The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 124: 124 stab wounds

Chapter 124: 124 stab wounds

Chapter 124 124. Knife wound

Sister, eldest sister!

Seeing that her daughter had fainted, Mrs. Bai stumbled forward and almost twisted her feet. When Mrs. Wen suddenly heard the news, she fell into confusion and fell on the armchair. Auntie Lin wanted to comfort this one and comfort that one. , anxiously dressed up.

When Feng Jinyao first heard the news, her mind went blank.

how come? Didn't my father go to his appointment? Is everything ahead of schedule?

Recalling the tragic death of her father in the last life, her eyes darkened. If Bai Siruo hadn't pulled her, she would have fallen to the ground.

The urgent voice aroused Feng Jinyao's reason, no, she can't fall, she must save her father first!

She suppressed the panic in her heart and said to her aunt Lin, "Please take care of me here. I'll go see what's going on at my father's side!"

Mr. Lin is also one of the top two. Fortunately, the housekeeper has developed a temperament over the years that he is not afraid of even the highest mountains. He solemnly nodded and said, "You can just go and I'll watch over here!"

By the time Bai Siruo arrived with Feng Jinyao, they had already moved to the main courtyard. Feng Hai's face was pale and he was sweating profusely. Feng Jinxu was covering the wound hard for fear of excessive bleeding.


A Yao? Why are you here?

There was a bit of weakness and urgency in his tone, and he touched the wound again after a little tugging, which made Feng Hai gasp in pain.

Father, stop talking and lie down quickly.

Feng Jinyao hurriedly stepped forward to check the injury, but she had no choice but to treat the sword wound. She could only look at her father and grit her teeth to prevent tears from falling.

The boy outside pulled the doctor who came quickly into the door and shouted loudly, "The doctor is here."

The doctor came in and frowned when he saw this scene. He was not good at wounds with swords either, so he could only stop the bleeding first.

There are good hemostatic powders and ginseng in the house. I have asked Xiao Si to go back and get them.

Bai Xiang explained that most doctors in the government know more about internal diseases, and they are not military generals, so they see a lot of sword wounds.

The doctor nodded and immediately started to bandage his wound. Although his heart was not damaged three inches below his ribs, the wound looked very dangerous. Fortunately, he did not lose too much blood and he was still awake.

How is your fathers injury?

The doctor checked it out and found it a little strange. It was obviously located right on the person's artery. If it had been punctured, it wouldn't take half a cup of tea, and the person would have died due to excessive blood loss.

But this injury is a little different, it seems... something is wrong, the bleeding is strangely small.

After making this judgment, the doctor planned to cut open the clothes to see the situation before making diagnosis and treatment.

Unexpectedly, Feng Jinlin rushed back with Doctor Zhang.

It was a coincidence that not long after he went out, he happened to meet Doctor Zhang who was carrying a medicine box. He didn't care what he wanted to do, so he directly "invited" him to drag him.

Shendoctor Zhang is here.

Hearing his name, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, especially the doctor. If he had been careless and caused Master Feng to die, wouldn't he be a disgrace to his master's family?

Hence, retreat quickly and just give a hand to Dr. Zhang.

Miracle Doctor Zhang looked at Feng Jinlin with an unhappy look on his face. He was very dissatisfied with him for forcing the person over unreasonably. He was so angry that his beard was raised high and he refused to treat Feng Hai.

Seeing this, Feng Jinyao couldn't wait anymore. Even if she could wait, her father might not be able to wait, so she hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"Uncle Shou, please save my father." The suppressed crying was released at this moment, and he pulled the sleeve of Doctor Zhang to speak with tears in his eyes.

The good girl cried so hard that even if he was a stone-hearted man, he couldn't resist it. He walked over to look at Feng Hai, who was still awake, reached out and took out a pill from his arms and stuffed it into his mouth.

Not long after taking the medicine, the pain from the stab wound seemed to be much lessened.

Everyone had to admire Doctor Zhang's methods once again.

"Call someone to prepare hot water, strong wine, and candles. Just leave two other people to help. The rest leave the house."

Regarding Zhang Shenyi's temper, the three brothers and sisters have taught them, and naturally they dare not set up, and they immediately ordered.

"I, the waiter, and the doctor are staying here. Ayao and Siruo, you two accompany your grandfather to the front hall to rest first. The rest of you will do what the miracle doctor ordered. Hurry."

Feng Jinxu arranged it properly. Feng Jinyao originally wanted to stay here, but was stopped by Feng Jinxu. Any delay at this moment would cost her father's life.

Besides, it is not good for a daughter to see such a **** scene. In addition, she has only taken care of Yunhe for many days, and now she cannot be tired anymore.

So he said to Prime Minister Bai, "Grandpa, please go and wait in the front hall. You are old, so don't let this upset you."

Well, you two take good care of your father.

Grandpa, dont worry.

As Doctor Zhang gradually became impatient, Bai Xiang left with the others.

After a person goes out, the first thing to do is to check the injury.

The winter clothes were thick, but the piercing was not so deep. Doctor Zhang ripped a big hole in the clothes with just a few scissors. He looked at the wound carefully and saw that the bleeding mouth was somewhat solidified, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. , but it was not revealed.

He just whispered, "Don't worry, this injury won't kill anyone."

After hearing what he said, the two brothers breathed a sigh of relief and cooperated with Doctor Zhang to take off their father's clothes so that they could bandage the wound.

After taking off his clothes, he discovered that in addition to the stab wound under his ribs, there were also scratches and bruises on his arms. Now they looked even more hideous than those wounds.

Miracle doctor Zhang took out a green bottle from the medicine box and shook the powder on the wound. The wound, which had not been bleeding much, immediately stopped bleeding and was wrapped with several bandages.

He took a closer look at the abrasions on his arms and legs, and found that the bones were not serious. After applying the ointment to remove blood stasis, he changed into clothes again.

Compared with the injuries he had treated in the military a few years earlier, this injury was simply a drop in the bucket.

But what he didn't understand was the intention of the assassin.

He used a cruel hand, but also applied medicine with a very good hemostatic effect on the knife, so Feng Hai's injury was not serious.

What exactly is this plan?

Is it possible that one of my own family members are acting?

For a moment, Divine Doctor Zhang couldn't tell. There were too many tricks in the aristocratic families in Dongdu City that he couldn't figure out.

Leaving behind the prescription and powder, and instructing the two good brothers on some details of how to treat their injuries, he planned to leave.

Feng Jinlin also knew that he had just offended, so after making sure that his father was fine, he licked his smile and apologized to Doctor Zhang.

Uncle Shou, you have a lot of money, why dont you stay at your house for a few more days? My father is so injured

He is a scoundrel, but it is a pity that Doctor Zhang is more difficult to deal with than him.

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