The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 126: The Black Twin Princes

Chapter 126: The Black Twin Princes

Second Princess Zandra Lakes Adler. I hereby subject you to an indefinite house arrest. Until you receive my permission, you may not leave your quarter in the inner palace, you will not be allowed to meet with others either. Of course, your right to participate in the succession waris now confiscated.

The Southern turmoil is over.

We have now entered the cleaning up phase and the first to one to drop out of the race is Zandra.

Your Majesty.Duke Kruger is certainly my uncle but more importantly, I am of the imperial family. I have no intention of revolting against the Empire. I do apologize for not noticing Duke Krugers plan but I have never once cooperated with him.

I shall believe in your words. However, the situation remains the same. You are still related by blood with Duke Kruger and the fact that Duke Kruger supported you. Those facts will never change no matter what you say. I will say this as your father, so listen carefully.give up the throne, Zandra.

For Zandra, those words would be something close to a death sentence.

She was told that she will no longer be a contender for the throne in front of many influential nobles that are gathered here.

Zandras face distorted from the humiliation. She then stares straight at Father and says.

Do you.hate Okaa-sama that much?

This is not something personal.

No, Otou-sama. This is personal. You really believe in those stupid rumors that Okaa-sama was the one who assassinated the Second Consort right!? I know that ever since that day you no longer look at me as your daughter!

Zandra takes a step forward.

The Imperial Knights standing nearby reached for their swords but Father stopped them.

I do think of you as my daughter. If I didnt care about you, I would have married you off to another noble long ago.

Thats a barefaced lie! Whenever you look at me or Okaa-sama, there was never a moment where you dont have anger in your eyes! I have been trying to tell you so many times ever since that day! The one who assassinated the Second Consort was not Okaa-sama! Why cant you accept that!

Zandra. This incident is unrelated to the Second Consort.

If you really think of me as your child then you should believe my words! Isnt it too unreasonable that the sin of uncle fell on me as his niece!

Zandrathe house arrest you received was from my kindness.

That is no kindness! I have already put everything on the line to become the Crown Princess!

as I thought, you are not suited to become an empress. Give it up.

Father lonelily said.

The weight of those words was different from what he said before.

Father looks straight at Zandra and says.

A person who can only think about herself cannot be an emperor. The emperor must first think about the country, the people second, and yourself last. Duke Krugers evil deeds have become known to our people. He cooperated with an organization that deprived people of their children. That was something obvious and you do not understand it at all.

I do understand!

If you really understand then.why did you only talk about yourself? The state of our country and the sentiment of the people. No matter which side you look at it from, the fact that you will be aiming for the throne is forgivable. The bloodline of the person who caused the rebellion, the person who connected with the criminals who afflicted pain on people. Even if you didnt know what was going on, it is still true that you are connected to them. The people are angry. They need someone to get punished. Just consider it a mercy that you didnt lose your head for this.

O, Otou-sama..I, Im.

Withdraw. I dont want to hear another word from a person who can only think about herself.

Saying so, Father gave a command to the Imperial Knights with his hand.

Two imperial knights grab Zandras arms.

Seeing that, Zandra glares at the knights.

Insolent! Who do you think I am!? I am a princess you know!? Release me!

Forgive us. Your Highness.

Kuh! You! I will not forgive you! Let me go!! Otou-sama! Otou-sama! Otou-samaaaaaaaa!!!!

Father tiredly exhales and leans back on the throne.

His eyes turned to Gordon next.

Seeing Zandra like thatdo you have anything to say? Gordon?


I seeLosing grasp on your subordinates, endangered the envoy, and started a full-scale war with the South. The punishment for those crimes will not be light, you know?

Yes. it was all due to my incompetence. I am willing to accept any kind of punishment.

Seeing Gordon being so upright is a rare sight.

However, in a sense, this might be because he still has some leeways left.

The skirmish that happened was because a general was assassinated. One could argue that what happened was out of Gordons control.

If he stands upright and takes the punishment then his penalty wont be a heavy one. That is probably what Gordon is aiming for.

And in fact, it didnt end up as a big deal. Well, one could say that it was a big deal since war did happen with the South but Gordon is not in the place where he could be punished for it.

It seems like you are reflecting on it. Still, punishment is punishment. You will be sent to join the Northern Border Defense Army. You may not come back here for two months. Go and remind yourself what protecting your own country is like on the frontline.

.I understand.

Gordon said as he clenched his teeth.

Gordon was once told to take command of the Northern Border Defense Army. He turned it down because of the succession war and the low priority of the Northern defense. But I know his real reason for turning it down. He doesnt want to be compared to Lize-aneue who is commanding the defense of another border.

Being sent to the place he once refused to station at is a humiliation for Gordon not to mention that he will not be its commander.

The reason why he didnt get sent to the South is probably that Father is being cautious about the turmoil it might cause when the South is in its reconstruction phase.

There are powerful countries on both our western and eastern borders. He didnt send him there because Gordon is hard to utilize so the better choice for that is to send him to the Northern Border where he will receive the most humiliation.

Thats all for the punishment. Everyone, it seems you all had a hard time. With help from all of you, the damage has been minimized.

Father said so and thanked everyone there.

He is not here right now but Eric has been fending off other countries as the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The reason for that is for him to prevent other countries from using the opening the unrest in the Empire created to invade us. It might be plain but it is an honest work.

Leo may earn points this time but Eric also earned a point as well.

Zandra dropped out, we lined up next to Gordon maybe even overtake him but we are still far away from Eric.

Especially Eric who is not here and Leonard, you all did great.

I only did what is natural as a prince.

Dont be so modest. You cast a great magic in the end, right? Is your body alright?

Yes. there is no problem.

I see..Arnold seemed to work hard this time too right? You did well.

Father looks at me.

He is probably talking about the thing with the Narbe Ritters.

I made a bitter smile and scratched my head while making up my mind before I said my next words.

Yeah, I didnt really do much. Well, a lot of things went well this time. In the end, [War didnt happen] after all. We can say that all is well right?

Making it look like I was swept away from being praised, I said those words.

The ministers who were waiting to hear my reply all frowned at once. That is because they all know what Father will do next.

He just told Zandra about the importance of the people. In other words, Father is well aware of how our people view this situation.

That being the case, it is clear what is coming next.

War didnt happen you say? YOU FOOL! [WAR DID HAPPEN]! From our perspective, it might have been only a small skirmish but one city had become a frontline! To them, what happened was a big war! [War did happen] fool!!

I, it was a slip of tongue..please forgive me.

You didnt understand a thing! Our role is to run this country so that our people do not have to bear such a feeling! If you can only look at things from a higher standpoint then you are no different than Zandra you know! Do you want to be disciplined too! Think carefully about what you said!!

Being scolded at, I turned my face to the ground.

Well, its natural for him to get angry. However, I already got what I wanted.

The Emperor himself admitted that what happened at Gers was a war, not a simple skirmish.

In other words, it means that the [Next War] in our promise with Gordon is now over.

I peek a glance at Gordon. Perhaps he noticed it as he strongly glared at me.

I grin at such Gordon.

Serve you right. I would never leave such a troublesome promise unattended to.

However, the price for that is high. My fathers sermon never ends.

While thinking that it was quite an expensive price to pay, I continue listening to his sermon while praying that it would be over soon.

A party with nobody to talk to is boring.

The party was held to celebrate the conclusion of the Southern turmoil.

Like the time when Leo came back after subjugating the Demons, I have no acquaintance here.

Once again, I stay at the venue wall while hoping that Father would leave early so that I can leave as well.

While I was thinking so, Father stood up and raised his glass.

Thank you for gathering here tonight. I will properly hand out the reward for the heroes who solved the Southern turmoil at a later date but tonight I would like to offer them this toast.

Saying so, Father raised his glass at the participants.

Then he started speaking.

Everyone expected a war to happen in the South. I would like to make the first toast for our Blau Mowe, Finne von Kleinert who bravely nominated herself to be the imperial envoy! Cheers!!

Cheers to the blue seagull princess!!

Cheers to Finne-sama!!

Everyone at the venue raises their cup.

Finnes name and the cheering sound continued to echo within the venue.

Next, Id like to offer a toast to my proud soldiers. A surprise attack with only a small number, it was indeed a dangerous mission. The only one who could accomplish such a thing is definitely them! To the elites of my imperial army! Raise your cup for the Narbe Ritters!! Cheers!!

To the Scarred Knights!

Cheers for the Narbe Ritters!!

This incident changed the evaluation of the Narbe Ritters completely.

Everyone was reminded that even though they are soldiers, they are knights at the same time.

The only knight order in the imperial army. From now on, they will be more recognized.

The final one will probably be for Leo huh. After that, Father should finally head back.

While I was thinking so.

An unexpected thing happened.

I would like to dedicate the last toasts to my son[s]! Leonard presented me with a plan to make a surprise attack with a small number of soldiers and brilliantly pulled it out! In the end, he even saved all the Southern Nobles by performing a great magic! His action is nothing short of magnificent!

Absolutely! I wholeheartedly admire Prince Leonard!

This might make His Highness Leonard be the one closest to the Crown Prince position!

Everyone begins to talk cheerfully.

However, Fathers talk is still not over.

There was a continuation.

And-my other son who supported Leonard. Arnold persuaded the strict Narbe Ritters to volunteer for the mission. He has earned the right to have his own toast, no?


I didnt expect my name to be called so I let out such a stupid voice.

However, Father was looking straight at me.

His eyes were not joking.

Wai-, F, Father? I, didnt..

You wouldnt accept the reward even if I told you to, right. So just accept the toast. The Narbe Ritters came to me. When I was praising them, they all said the same thing. [We fought for His Highness Arnold] they said. Making them saying something like is nothing less than a job well done. Your concern for your younger brother brought out their power to the fullest. Your achievement is no less important to Leonard.

Saying so, Father holds up his glass higher than ever.

He then loudly says.

Lets make a toast! To our Empires Princes! Well done my sons! I am proud of you! Let this be known through the Empire! This accomplishment is theirs! Cheers to [the Black Twin Princes]!!!!

After Father said that, everyone loudly cheers for [The Black Twin Princes].

After that, the names of me and Leo echo loudly through the venue.

For Prince Leonard!

For Prince Arnold!

For the Empires Black Twin Princes!!


Long live the Empire!!

No, no, give me a break here.

A party with no one to talk to is boring but a party where I am the center of attention is very uncomfortable for me.

The noble ladies who definitely have no interest in me are approaching me. A male noble whose name I dont even know came to talk to me like a friend.

When I tried to escape from them, I found Leo who was taking a breather outside.

Ah, Nii-san. Good work.

Yeah, good work to you too. It is a little sudden but, sorry.


I apologize and after messing up Leos neatly arranged hair, I leave Leo there as a decoy and leave the party venue.

Hang out with them for me alright.

Wait!? Nii-san!!?? Wa! Wait, Im not Nii-san! Im Leonard!

My bad, Leo! Forgive me! Even I have a situation where I cant help you from!

While whispering such a thing, I pushed everything to my brother and fled the scene.

TLN: Yup, finally done. I will take a break for a few days, maybe a week before I start the next arc. The vote for next series will begin tomorrow so tune in for that. if you want to check it out please go to /graverobbertl ?


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