The Princess And The Lord

Chapter 1168 An Ambush

Lory then ran to where Zhao Li Xin and Lloyd were. Once Lory arrived the awkward silence between them is Ineluctable. Lloyd leans on the tree trunk with his hands crossed in front of his chest he keeps his head down and appears to be a bit uneasy and nervous on the other hand Zhao Li Xin stands with his back straight like a pole, his one hand resting behind his back while his other hand hangs in front of his stomach, it was amazing how Zhao Li Xin still maintain his noble aura even with weird clothes, he wears short, for God shake!

[Li Xin, I got the clothes for you!] Lory lifted her bag excitedly.

"Oh you here, how's Garrof?" Lloyd looked relieved to see Lory finally coming.

"He's taking care of the administration, you can check on him, I will come after my husband changes his clothes" Lory didn't want to trouble Lloyd further so kindly gave him a reason to leave.

"Then I'll go check on him!" Lloyd immediately run like a convict who was given amnesty.

Lory look at Lloyd with pity then she shifted her eyes to Zhao Li Xin who calmly changed his clothes.

Lory kept forgetting that not many people could live in the same room with Zhao Li Xin without feeling pressured. Even the four King palaces admitted that it took a long time to get used to being in the same room as Zhao Li Xin, only the Mong brothers were somewhat immune to being able to stay alone with Zhao Li Xin but that was because they had served. Zhao Li Xin since she was a child.

Lory also reminded herself not to leave Zhao Li Xin with anyone else because her aura was too strong to deal with.

[Let me help] Lory zipped Zhao Li Xin's jacket and then patted his chest, she knew it wasn't Zhao Li Xin's fault, Lory never wanted him to change because she knew who he was and this is a part of him that she except wholeheartedly and the truth is  Lory doesn't care about other people's comfort, she might be kind but she's no saint and she never tries to be one.

[I like the clothes] Zhao Li Xin smiled contentedly, he marveled at how many styles of men's clothing compared to the clothes in his old world, men's clothes in this world have a lot more variety they even got different types of fabrics.

Lory found it funny how easy it was to make Zhao Li Xin happy [I'm glad you like it, but I don't think this model still fits you] In Lory's opinion, casual clothing didn't represent Zhao Li Xin's grace and nobility well.

On the other hand, Zhao Li Xin didn't think anything wrong with his clothing. Compared to the wide sleeves in his old world, these clothes are much easier to wear, not to mention very comfortable as well.

Suddenly Zhao Li Xin heard a roaring engine sound from far away which Zhao Li Xin recognized as the sound of a jeep.

[Lory, do you think we're in trouble?]

Lory saw two black jeeps enter the airfield then several men in uniform with full gear got off their jeeps, they talk to each other while pointing in a few directions and then they immediately spread while some stay in their vehicles.

Lory clicked her tongue in annoyance, she didn't expect the soldiers to come to this place, were the soldiers looking for them, or did they have other intentions?

[What's your plane princess?] Zhao Li Xin grin.

Lory rests both her arms on her waist and laughs [We'll do what we do best, we fight!]

Zhao Li Xin's eyes glint dangerously [It's gonna be fun]

[Let's do it quietly love] Lory peck Zhao Li Xin's cheek [I'll handle people in the vehicle first]

[I'll handle the rest] Zhao Li Xin grins evilly.

There were twelve people inside, two people stayed in the vehicle, three headed to the hangar, and another three went to the office while the others spread in various directions.

The soldier that stayed to guard the vehicle looked around him warily but nothing out of the ordinary just like he expected in a remote place like this, he then turned his head to the same vehicle behind him then saw his comrade leaning against his vehicle with blank expression it seems he was as bored as he was, the truth is he didn't understand why his leader sends so many people for handle a small mission like this.

He sigh in resignation then leaned against the driver's door then lit his cigarette, he smoke the cigarette and then puffed the white smoke into the air. Once again he subconsciously glanced at his friend again but was surprised to see his friend's head lying face down at the wheel as if he was asleep, he wrinkled his forehead feeling strange that his friend fell asleep while on duty.

All of a sudden, a cold hand covered his mouth from behind then a sharp pain came from the back of his head instantly everything went dark.

Lory pulled the man into the driver's seat and then position him as if he was sleeping then she checked the crate in the jeep using the soldier key card.

Lory was startled by the remain of explosives inside the box the scary thought cross her mind, Lory didn't expect these people to come to blow up the whole place, but for what?

At the same time, one of the soldiers was in the middle of placing explosives into one of the tool sheds, he was too absorbed in his duty he didn't notice a black shadow approaching him from behind when he realized his neck already slashed by a sharp object, and the last thing he saw was his own blood splat to the wooden chair next to him.I think you should take a look at

Zhao Li Xin shook the knife from the blood remains with a calm expression then he noticed a strange-looking object stuck to the wall, he raised his hand to touch it but suddenly Lory's voice sounded in his head warning him 'Stop touching everything, Li Xin!"

Zhao Li Xin withdrew his hand, he better listen to his wife or he will be scolded again.

The truth is Zhao Li Xin was a bit reluctant but he knew it wouldn't be wise to touch something he didn't understand so Zhao Li Xin stood up then turned around and left, leaving the dead soldier on the floor, at a leisurely pace to find another target.

Elsewhere Garrof had completed all the necessary paperwork.

"Is this all?" Garrof put down his pen after signing the last file.

The administration Lady smiled brightly "Yes Mr...Barrington" she checked Garrof's fake identity again "That's all, my father will be the pilot!"

"Thank you, Mary by the way when we can fly?" asked Garrof.

Mary is a young woman with ginger long-curly hair and beautiful big green eyes, she looks at the clock and says "In about an hour, can you guys wait?"

Garrof thought there was nothing else he could do anyway so he nodded "No problem, it's not like we have other choices"

"Then I will contact my father now!" Mary picks up walkie talkie that is obviously outdated to contact her father on the other side of the building.

"Can this phone go out?" Garrof pointed at a very ancient-looking wired telephone on a nearby table, he wonder why everything in this place was outdated.

Mary nodded giving Garrof approval "Yes, the code is twenty-three," said Mary as she walked to the other side of the room to speak to her father privately.

Garrof took the phone and started pressing buttons, a moment later he heard a dial tone and then a moment later he heard Lilliane's voice "Hello"

Garrof answer readily "Miss Lilliane, it's me, Garrof"

Hearing Garrof's voice, Lilliane instantly cheered in joy, "Garrof you're still alive! I didn't hear from you, I also lost contact with your pickup pilot so I thought you guys...oh thank God! Are you all right?" she blew her cheek feeling so relieved to finally have some good news.

"We are fine Miss Lilliane how about Mr. Ethan is he awake?" Garrof reassured him.

"Yes, thank goodness he's finally awake but his condition is still very weak but at least he's not critical anymore, I owe you so much, oh yes how about Miss. Jane and Mr. Zhao, please tell me they're okay!" Lilliane's voice was filled with anxiety, she haven't told her grandfather he had sent Zhao Li Xin and his wife to hunt one of the most notorious beasts therefore if something happened with Zhao Li Xin or Lory she don't know what her grandfather would do?!

Garrof who knew Lory's true identity tried to speak calmly "Well....they're fine" What else could happen to the most powerful woman in the world.

"Oh thank goodness!" Lilly said with immense relief "I don't know what to tell my grandpa when something goes wrong with Mr. Zhao, oh, I have to give them a huge reward for their kindness" Lilly said enthusiastically.

Garrof is silent in a grimace, he doesn't know what appropriate reward could be given to the second heir of Harland kingdom, he suddenly feels his stomach churn.

Garrof rubbed his forehead "Well, um...rather than that I have more important things to report. Someone is trying to kill us and they not joking around, they really want to kill us"

"What? WHO?" Lilly shrill.

Garrof pulls the phone away from his ear for a second before continuing, "We don't know who they are but whoever they are they were professional and well-funded...."

"Garrof!" Lloyd suddenly called him with a serious expression "We got in trouble on our way!"

Garrof see three people in uniform come in their direction, "Miss, I'll call you later"

"Wait, what happened? Garrof...GARROF!" Lily screams anxiously behind the phone but the phone is suddenly cut off.

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