The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 129: 129Conversations

Chapter 129: 129Conversations

Chapter 129 129. Dialogue

So Feng Jinlin went to Su City to invite "one of his own people".

Since they knew the truth of the matter, they were like grasshoppers in a boat. How dare they disobey the prince's orders, so the doctor didn't even bother to tell lies.

Mrs. Feng thought that this person was arranged by her father. Although she was nervous, she was not afraid of being exposed.

On the other hand, Feng Jinyao next to her looked a little strange.

The Su family, the second brother, the military doctor, the assassination, and even Shou Bo, everything happened so coincidentally that it was a little smooth and surprising.

Could it be that someone behind the scenes did this deliberately?

Looking through the screen at the four people drinking tea outside, a lot of doubts condensed in my heart.

Mrs. Feng saw something wrong with her face and wondered if she had not rested well these past few days, so she rushed her back to the courtyard to rest.

There was nothing going on in the left and right courtyards, and some other things came to mind. Feng Jinyao did not want to sit still and wait for death. She asked Yun Xu to take care of her at home and went to Bai Mansion alone.

When he entered the courtyard of the Bai Mansion, he did not go to find his aunt and others as usual, but went straight to Prime Minister Bai's study.

In the study room, only Bai Xiang was present. Feng Jinyao took a deep breath and walked forward before knocking on the door gently.

Grandpa, are you in the room?

A Yao?

"it's me."

The door opened from the inside, and Bai Xiang looked at this familiar yet unfamiliar granddaughter, full of doubts about her arrival.

But your fathers side is not good?

Grandpa, dont worry, my fathers injury is not serious for now. Its me. I have something to tell you.

The little woman, with a firm face, was even more impressive against the lining of the sun.

Its just that such beautiful women are often like dodder flowers, and they can only live freely by relying on others.

She was different. The calmness and perseverance in her watery eyes made Bai Xiang feel dazed for a moment.

"come in."

This is the first time Feng Jinyao has entered Bai Xiang's study. The furnishings are similar to those of her father's study at home, except that there are many unique books stacked on the rows of ancient bookshelves against the wall.

There is an unfinished painting scroll on the desk, and it is unclear what it is.

"Why are you here? Do you have something to tell me?" Bai Xiang spoke first, not intending to beat around the bush.

Seeing this, Feng Jinyao had a serious face and didn't say much nonsense. She spoke frankly.

Grandpa, my father was assassinated this time. My granddaughter thinks it is related to the water transport corruption case.

As soon as these words came out, even Bai Xiang became a little wary. How could a little girl guess the movements in the court so accurately? Could it be that someone else had revealed it to her?

So he asked, "How do you say this?"

"A few years ago, my mother and I went to the south of the Yangtze River. There was a banquet hosted by Governor Cao's family. The post was sent to the inn, and it was impossible not to go. So my mother and I went to Cao's family for the banquet. Although the two Zhejiang areas are rich and far away It's better than other places, but Governor Cao's home cannot be described as magnificent, it's simply extravagant and even the Duke's Mansion can't compare."

The Wei family is one of the most powerful nobles in the dynasty, the most popular aristocratic family, even richer than the Duke of Guo. I dont know what the Cao family is like.

Recalling what Prince Ding said last night, Bai Xiang's expression was not good, and he frowned, "Continue talking." "My granddaughter looked at it coldly. These are common attitudes for ladies and ladies who come to the banquet. I'm afraid it's not the same for them even if they want to come to their home." That's it. My mother didn't like Mrs. Cao's showy temperament, so she never visited her post again. We came back not long after, and completely cut off all contact with the Cao family."

Then how can you be sure that your fathers assassination is related to the Water Transport Department?

My granddaughter guessed that the people behind Governor Cao knew that their father had evidence of their corruption, so they carried out the murder!

Evidence? What evidence?

"After Cao Sidu's family accidentally capsized and died, the Huaiyin Governor was worried all day long. He was afraid that he would be the next to be killed, so he took the account book that had passed through his hands before and made a declaration of surrender, begging his father to save the lives of his family. .

Bai Xiang immediately widened his eyes and signaled her to shush. He quietly opened the door and looked around. After making sure no one was eavesdropping, he hurriedly asked.

How do you know this?

These words were all told to her by Wen Mengsheng in her previous life, but how could she tell her grandfather these things? The fear that her grandfather would not trust her was only a small matter. At worst, he might have thought that she was possessed by a ghost and would be sent to be suppressed.

So he lied and said, "The governor of Huaiyin is a close friend of my father. He accompanied my mother and I when we traveled to Jiangnan. He also has a daughter who is older than my granddaughter. My granddaughter calls her Sister Banxia. These things She sent it as a New Year's gift, and my granddaughter only found out about it last night."

The Governor of Huaiyin is a third-rank official. Although he is an external official, he has a lot of real power. Even he is afraid of being silenced. It seems that the Weiguo Gong party is responsible for the "accidental" death of Governor Cao. Starting to have doubts.

Where are the account books? Bai Xiang asked anxiously.

Feng Jinyao shook her head, "That account book is a life-saving talisman for Du Chashi's family. My granddaughter thought that he would not hand it over easily. She might have to go to Huaiyin to find out."

King Ding wanted to investigate thoroughly, but Duke Wei wanted to cover it up. When La Feng's family entered the water, they thought it was for him, but unexpectedly there was something like this involved. Does Feng Hai know about it? If he knew, why didn't he mention it before?

For a while, even Bai Xiang was a little confused about the direction of this matter.

After being quiet for a moment, he asked, "Is there a third person who knows about this matter?"

I only told my grandfather that the matter is so important that my granddaughter dare not say anything nonsense.

"Okay, this matter must not be leaked, otherwise not only your family, but also the entire clan in Northwest Liangzhou, including the Bai family, will suffer. You go back first, and grandpa will think of a solution."


The reason why Feng Jinyao came to talk to Bai Xiang was because she wanted to use his power to deal with the Wei family.

Otherwise, the Feng family, or just herself, cannot shake this big tree. The only way to fish in troubled waters is to make the situation more chaotic.

After leaving Bai's house, Feng Jinyao sat in the carriage and closed her eyes to rest her mind, slowly thinking.

Counting the time, it was almost time for the man to appear, with a contemptuous smile on his lips.

Wen family, after being idle for so long, its time to pay the price for your evil deeds.

Opening his eyes again, they were filled with murderous intent.

Not long after Feng Jinyao left, Bai Siruo came back from outside.

Knowing that he and Feng Jinyao had missed each other, he felt very sorry. He was also thinking about whether he should go over to see his uncle's injury, but he happened to meet Butler Qin, who came over with a smile on his face.

Hello, Miss.

What are steward Qin doing, so happy?

"The New Year's gift that the eldest lady asked me to prepare is ready. Should it be delivered to your yard, or directly to the Lu family?"

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