The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 130: Distributing Food

Chapter 130: Distributing Food

A temporary it?

Yeah, it is undecided when we can continue either.

The Next Day.

I was talking about yesterdays audience with Finne.

Is this the thing called a public stance?

While brewing the tea, Finne asks in a curious voice.

No, its the real deal. Making a move now means that you are willing to drop out. If someone wants to move behind the scene then it would be bad unless you do it skillfully. Still, there is Franz by Fathers side. I dont think anything will escape his eyes.

That is true, sir. His Highness Eric is surely aware of that as well. This means that the succession war will have to be suspended for a while.

I see. That is great isnt it!

Saying so, Finne smiles and offers me tea.

When she handed a cup to Sebas, he thanked her and gracefully sip it.

This is a new tea correct?

Yes, I got it from the Ajin company earlier. How is it?

I cant find fault with its taste and it seems to have a calming taste as well.

Thats right! I think that it has a relaxing taste as well.

Your skill is superb as always.

Sebas praised Finnes skill.

While thinking, is it actually that good? I sip on the tea as well.

Its delicious. But I dont feel relaxed at all. The only thing I notice is that the scent is different than usual. Perhaps it is because I am in no mood to enjoy it.

How is it?


Such a dull reply. Since it is a truce, why dont you simply enjoy yourself and do what you like, sir?

Nn, Alright, I will go to sleep then.

Werent you instructed to keep up your reputation?

I am going to sleep exactly because of that. If I go out, my reputation would only decrease after all. I did lower it intentionally before but most of the time it would just lower on its own when I behave normally. That being the case, the best way to maintain it is to just stay in my room.

That is quite a reasoning coming from such a hopeless person. If you hold yourself up in the room, your reputation will worsen, you know.

Dont care. Just spread the rumor that I am doing paperwork or something.

Such a rumor also has its limit, sir. His Majesty will be observing you as well so I do recommend that you head outside.

Too troublesome.

Looking away from him, I take a sip at the tea.

Seeing that, Sebas sighs at me and,

I see, there is nothing I can do then. I have a little business to attend to so may I excuse myself?

Eh? Sebas-san?

Yeah, just go.

Understood. Please take care of him, Finne-sama.

For some reason, Sebas entrusted me to her and disappeared.

Since the noisy butler is gone, I crack my neck and lay down on the desk. It is troublesome to go to bed so I guess I will just take a nap here.

When I was thinking so.

U, Uhm, Al-sama?


UmI, I plan to go out after this..

Yeah, dont mind me. Just go.

No, its not that..Umm, Sebas-san was supposed to escort me.


I involuntarily raise my face.

Then, I understood exactly what he meant by [Please take care of him].

That damn butler..he wanted you to take me out from the start

Uhh, Al-sama, if you dont want to go then I can find another

Your escorting duty can only be left to someone we can trust. If Sebas cant do it then I will do it myself. Lynfia and Sieg are at Leos place after all.

I lift my head up from the desk while thinking about others that could escort her but everyone should have a plan now and only I am free at the moment. Sebas probably went away because he took that into his calculation.

Seriously, he is really excellent to the extent that I could hate him for it.

Are yougoing to come with me?

If you dont hate the idea that is.

I would never! I will go and change immediately!

Sayin so, Finne half ran out of the room. After I was wondering whether I should change clothes as well, that idea immediately drowned out of my mind.

Changing is a hassle after all. At a time like this, it made me think that I am quite a troublesome human being.

As I thought, I am a good for nothing after all.

I sigh as I said so.

The fact that I dont really feel bad or embarrassed to admit to myself that I am a good for nothing human being means that I really am already beyond saving.

Well, even if I am like that, I am not lazy enough to skip out on escorting Finne. Even if the succession war is on hold, there are a whole lot of problems that can happen that are not related to it after all.

Haaguess I will have to do my best today huh.

After making such a weak determination, I stood up.

Here you go.

Thank you, Finne-sama.

Its fine. Its still hot so please be careful okay.

Finne-sama, me too!

Yes, here. Dont rush okay.

Saying so, Finne smiled and poured hot soup on to a plate and handed it to the child.

Next to her are the people from Ajin company distributing bread and salad.

We are currently at the outermost layer of the capital.

Finnes plan today is to distribute food here. Originally, the Ajin company can only make a small soup kitchen but with the addition of Finne, it became larger. There are quite a few people who came here just to receive their food directly from her. Well, except the residence of the outermost layer, the outsider would be barred from approaching her by the powerful beastemen of the Ajin company though.

You came again? This is for the people of the outermost layer you know.

No, you misunderstand! I am also a residence of the outermost layer too!

We only serve the current residence.

M, my disciples are living here right!

That is unrelated.

WAi, let me go! Damn it! I want to get soup from Finne-sama too!!!

Somehow, I heard a familiar voice of a man earlier but I will just ignore it. I am busy at the moment after all.

Heave, ho.

While making such a voice, I put a box containing the bread on the ground.

For a large number of people to queue up means that it is necessary to prepare a large amount of food. It would be difficult for a small business to prepare such an amount but it is possible for the Ajin company which is now making a lot of money by utilizing Finnes name.

It seems that if they only focus on making profit then their reputation will drop but since they have been feeding the people of the outermost layer like this, their reputation only goes up and up. It has already been established that the company is cooperating with Finnes charitable activities. That being the case, Finnes reputation has also risen further as well.

She is quite a big shot huh.

While saying so, I walk out to the nearby parked carriage and pick up another box.

There are still a lot of boxes in the carriage. Now that I am here, I cant just stand by and look. I was ordered to keep up appearances after all. With that as a reason, I told them that I would help and started carrying these boxes. Still, this is unexpectedly hard huh.

The physically weak me already has a hard time just carrying a box. While I was carrying one, a person from the Ajin company carried two or even three. This is so sad. This is the difference between a demihuman and a human. Well, you could say that this is the difference between a physically fit person and a poor one though.

My waist hurt

Prince, how about stopping pushing yourself and rest?

A big beastman spoke to me. He is a tiger beastman with tiger ears and tail.

His muscles are so big he even carried two or three boxes at once.

Am I in the way?

You are not but I dont think that there would be any different even if you take a break now.

I see. Then theres no problem if I stay right?

None at all. Still, we would be troubled if a prince suddenly collapsed on us.

I am not that stupid. If I cant do it anymore then I will rest. Dont worry.


After saying so, the tiger beastman smiled and began to transport the boxes again.

I dont have enough energy to care about winning or losing here so I am doing it at my own pace and carry one box at a time.

After a while, the sun set, and the kitchen is closed.

By that time, I couldnt even lift up my hands.

Haamy arms hurt.

Al-sama..are you okay?

While I was resting on the empty carriage, Finne came up to me and asked worriedly.

Her face looked tired but she is still full of energy. A completely different look from mine.

Cant say I am.

I am so sorryyou only came here to look after me too.

Its alright, I told you that I would do it myself after all.

When I was saying such a thing, I heard irritating laughter from the outside.

Looking out, a few people were hanging around the carriage.

Did you see the Dull Prince today!

I saw him! He can only carry one box at a time because hes too weak! He is so useless I could laugh!

Just what did he come here for anyway! We aint calling for him!

Yeah, Yeah! Finne-sama alone is enough! If hes going to come then I would rather have Prince Leonard!

Saying all they want again huh.

Well, I certainly was useless so I cant say anything back though.

However, Finne intently stares at them. She then took a step forward to complain to them.

Leave them alone, Finne.


Its alright. There is no point in dealing with them. They are not particularly wrong after all.

But, Al-sama did your best!

It would be a different story if I am just an ordinary citizen but I am from the imperial family. I have more advantages than these people. As long as I am not filling that role, I have no right to refute their complaints.

That isnt true! Al-sama has always-!

I havent done anything for the Empire. Right?

To calm the heated up Finne down, I asked her that question.

Hearing that, Finnes expression looked like she was about to cry. I dont want her to look like that.

Because of the chaos from the succession war, supply distribution has slowed down and prices are rising. If prices rise while their wages are not, they will fall into poverty. We are trying to make Leo into an emperor but in the end, the ones paying the price for that are the people. They need something to distract themselves. Considering their suffering, letting them make fun of the Dull Prine like me is cute in exchange.

Then Al-sama..wont be rewarded.

I am being rewarded. I already have you. I dont need anything else.

The reason I dont increase the number of people who share my secret is that I dont feel any need for it. It certainly will be easier for me to move but the secret will also be easier to be revealed.

I might increase the number if my mental state is unstable but right now I have no wish for that.

This accidental secret sharer of mine is quite understanding as well.

I.want Al-sama to be recognized more

On the outside, I am only doing some insignificant tasks. A person who only does little things will only be repaid with little things.

Even so..!

Its alright. Even little things will come back to you eventually.

I said so and smiled.

The big tiger beastman from earlier came up to the rowdy bunch.

Yo, Brothers, arent you all talking about something interesting.

Eh? W, Well, we didnt.

Its true that the Prince was useless but he did help us. On the other hand, what about all of you? What did you do? The one who carried those boxes and the ones who didnt, even a child would know which one is the better one.

Wa, What!? Are you looking for trouble!?

Why dont you come with me to the store? The lady at my shop has decided that those who laughed at our comrade are unforgivable, you know. I will have you work for the amount that you laughed at him earlier.

Oi!? Let me go!? This is tyranny you know!?

Its way better than being tossed into the castles dungeon for disrespectful behavior right

Whats wrong with laughing at the Dull Prince, damn it!?

I wont say that you cant laugh at him but if you laughed at him, I will have you work for it. You cant laugh at someone when you didnt even do anything after all.

Saying so, the beastman dragged the rowdy bunch away.

I kinda feel sorry for them, they will probably put through quite a hard work now. Well, since it is the Ajin company, they should be paid a proper wage I guess.

Those guys didnt look like they have a job after all.

See, even small things have it worth right?

That is true shouldnt be ridiculed in the first place.

Finne pursed her lips dissatisfiedly. Its rare to see her like this. To think that she would hold so much grudge against them.

While making a bitter smile, I stood up.

Alright, lets get back. Im tired.

Yes, I understand. Ah, Al-sama. Actually, I heard that Yuriya-san owns this delicious restaurant..

Said Finne as though she just remembered it.

I immediately understood what she wanted to say but she probably didnt say it further because she considered that I am tired huh.

Sounds nice, how about we have dinner there? As long as you are free that is.

Eh, ah, Yes! Gladly!

Seeing Finne happily replied, I let out a sigh in my mind. To be honest, my arms are pretty heavy right now. It would be hard to enjoy a good meal like this but it cant be helped I guess.

Once a man escorted a woman out, he needed to look cool until the very end after all.

With that decision made, I went out for dinner with Finne.

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