The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 112 - 112 After picking a fight with Yun Clan, picking a fight with Wei Qingwanl

Chapter 112: Chapter 112 After picking a fight with Yun Clan, picking a fight with Wei Qingwanl

Translator: 549690339

Wei Ruo continued, “Also, Lady Yuan has asked me to stay a few more days in the Government City. Tomorrow morning, someone will come here to pick me up. Can you imagine her reaction if were to share our conversation today word-for-word with her? How would she perceive the Wei Family? How would she view you, Madam Wei?”

“Are you threatening me?” cried Mrs. Yun in disbelief. Her obedient and well-behaved daughter from a few days earlier was now uttering such words!

“If you discussed with me in a fair and straightforward manner, I wouldn’t resort to threats. But today, if I don’t threaten you, the fate awaiting me is confinement, just as I was locked in the firewood room when my younger brother fell ill,” Wei Ruo explained coldly.

“This is rebellion, you’re rebelling!” Mrs. Yun could not contain her anger. “Rebelling against what? Against your bias and your injustice. If you have indeed done no wrong, why would I stand against you in this way?” Wei Ruo responded.

Mrs. Yun was so agitated she could barely breathe properly. She glared at Wei Ruo but found herself at loss for words to express her anger.

Staying calm and composed, Wei Ruo walked over to Wei Qingwan, who was kneeling on the floor, “I noticed you approaching me on purpose that day, pretending to be unstable and bumping into me, am I right?”

“Sister, what are you talking about?” Wei Qingwan refuted with a distressed look on her face.

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. I didn’t explicitly point you out in Tianqin Garden simply because I didn’t want to give people fodder for gossip. But you are indeed thoughtful in planning ahead and preparing excuses for yourself. You didn’t overtly push me, rather you pretended to trip and knock into me. This way, you’d have an excuse even if something went wrong.” “Sister, you are slandering me, I didn’t do that! Tripping was not my intention! It was an accident, I accept any blame you attribute to me due to this accident, but I can’t accept being accused of doing it on purpose!” Wei Qingwan continued to deny everything vehemently.

As long as she doesn’t admit, Wei Ruo has no evidence to prove that she did it on purpose!

“Whether you admit it or not is of no concern to me. Regardless, our rift has already been brought to the surface today. Don’t try to portray the image of a pitiable little sister around me anymore, it disgusts me.”

Wei Qingwan stared at Wei Ruo wide-eyed.

On any other day, Mrs. Yun would have strictly rebuked Wei Ruo for speaking to Wei Qingwan in this way.

But today, even Mrs. Yun had been on the receiving end of Wei Ruo’s fury. Why would she keep this from Wei Qingwan?

However, much as she wished to vent her anger, Mrs. Yun had to remain silent after hearing everything Wei Ruo had said earlier.

Neither from Lady Yuan nor from the matters related to the experimental fields in the south of the city, the Wei Family could afford no slip-ups.

Having said her piece, Wei Ruo disregarded Mrs. Yun and Wei Qingwan. She turned around and retreated to her own room.

That evening, Wei Ruo did not have any meals with Mrs. Yun and Wei Qingwan. Instead, she and Xiumei enjoyed a big pot of spicy hot pot in their room after Xiumei made a trip to the kitchen to prepare the food.

In contrast, the atmosphere at Mrs. Yun and Wei Qingwan’s place was incredibly tense, and they scarcely ate anything due to the loss of appetite.

Wei Qingwan had tear-stained eyes even now, uncertain about how to face the future.

Ever since Lady Yuan publicly humiliated her, she felt as though she had been pushed into a deep abyss.

“Mother, why don’t I go and apologize to my sister?” Wei Qingwan ultimately couldn’t restrain herself after a long silence. “She will meet Lady Yuan tomorrow. If Lady Yuan is willing to withdraw her words, there might still be hope.”

Mrs. Yun remained silent. She knew that there was feasibility in what Qingwan was suggesting, but given the heated argument that had just ensued, how was she to bring it up?

Wei Qingwan continued, “Mother, it doesn’t matter if Sister misunderstands me, nor does it matter if we have conflicts between us. What’s important is that we, the Wei family, unite as one. As long as sister is willing to plead on my behalf with Lady Yuan, I don’t mind admitting whatever or apologizing in whichever way.

Wei Qingwan had already decided to apologize to Wei Ruo. Compared to the likely marital difficulties in the future, she was willing to swallow this slight humiliation.

However, she did not want Mrs. Yun to think that she had indeed done something wrong. Therefore, she started off by painting a larger picture in front of Mrs. Yun.

Consequently, not only would Mrs. Yun not blame her for apologizing, but she would also admire her for her broad-mindedness and willingness to compromise.

Mrs. Yun gestured dismissively, “If you think it’s right, then go.”

Mrs. Yun was spent, physically and mentally drained from her confrontation with Wei Ruo.

Having received Mrs. Yun’s consent, Wei Qingwan rose to her feet and headed towards Wei Ruo’s room.

Inside, Wei Ruo and Xiumei, who had just finished their meal, were recalling interesting anecdotes about their countryside life:

“Remember how Brother Xiaoyong was chased seven or eight miles by Little Fatty for stealing just a few apricots? And then to hear that Little Fatty picked out the fruits himself and sent them over to you as an apology for teasing you during your childhood!” Xiumei recounted, chuckling at the recollection of the amusing incident.

“What were you thinking, stealing fruits? I had already spoken to Fatty’s mother, you could’ve just asked her for them directly. The misunderstanding could’ve been avoided.”

“Little Fatty had already started arguing with Brother Xiaoyong before I even had the chance to explain. Little Fatty saw us picking the fruits and assumed we were stealing them. I wanted to clarify the situation, but by the time I could, they were already fighting and no amount of persuasion could diffuse the situation.”

“Ah, I really regret missing Brother Xiaoyong hiding in a hay bale while being licked by an old yellow cow!” Wei Ruo lamented.

Just as Wei Ruo and Xiumei were reminiscing with laughter, Wei Qingwan knocked on the door. “Sister.”

As soon as she heard the word “sister,” the smile on Wei Ruo’s face disappeared.

Xiumei pouted, “Didn’t Miss already tell her to stop pretending? Why is she coming again?”

“Probably she has come to her senses, realizes the gravity of the situation and wants to restore her reputation. But with no other means, she could only come to me,” Wei Ruo smirked, already anticipating Wei Qingwan’s motive.

As expected, as soon as Wei Ruo finished speaking, Wei Qingwan’s apologetic voice could be heard from outside the door.

“Sister, I was wrong about today’s incident. It was my fault for bumping into you, causing you to step into the pond, and nearly bumping into Lady Yuan. All the mistakes are my doing!”

Immediately after, a shadow outside the door lowered itself halfway. It seemed like she had knelt down.

Wei Ruo remained silent while Wei Qingwan kneeling at the door continued with her apology: “I was scared and didn’t have the courage to admit what I did at the time, fearing the consequences and punishment. I was selfish and almost got you into trouble. After reflecting on it this afternoon, I deeply realize my mistake and swear it will never happen again.. I implore you to forgive me just this once on account of my first offense!”

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