The Lucky Heiress

Chapter 107 - 107 Delicious_l

Chapter 107: Chapter 107 Delicious_l

Translator: 549690339 |

Lu Yuhong stood on the boat and warned the Xie family servants who were delivering the fish: “Be careful, don’t spill it!

The servants from the Xie family, who were initially relaxed, became somewhat nervous after Lu Yuhong’s warning, causing their hands holding the pot to tremble slightly.

When the small boat approached, Lu Yuhong personally took over the pot.

Xie Jue came over, laughing and teasing: “Brother Lu, you’re not planning on keeping it all to yourself, are you?”

“I’m not as stingy as you, let’s go inside and eat. Then we’ll continue fishing,”

Lu Yuhong said as he placed the pot on a table inside the cabin.

Chu Lan then entered the cabin as well.

The servants on the boat prepared cutlery for the three of them, and they

began tasting the food.

Only at the first bite, Lu Yuhong showed a joyful expression: “This fish is too delicious! The meat is tender and fragrant.”

He then dropped all pretenses and enjoyed the food heartily.

He again praised: “The side dishes underneath are very flavourful too, and

what are these black beans? They’re savoury and fragrant!”

Compared to him, Chu Lan and Xie Jue’s reactions were much more subdued. It wasn’t that the food wasn’t good, but their well-bred manners didn’t allow them to lose their dignity over delicious food.

Especially Chu Lan, no matter how good the food was, he wouldn’t behave like

Lu Yuhong. Food didn’t hold such a weight in his heart.

Yet he also couldn’t deny, Wei Ruo’s prepared fish was exceptionally delicious and the method of grilling and boiling the fish along with a bunch of side dishes was very unique.

The fish was cut in half, and a fish of more than two catties didn’t yield much after getting halved, coupled with the side dishes they only had a half-filled pot. It didn’t take long for the three of them to finish.

Lu Yuhong still wanted more. Looking at the bottom of the pot, which was completely emptied, including the soup, was not enough for him.

He then urged Chu Lan and Xie Jue to continue fishing: “Don’t rest after eating, hurry back and fish more.”

Xie Jue helplessly said, “Brother Lu, at least let Miss Wei, who’s in charge of grilling the fish, take a rest.”

■■Then I have to fish more for backup. What if Miss Wei wants to grill more? We can’t not have fish for her to grill, right?”

Having said that, Lu Yuhong led Xie Jue and Chu Lan towards the bow of the boat.

Xie Jue glanced at Chu Lan and seeing that there was no unusual expression on his face, he felt relieved and followed them to the bow.

Among all the people of his generation that he knew, it seemed that only Lu Yuhong dared to drag the seventh prince around like this, and the seventh prince was especially tolerant of Lu Yuhong.

in addition to Lu Yuhong’s special status, the two had grown up together also played a part in this relationship.

By the time the three of them returned to the bow of the boat to continue fishing, Wei Ruo, Xie Ying, and Xiumei had also finished their half of the fish.

Xie Ying asked Wei Ruo: “Ruoruo, what are these black beans, they’re salty and taste pretty good.”

-This is fermented black bean, made from fermented soybeans, it can enhance

the flavour.” Wei Ruo explained.

“It’s amazing, you said soy sauce is also made from soybeans last time, how can one soybean create so many different things.” Xie Ying marvelled.

“The use of soybeans is vast. If I get the chance, I’ll make some soy milk and tofu for you, they’re delicious.” Wei Ruo said.

“Yes, yes!” Xie Ying had eaten soy milk and tofu before, but she was especially looking forward to what Wei Ruo would make.

Right after, Xie Ying lamented: “Ruoruo, if I were a man, I’d come to your house to propose and marry you!”

“If you were a man, I wouldn’t have anything to do with you.” Wei Ruo said.


“There isn’t that quality of friendship in a husband and wife relationship. Sincere men are rare in this world, most are faithless and heartless hke Chen Shimei.”

“That’s not necessarily the case, I think my parents are quite good. My mother doesn’t mind my father’s low official rank and my father doesn’t mind my mother’s merchant family background. They respect and care for each other.” Xie Ying said.

“Your parents are rare cases. Just look around Taizhou prefecture, how many families are there that don’t have concubines?” Wei Ruo said.

“Indeed, not many. I only know that the Magistrate does not have any concubines. He probably doesn’t dare to, as Madam Magistrate was a Commandery Princess of the Wang Resident. If he did, the Wang Residence wouldn’t spare the Yuan Family.”

“So you’d better remain my good friend, I won’t forget about you when I have good food, but my future husband may not be so lucky!” Wei Ruo said.

“Okay! Let’s be good friends!” Xie Ying looked delighted.

After whispering for a while, Xie Ying returned to fishing.

Seeing that Lu Yuhong on the opposite side was cheating by using two fishing rods, Xie Ying also refused to be outdone and asked for an extra rod.

After that, whoever caught a fish, the other would stare wide-eyed, fearing that the other party’s catch was bigger than theirs.

Lu Yuhong blurted out: “I can’t lose to a girl.”

Xie Ying retorted: “What’s wrong with girls? Girls are not necessarily weaker than boys!”

Lu Yuhong: “I didn’t say you were weak, just that I shouldn’t be weaker than you.”

Xie Ying: “There’s no such thing as ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t.’ Let’s talk with facts, I’ve caught more fish than you!”

Lu Yuhong: “It’s too early to draw conclusions, the game isn’t over yet!

Xie Ying: “I’m going to catch even more! I’m better than you!”

Lu Yuhong: “Then let’s compete!”

Having said this, the two glared at each other for several moments.

Xie Ying and Lu Yuhong seemed to be stubbornly opposing each other, both refusing to back down.

Xie Jue felt a headache. His sister had always been competitive since childhood and hated it when people said that girls were not good enough.

As for Lu Yuhong, he had always been straight-forward and highly competitive. When his competitive spirit comes, he doesn’t think about anything else.

He thought that there wouldn’t be any problems as they were on separate boats. Who would have thought that the two could still compete from afar.

Fortunately, while they were in competition, they didn’t really bicker, they just threatened each other across the water.

While Xie Ying and Lu Yuhong were competing, Wei Ruo grilled the second fish, using the belly of a blunt-snout bream that Xie Ying had caught.

She followed the same method: grilling until both sides are golden, then boiling it with prepared aromatic spices and side dishes.

In the end, Wei Ruo added black beans to the fish.

This time, Wei Ruo prepared two portions of grilled fish. She kept one portion for herself, Xie Ying, and Xiumei, and sent the other to the three men on the other boat.

After finishing these two portions, everyone was mostly full.

The remaining fresh fish were kept in wooden barrels. Lu Yuhong originally wanted to give them to Wei Ruo, but she politely declined as it would not be convenient for her since she was away from home. In the end, all the fish were given to Xie Jue.

As for the results of Xie Ying and Lu Yuhong’s competition, it ended without a clear winner, as the types, sizes, and numbers of fish they caught varied.

In the end, Chu Lan played the mediator: “Each has its own merits, there’s no winner.”

Since Chu Lan had spoken, Xie Ying and Lu Yuhong naturally had no objections.

Afterwards, Wei Ruo and Xie Ying separated from the three men. They left on Chu Lan’s boat and returned to the shore.

Still on the boat, Chu Lan asked Lu Yuhong: “Are you satisfied with this trip, Brother Yuhong?”

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