed the way to go!"

"30 years..."

After thirty years, he could advance to tier 9.

Suddenly Maximus thought of a problem.

While the Amalgamation of Will is a panacea that could help him shorten the time to fill his energy from a thousand years to thirty years.

It's also a curse that prevented the past Holy Emperor from ever advancing.

"I wonder why this is..." Maximus frowned.

Without knowledge about the way forward, Maximus didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, he thought of Fealan.

This father-in-law of his should know something.

Taking out a contact token, he called Fealan.

Soon a projection of Fealan appeared before him.

"What do you want, brat?" Fealan snorted, not liking Maximus's face.

"I just want to ask about the previous Holy Emperors. What prevented them from advancing to the apex?" Maximus asked with a wry smile.

'Didn't I just take one of your daughters, what's the fuss?' he thought internally.

"The Holy Emperors? It's simple."

"They didn't reach the apex because they are weak and untalented," Fealan said carelessly

"Then how could I advance, Father-in-law?" Maximus asked straightforwardly.

"What?!" Fealan's eyes widened, looking like he would kill him on the spot.

"I mean Dean, how could I advance?" Maximus lowered his posture like a bullied son-in-law.

"This is simple..." Satisfied with Maximus's polite tone, Fealan quickly explained his conjecture.

Amalgamation of will is the will of people.

Mastering them is only the first thing; the most important step is to unify them.

To unify the chaotic will of people, there are three requirements.

A container that could contain the chaotic and ever-growing will.

An indomitable will to be impervious to the influence of the chaotic will.

Finally, a heavenly comprehension to experience and understand the chaotic will.

"What do you think? Do you have these qualities?" Fealan asked, squinting his eyes.

Although he was sure that Maximus was not so simple, he was still worried that his daughter would be left a widow.

"There is no problem, father-in-law," Maximus said with a smile.

"You!" Hearing Maximus calling him 'Father-in-law' again, Fealan flared.

"Goodbye, father-in-law..." Before Fealan could speak further, Maximus cut him off.

"Hahaha, soon I'll make you personally call me a son-in-law," Maximus laughed.

Hearing the three requirements, he no longer had any worries.

He already thought of the container; that is his 'Origin.'

To contain the ever-growing chaotic will of people, what's a better place than his 'Origin'?

Even the River of Law barely affects it; how can a mere Amalgamation of will do so?

As for an indomitable will, he didn't need it.

He had already created and separated an independent learning consciousness.

No matter what happened there, it wouldn't affect him.

This was a bottomless abyss that could swallow billions of epochs worth of knowledge every day.

As for comprehension, it's just a matter of spending a few system points.

Solving his worries, a smile appeared on his face.


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