The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 130 - 130: Temporary Stay at a

Chapter 130: Chapter 130: Temporary Stay at a


Translator: 549690339

Xu Zhengyong changed his clothes, then emerged cleanly and refreshed.

“Miss… Miss Wei!” Xu Zhengyong, who was about to call out “Ruoruo”, caught sight of Wei Jinyi also in the court and quickly corrected himself.

With a smile tugging at the corner of Xu Zhengyong’s mouth, he looked energetic and spirited, showing no signs of being recently rescued after being buried for several hours.

“Deputy General Xu, don’t move around. You have just been exposed to the cold wind all night,” Wei Ruo cast him a side glance, warning him not to be too cocky.

Xu Zhengyong shrank his neck a little and took a seat opposite Wei Ruo, laughing and not daring to move again.

“Miss Wei, don’t worry too much, I am strong and healthy, a little wind chill won’t bring me down!” Xu Zhengyong said with a pleased expression.

Although he couldn’t move arbitrarily, he could still joke around a bit.

“Deputy General Xu, you only get one body. If you ruin it, you can’t replace it. It’s better to be more careful. Like the old saying goes, caution is the parent of safety.” Wei Ruo said with a “smile”.

“Miss Wei, you might not know, I have a nagging sister at home. Since childhood, she enjoys feeding me various tonic foods. Whenever she acquires anything good, she gives it to me. I eat so well that I am strong as an ox, it is hard for me to get sick!” Said Xu Zhengyong, proudly.

“Deputy General Xu, speak less and finish your medicine, then go back to sleep.” Wei Ruo put a bottle of medicine in front of Xu Zhengyong, letting him take it himself.

Without protest, Xu Zhengyong picked up the medicine bottle, skillfully poured two pills into his hand and washed them down with a bowl of water.

At the side, all of Wei Jinyi’s attention was absorbed by these seemingly unfamiliar but actually intimate interactions between the two.

Soon after, Wei Mingting also came out.

Xu Zhengyong immediately stood up and walked over to play with the chickens kept in the yard by the farmers.

Wei Mingting was also in good condition, after all, with years of martial arts training and combat experience, his physical condition was much better than that of ordinary people.

Wei Mingting sat down opposite Wei Ruo and sincerely expressed his gratitude: “Ruoruo, although to say thank you seems to add a distance between us, I still want to express my gratitude. If it were not for you today, Deputy General Xu and I might not be alive. The lives of all of us were saved by you.” “Father, there’s no need to be overly polite with me. It’s something I should do.” Even if Wei Mingting was not her biological father, and she was only a commoner from Xingshan County, at such a time there was no reason not to help them.

Wei Mingting gently shook his head: “There is nothing that you should do. On such a cold day, it is very dangerous. It is truly commendable that you and Jinyi disregarded your own safety to come and search for us.”

Wei Ruo just smiled and didn’t say anything.

Wei Mingting’s gaze softened as he watched Wei Ruo tinker with something, and asked, “Ruoruo, what are you working on?”

“These are some medicines I brought along, thinking they might be of use. However, to maintain their efficacy some medicines were separated when made. They need to be mixed together before usage.” Wei Ruo explained.

“Ruoruo, you really are meticulous.” Wei Mingting praised.

“Father, you should have caught a cold yesterday. Wait for me to mix the medicine, then take a bowl of it.” Wei Ruo suggested.

“Alright.” Wei Mingting replied with a smile.

Watching his daughter prepare medicine for his cold, Wei Mingting felt a warmth in his heart.

After preparing the medicine, Wei Ruo mixed it with boiling water.

Although this method was not as effective as boiling the medicine in water, it was simple and practical.

After adjusting the medicine, Wei Ruo divided it into five portions. Each person who was trapped yesterday gets a share, and Xu Zhengyong couldn’t escape from taking it.

Xu Zhengyong tried to pretend that he was feeding chickens and didn’t hear Wei Ruo’s voice in order to avoid taking the medicine, but Wei Ruo called him once again:

“Deputy General Xu, you’ve also caught a cold. Just in case, please also drink a bowl of this. After all, you still have to defend Xingshan County.”

With no choice left, Xu Zhengyong walked over to the table and drank a bowl of medicine with a frown.

After finishing, Xu Zhengyong hurriedly drank a few cups of water.

So bitter!

Ruoruo’s medicine was as bitter as ever!

Wei Mingting, on the other hand, was very calm as he drank the medicine. Even though the medicine was bitter, it was completely within his tolerance. After drinking the medicine, Wei Mingting looked at Wei Ruo and instructed, “Ruoruo, you should take good care of yourself as well. The weather has been cold these past few days, don’t catch a cold.”

“Okay.” Wei Ruo replied simply.

Then Wei Mingting turned his gaze to Wei Jinyi: “When did Jinyi come back?” “Yesterday. I was worried about the family due to the recent bad weather and returned ahead of schedule.” Wei Jinyi answered.

“That was thoughtful of you.” Wei Mingting remarked.

“It’s nothing compared to elder sister. When I arrived home yesterday, she had already gone to the southern part of the city to save people.” Wei Jinyi mentioned to Wei Mingting.

The things that Wei Ruo didn’t mention herself, Wei Jinyi helped her to bring up.

“Oh? Ruoruo also went to the southern city to save people?” Wei Mingting turned to look at Wei Ruo again.

“The common people at the southern part of the city are mostly poor. The houses they live in are hastily constructed and can’t withstand wind and rain. With the cold weather and the flooded homes. If they were not relocated, their lives would have been in danger.” Wei Ruo answered.

“Ruoruo’s consideration is thorough indeed, it is indeed so.” Wei Mingting said in agreement, looking at Wei Ruo with an expression of satisfaction.

Wei Mingting felt deeply moved. His daughter’s deeds, though different from the ordinary girls, were no less noble than those noble girls in the capital.

If she were a boy, she would certainly achieve great things!

“Father, you are still weak. Don’t stay outside in the wind. It’s better to go back to your room and rest first.” Wei Ruo, who wasn’t used to being praised by Wei Mingting, suggested he go back to his room and rest.

Immediately following that, Wei Ruo gave Xu Zhengyong a side-glance again.

Even though she didn’t say anything, Xu Zhengyong obediently went into the house.

Since the road was not yet open, the group needed to stay over at a farmhouse for the night. The villagers from nearby sent over various food materials.

Wei Ruo did not take much food from the villagers. She only took four pieces of tofu, a handful of small rapeseed, three eggs, and some rice.

Wei Ruo knew that it had been a tough couple of years for the villagers, and all these supplies were offered after much reduction in their own consumption.

With Xiumei not being around, Wei Ruo had to be the one to cook.

Although the available ingredients were limited, and she could only make a few simple dishes, Wei Ruo used various seasonings generously and skillfully managed to make four classic dishes using the three types of ingredients: red-braised tofu, spring onion and soy sauce mix with tofu, stir-fried rapeseed, and egg custard.

Ordinary dishes became extraordinary in both color and taste under her culinary expertise.

Wei Mingting ate up three bowls of rice just with these dishes. One, because he was actually hungry. Two, because these homemade dishes were exactly to his taste.

“Ruoruo, it turns out that you are the best cook in our house. Your father has never known this.” Wei Mingting said with a sigh.

Previously he only noticed Xiumei’s cooking skills, but now he knew that Wei Ruo was just as good and wasn’t any inferior to Xiumei at all.

Wei Jinyi was also somewhat surprised. He had never seen Wei Ruo cook before.

“These are just some common dishes.” Wei Ruo said.

“It’s the most common dishes that show the true skills.” Wei Mingting said..

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