The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 125: Golden Light of Purification

Chapter 125: Golden Light of Purification

I wonder when it began.

The time I started consciously acting like an elder brother.

My mother treated me and Leo equally. I have never been told that I am the elder brother.

I was never raised as an elder brother but after a while, it changed.

I started treating myself like one.

Just when did it begin.

While thinking about such a thing, I finished my transfer.

There are many tall towers in the city. On top of each of them is a mage aiming their magic at Leo.

Thats why I mercilessly pierce his chest. There was no finesse or technique, simply relying on the brute force of magic power.

But thats fine. That way, it would be harder for them to notice my presence.


While being surprised at my sudden appearance, the mage life was snuffed out.

At the same time, I started my magic again and transferred to another mage.


He probably never expected someone to suddenly transfer in.

Appearing in front of him, I pierced his chest without him putting up any effective resistance.

Finally, the mages who were targeting Leo noticed that something strange was going on.

However, my transfer magic was faster than their reaction.

I transfer to their location and pierce their chest.

I keep repeating that action with high speed.

While transferring from tower to tower, I remember something.

The figure of an ideal older brother I once saw.

When I was put in prison, he came to see me every day. No matter how busy he was, he visited and talked to me, that was all he did.

He never said that he would get me out of the prison nor does he ever bring snacks for me.

He knew that I didnt want such a thing so he only came to talk to me so that I wont be lonely.

Then, when I got out of prison, he gently patted my head.

The only word he said was, [You did great].

I wanted to be like that person.

To be a brother who can support his younger brothers recklessness and a brother who can follow up for it

Thats right. He was someone that Leo also admired.

I admired him.

My eldest brother, the Crown Prince. I wanted to be an elder brother like him.

We are siblings after alleven the person we look up to is the same huh.

While muttering so, I pierce the chest of another mage.

Blood spatters.

But I have no sympathy for them. They are not soldiers that fell victim to the succession war.

They are people who decided to dye their hands with crimes of their own volition, and they want to spread the damage here even further.

They should be punished by law but they would be given the death penalty.

So, there shouldnt be any problem for me to clean them all up here.


There are only two left.

One of them raised a scream.

However, I didnt hesitate. I pierced his chest and immediately transferred away.

The last one gives up his defense against me and turns his hands toward Leo.

Leo, who is pouring all his concentration toward his magic, has no way to avoid it. The Narbe Ritters also focus their attention on the front. They probably couldnt intercept his attack either.

Thats why I grabbed the mages arm and broke it.


My little brother is working hard right now-could you not disturb him?

L, little brother!?

Its hard you know, seriously. [Scolding him when he does something stupid], [Follow up for him so that he wont fail]. Having to do both is really the tough part of being an [Elder Brother] you know.

Dont, tell meyou are, Ar, no!!??

He didnt get to finish his word.

After all, I already pierced his chest.

Letting him go, the mage fell like a marionette with its strings cut and lay down on the ground.

Meanwhile, Leos chant is going smoothly.

[[Bringing salvation to the people The brilliance is the mercy of the god The golden light is the miracle of heavenO evildoers, repent]]

The chant continues.

7 verses chanting. It is the highest type of magic in modern magic.

Considering the difficulty of mastering holy magic, this magic is more advanced than the low-level ancient magics. It is of course the highest level of holy magic.

Holy magic was developed to combat Demons. It was magic that didnt allow any impurity, the weapon of humanity.

Why can Leo use such a magic? Perhaps he studied it after the Southern incident. He probably thought about what would happen if he could use such a magic at that time.

The result of that incident was not something that Leo satisfied with.

Such thought made him study this magic. However, putting something he just learned immediately into practice is simply ridiculous.

His chant still has strange pauses.

Perhaps, his internal organs are strained and blood is rising to his throat.

Desperately swallows them down, Leo makes an effort to continue his chant.

So I decided to create an environment where that will make it a little easier for him to do so.

[[O god of timeI am one who defied your providenceThe flow you decided is unchangingtime continues to flow without interruptionit does not stop nor does it interruptedthis great current is endlessI shall rebel against that current and peer into that instant of futureDeja Vu Clock.]]

Usually, ancient magics that manipulate time is hard to use. In the first place, the user can not use most of their magic during it and at best it would be better to have others use magic for them.

Despite that, it requires a large amount of magic power to cast so it is not practical.

Among those magic, this one is moderately reasonable to use.

This magic is one that shows people the possibilities of their future through Deja Vu.

It doesnt show their definite future, only some possibilities that have not been realized yet.

Moreover, since it is only limited to the immediate future, it has very limited use.

Still, it is useful enough during battle. They will be shown what would happen if they choose to do something by the Deja Vu. If there are lives that can be saved by that, there will be people who choose to act on it.

A young soldier suddenly jumped in front of a big monster. that was dangerous. However, to him, it shouldnt be. I dont know what kind of possibilities he saw but I am sure that he chose the best one and committed to it.

Then, when the soldier thrusts his sword at the neck of the big monster and he falls down together with it.

Through the dust cloud, the soldier rolled out.

So you kept your promise huh. Second Lieutenant Lerner.

The young soldier, Second Lieutenant Lerner, showed a splendid performance. He then takes out a new sword and started moving again.

Everyone is fighting for Leo.

Even if they think that his decision was ridiculous, they decided to follow him. That surely wasnt because Leo is a prince.

Hes an idiot that is worth supporting after all.

Simple honesty.

I think that word is the perfect fit for Leo. he is an honest idiot. Even though giving something up is the wiser choice, he never decided to do so.

Still, people gather around Leo because they themselves dont have such stupidity.

People long for things that they dont have.

It is also a good quality of a leader to have something that others dont.

And it is the duty of the subjects to stop and follow up for him. Leo has the ability to gather those subjects at his side.

Like when Father put the Prime Minister by his side, Leo will definitely be able to find someone like that someday.

Now, Leo. Everyone already opened the path for youlet them eat it.

[[Heaven does not abandon the virtuousLet this golden light destroy all that evilHolyGlitter!!!!!]]

A golden circle emerges around the castle and golden light begins to shine from it. It is a barrier.

A barrier that will not let any evil escape their coming demise.

A complex magic circle emerged above the castle and a huge pillar of golden light fell from the sky. It wraps up the entire castle and purifies everything inside.

Before long, the light fades away.

If the demon blood is deeply fused with their body then they cant be saved. Their bodies will probably be completely purified and disappear.

However, after the golden light faded, there are many people collapsed on the ground.

A big cheer rises up. With Lars and his men defeated all the big monsters, the crisis was over.

Many are shouting Leos name. Leo was trying to answer them but it seems he has already reached his limit.

Leo collapsed. However, the moment before his body hit the ground, Sieg supported him like a cushion. It seems that the person himself intended to catch him but due to their size difference, he ended up as a pillow instead.

After a light laugh from Siegs predicament. I returned to Finne with transfer magic.

It all worked out somehow right.

Thank you for your hard work.

I didnt do anything great. I was completely working behind the scene this time after all.



Finne muttered as if she found something difficult to say.

She then lowers her head with all her might.

MY DEEPEST APOLOGY! I said so many selfish things to you!

You are not at fault. Whether about calling me here or the things you said. I prioritize the trust in my brother more than the big picture this time. If that ended up causing people to lose their lives then I would be no different from a criminal. Sorry. It was all because of my stupid brother.

When I said that and made a bitter smile, Finne panicked and waved her hand. Without being able to come up with anything to say, her mouth opens and shut repeatedly.

After a burst of laughter at such Finne, I say this to her.

But, I believed in Leo this time. I thought about a lot of things and decided that Leo would be able to save them. For you, that must have been a dangerous and cold decision. Sorry. It seems I have done nothing but troubling you.

Th, thats not true! I am not troubled at all! The one that always causes troubleis me..I am sorry for being so useless.

Seeing Finne drop her shoulders, I turn my eyes to Sebas.

I dont know what Finne has been doing so far.

I thought that she made some fatal mistake but Sebas shook his head.

Finne-sama was doing very great. Nobody would dare say that she is useless.

Hear that?

Th, that is..

Its alright isnt it. People have different roles to play. No one can do everything. You, me, of course, Leo as well. If you cant do something then I will help you out. You might not have the strength to help us in battle but you have the power to help us outside of it. It is a power that I dont have. Thats why I am always relying on you.


That being said, I have a request. Can you take care of my stupid little brother that is sleeping over there for me? Hes such a troublesome guy so I can only ask you to do it. It will be quite a trip before you get back to the capital so take care of him until then alright.

Yes! Please leave him to me!

I looked at the rejuvenated Finne and opened the transfer gate with a smile.

Then I glance at Sebas.

It was a gaze that told him to take care of Finne but being the omnipotent butler that he is, he probably already understood what I wanted to say as he said As you wish and politely bowed to me.

He really has no opening.

Next time, I will definitely look up some of his weaknesses once we are back in the capital.

With that in mind, I headed back to the capital using the transfer gate.

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