The Reborn Noble Daughter

Chapter 105: 105 smallpox

Chapter 105: 105 smallpox

Chapter 105 105. Smallpox

"Of course it will work, but this medicine is not for him, but for you."

Wenshi was puzzled, what was she doing by taking this miraculous medicine without any illness or disaster? Isn't it a waste?

Before he asked why, he heard Doctor Zhang continue to give instructions.

"Smallpox spreads very quickly. Fortunately, the young master is still in the incubation period. It is estimated that it will break out in six or seven days. Therefore, during this period, everyone in the Feng family must close their doors to thank guests. Otherwise, if your family is in trouble, it will Dongdu, Im afraid the Feng family is in real trouble!

With a serious tone and a deep face, Feng Hai, who had been in the officialdom for a long time, understood what Doctor Zhang meant and immediately gave the order.

Xiaoer, please lead people to block all the front and back doors of your home. Anyone who leaves without permission will be shot with a cane immediately!


Feng Hai's order was so serious that even the servants who were afraid of being infected did not dare to have any objections after hearing it. After all, whether they would be infected or not was one thing. But if they were afraid of death and ran away at this time, I'm afraid they haven't come out yet. Damen went to the Lord of Hell to report first.

Feng Jinlin took his servants and walked out. His menacing appearance made many servants who didn't know the inside story a little confused.

"Everyone who has come into contact with the young master of your house within seven days will be counted. All their clothes and bedding will be burned. The ashes will be packed in sacks and sprinkled with lime powder. Then they will find a remote place in the back mountain and dig a three-foot-large pit to bury them all. .

The Feng family's house is very large, so there are many unused areas in the back hill. It is not difficult to dig a big hole, but the lime powder is a bit difficult to find.

Feng Jinyao hugged Feng Yunhe in her arms. After hearing this, she couldn't help but said to the miracle doctor Zhang, "It's hard to find lime powder at the moment, but there is a piece of dry grass in the back mountain. I wonder if it can be used after burning it to ashes?"

Doctor Zhang nodded. Although the effect is not as good as lime powder, it would be nice to have it at this moment.

The maids and women who were originally in a panic and thought they were going to die finally came to their senses after hearing these words. As long as they can survive, not to mention their clothes and bedding, even their jewelry and hairpins can be thrown away!

Have you heard the miraculous doctors instructions? Go down and do it!


As soon as Mrs. Feng gave the order, Mama Bai took many strong women to the back mountain, digging pits and burning ashes without any delay.

Yuegui summoned the maids, quickly searched out all the clothes and bedding that had come into contact with them, and took them to be burned.

"Set a few big pots at home and boil as much vinegar as you can. Don't be stingy. I'll make a recipe later, bring water from the well to heat and cook the medicine. Everyone will wipe their bodies with that water three times a day, and that's it. The water must be sprinkled all over the place inside and outside the yard, and dont neglect it three times a day!

Dont worry, the miracle doctor, there will be nothing wrong with you.

Mrs. Feng is the guarantee. With her methods and the current situation, I am afraid that the servants in the house will be vying to go ten times a day.

Seeing the head of the family being so bold, Doctor Zhang's eyes became a little more satisfied.

That's pretty much it. If it's like a woman who can only cry and cry, it will be difficult to handle.

Feng Jinxu stood on the side with his hands behind his hands, standing in the room and listening to the instructions of Doctor Zhang. The worries in his heart finally relaxed a little.

Going to Mrs. Wen's side to support her, she saw that her face was sad, her eyes were red, and her body was swaying as if she couldn't stand, so she immediately spoke out to comfort her.

Yun He will be fine, dont worry.

With a gentle but firm tone, Wen seemed to have found her backbone and threw herself into his arms and cried loudly.

This cry made the eyes of everyone present turn red, but it was Doctor Zhang who said something lightly. Madam, if you think you may have fetal motility, just feel sad.

Fetal gas? !

Wenshi was completely stunned by what he said.

how come?

Shenjiang Doctor Zhang dared to be so sure without even taking a pulse. Everyone present was somewhat skeptical of this statement.

Zhu Jin lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly said with surprise in his eyes, "Yes, yes, yes, grandma's monthly letter has been postponed for more than two months. Previously, I thought that maybe she was tired from taking care of her second brother, so after a while she would It will be fine, but I didnt expect, grandma, that you are pregnant!

After hearing what she said, Wen Shi glanced at Feng Jinxu in disbelief. Why did both good and bad things happen at the same time?

"Fortunately, Madam has the Buddha's Heart Fruit in her hand. She will go back and divide the medicine into four pieces. Mix it with water and take it every day. After eating these two pills, you will be safe. However, you must separate them from the young master, otherwise you will be in trouble. Even Immortal Luo cant save you.

But Yunhe

Dont worry, sister-in-law, as long as Im here, nothing will happen to Yunhe.

Feng Jinyao's words were like a heavy assurance. After hearing this, Wen finally let go of her tight heart. She knelt down towards Feng Jinyao with red eyes, "It's hard to thank you for such a kindness. If Yunhe can really get through this difficulty this time, , even if Third Sister wants me to go through fire and water in the future, she will never say a word!"

Those who kneel are sincere, and those who respond are firm.

Doctor Zhang had a very different view of the Feng family this time. He had always felt that the aristocratic families above the imperial court were all beautiful on the outside but dilapidated on the inside. Unexpectedly, the Feng family was a family that worked together and helped each other.

Thinking of this, and looking at the weak Yunhe on the bed, he made up his mind to heal the child.

"In this case, let's disperse the people in this house. This lady needs to rest a lot, otherwise the fetus will not be stable. As for the other lady, all the flowers and plants in the courtyard of the house should be collected. It's winter. , having some unnatural aura is not good for your health, and dont have too much contact with the young master, its even worse for him.

The look in Doctor Zhangs eyes towards Madam Feng was very reminding.

As soon as these words came out, Feng Jinyao was also stunned. Could it be that she was in the wrong direction and thought that her mother's illness was due to someone tampering with the medicine, but she never thought that it was actually flowers and plants?

But when the house was cleaned last time, didn't we already get rid of many flowers and plants that would endanger my mother?

Is it possible that there is something else they dont know about?

Or was it discovered by the inner ghost and a new one was arranged?

This mess is just adding fuel to the current Feng family's fire.

Before the words were revealed, but this was not the time to pursue the matter, Mrs. Feng nodded towards Feng Jinyao, indicating that she would handle the matter herself, so that she could rest assured.

Does she really want to stay here to take care of Yunhe?

The words were not spoken, but the worry was clearly revealed in his eyes.

It's true that Feng Yunhe is her most beloved grandson, but Ayao is also her biological daughter. Wen is pregnant. She, the mother, should support her at this time, but what Doctor Zhang just said blocked her thoughts. thought.

The inner ghost has not been eliminated, and there are hidden dangers everywhere. Even Yunhe's illness came about quite strangely. It seems that during the period of her illness, the Feng family had a lot of shady hands.

When I thought of this, my eyes became cold, and I stared outside with a solemn look. It seemed that some people couldn't wait any longer.

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