The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 136: Grandmaster

Chapter 136: Grandmaster

Zhao Qinghan's eyes sparkled with an unusual brightness, as if they were lit from within. She looked on with intense envy. Upon shedding a layer of skin, Wang Xuan's face revealed a new layer that was smooth and flawless, much like pristine jade. The fresh skin radiated a vibrant, rejuvenated aura.

Curious and without any reservation, Zhao Qinghan reached out, intending to inspect Wang Xuan's newly rejuvenated skin. She pinched and pulled at his cheek to get a better feel.

Wang Xuan turned his head, puzzled. "What are you doing, Goddess Zhao? Why are you touching my face?" He noted her appearance: her body was damp, and droplets of water still clung to her hair, giving her a fresh and ethereal beauty. However, the brilliance in her eyes was almost too intense to look at directly.

This did not seem like an act of flirtation, as Zhao Qinghan was often more reserved and aloof.

"What kind of technique have you been practicing?" Zhao Qinghan's voice was tinged with excitement, her typical composed demeanor momentarily forgotten, her eyes filled with eagerness to learn.

With a playful and mysterious grin, Wang Xuan whispered, "It's the Daoist Dual Cultivation Technique."

He wore a smile that beamed with pride, lighting up his entire face. Zhao Qinghan was momentarily stunned, then she lightly punched him in jest, rolling her eyes in disbelief.

"Why are you asking?" Wang Xuan, undeterred by the playful punch, continued his exercises, savoring the newfound strength coursing through him. He felt invincible, confident he could now overpower a creature of masterful strength.

Zhao Qinghan replied, "After shedding your skin, your complexion improved so dramatically. It's far more effective than any beauty treatment I've seen. I believe this technique is worth mastering!"

Wang Xuan was momentarily at a loss for words. The earnest expression on Zhao Qinghan's face could have convinced anyone that they were discussing matters of life and death. Yet, all this fuss was just about her desire for beauty!

He recalled a previous conversation where she had mentioned practicing certain techniques to maintain her figure. Her rapid mastery of 'qi' gathering and internal nourishment techniques had indeed left Qin Cheng utterly impressed.

"You're telling me that your sole purpose of rigorously training is to achieve a flawless appearance and maintain your figure?" Wang Xuan asked incredulously.

Zhao Qinghan nodded earnestly, "Indeed. It's a major motivation for me. By mastering these techniques to the highest level, I can not only preserve my youth but also extend my lifespan."

"But don't you want to achieve transcendence?" Wang Xuan probed further.

"Of course, I do. But the two goals aren't mutually exclusive. As I move forward, I'm inching closer to both," she replied with utmost seriousness.

Wang Xuan could only nod in response. Zhao Qinghan had her priorities straight. She was determined to achieve both beauty and transcendence. And if her will was bolstered by the former... It was formidable indeed. Should she succeed, Wang Xuan mused, she would likely boast about her journey for years to come—how her path to spiritual cultivation began with a desire to maintain her figure.

Deciding to be forthright, Wang Xuan informed her that the technique he was practicing was called the 'Golden Body Technique'. Zhao Qinghan's face instantly changed. Her gaze fixed on him, a hint of alarm evident in her eyes. "You mean, practicing it to the point where even blades and bullets cannot harm you? To the point where your body is as hard as iron? I won't practice something like that!"

It took Wang Xuan a moment to comprehend her reaction. Then, glancing at her delicate and wet silhouette, he realized her concern: Is she actually worried that the technique will turn her graceful body into a rigid block of iron?

Wang Xuan decided not to elaborate further. After all, the 'Golden Body Technique' was not for everyone. It was an energy-intensive practice that took a considerable amount of time, and under normal circumstances, most couldn't master it.

"I'll review some techniques when I get back and decide on the right direction for my training," Zhao Qinghan declared. She was currently honing her older techniques while learning new ones. But witnessing the prowess of her classmate, who had taken an old technique to such a mysterious level, invigorated her anticipation for what she might achieve.

"You should consume the Spirit Nourishing Lotus soon. Two petals should suffice, but after that, its efficacy will diminish considerably," Wang Xuan advised her.

He proceeded to consume the remaining half petal of his lotus, unwilling to let it go to waste. Once separated from its stem, the lotus began to lose its essence by the minute unless immediately preserved.

For Wang Xuan, the effect of this half petal was now subtler than before. He had reached a pivotal point in his training. As he transitioned to the seventh level of the 'Golden Body Technique', his prowess soared to the pinnacle of the master tier. It was astounding considering he had just recently ventured into this realm. He swiftly surpassed the mid-tier masters to stand at the apex. Furthermore, he believed that he was on the cusp of breaking into the realm of Grandmaster.

Wang Xuan couldn't help but marvel at the wonders of the mysterious land they were in. The journey had truly been worthwhile. There was no doubt in his mind that the Spirit Nourishing Lotus was an extraordinary elixir, likely crafted with utmost care by the transcendent creature, the Great Serpent, for its offspring.

Now, Wang Xuan felt that even in the face of a real Grandmaster, he wouldn't flinch. He found himself in a unique state where every aspect of his being was enhanced to an exceptional degree. In some respects, he felt even more potent than a Grandmaster. By all accounts, considering his current prowess, he was undoubtedly on par with them.

However, Wang Xuan understood that upon truly entering the Grandmaster realm, peculiar transformations would occur. These were changes he had not yet manifested.

Signs of such advancements included abilities verging on the supernatural. Some Grandmasters could unleash an energy beam from their mouths, capable of decapitating foes. Others could harness the element of fire from within their bodies, casting brilliant flames that would grievously wound or even incinerate adversaries. Some could invoke the resonance of their internal organs, emitting bursts of lightning to vanquish enemies. Elder Chen had once demonstrated this art of thunder, its immense power dismantling various secret techniques from other domains.

While Wang Xuan could produce a resonance within his organs, it manifested merely as a rumble accompanied by a faint glow. He could not project an energy beam to directly harm opponents. Therefore, he did not consider himself a Grandmaster yet.

However, he wasn't disheartened. This just emphasized the depth and sturdiness of his foundation. He was still in the phase of accumulation. Once he manifested the distinctive traits of a Grandmaster, his prowess would undoubtedly be awe-inspiring. For now, he was confident that his current strength was a match for any Grandmaster.

He looked forward with anticipation to the day he would truly step into that esteemed realm, curious about the changes it would bring. "Great Serpent, perhaps when I attain the Grandmaster level, I won't wish to seek you out for trouble. It's best we avoid crossing paths in the near future," he mused, revealing his thoughts on the transcendent creature.

Casting a glance at Zhao Qinghan, Wang Xuan noticed she had consumed the Spirit Nourishing Lotus. She sat with her eyes closed, a luminous glow radiating from her forehead. He realized that Zhao, with her unique spiritual techniques, was likely deriving immense benefits from the lotus.

Wang Xuan, eager to test his newfound strength, approached a nearby cliff and unleashed a powerful palm strike against its surface. Without hesitation, he turned and sprinted away, moments before a massive section of the cliff crumbled and thunderously collapsed. Such force would surely reduce any creature of the Grandmaster level to mere pulp!

After a short time, Wang Xuan returned to find Zhao Qinghan behaving strangely. She cast fleeting glances his way, her face flushed, before quickly averting her gaze. At first, he was puzzled. Then, spotting a wisp of luminescent mist before her forehead, understanding dawned on him.

The ethereal mist resembled the spiritual realm, though Zhao seemed far from fully manifesting it. In fact, she seemed less advanced than he was at the onset. Zhao Qinghan's spiritual prowess was exceptional and unique. Back in their novice days, she had once hypnotized him using this power. When she harnessed her spiritual force, her pupils transformed into a vivid shade of purple—a trait stemming from the union between the Zhao family and the indigenous inhabitants.

"Could she possess certain abilities even before establishing her spiritual realm?" Wang Xuan pondered.

True to his suspicions, on two occasions, Zhao cast him uneasy glances. Only when the luminous mist receded and her eyes returned to their normal hue did she seem to regain her composure.

Wordlessly, Wang Xuan surmised that Zhao, driven by her intense curiosity, had been probing him. However, she soon regained her calm demeanor and refrained from tapping into her surging spiritual energy again.

Choosing not to confront her, Wang Xuan empathized with her actions. Anyone newly endowed with heightened spiritual perception would surely be driven by curiosity.

The duo resumed their journey, hoping to rendezvous with their companions. However, Wang Xuan soon made a startling discovery. "Something's amiss. There are stone houses in this region!" he exclaimed. Glimpsed through the dense forest was a cluster of structures, meticulously crafted from large stones. Clearly, it was a dwelling.

Upon closer observation, Wang Xuan noticed that the stone formations seemed to make up a quaint village. An unsettling stillness hung in the air, devoid of any signs of life.

"Could this be the home of beings similar to humans?" Wang Xuan wondered aloud.

Zhao Qinghan, her face clouded with apprehension, shook her head. "No expedition has ever reported such a discovery," she whispered.

Their unexpected find—an array of constructed dwellings in this secluded realm—was profoundly perplexing. More unnerving, though, was the haunting silence that pervaded the village.

Deciding that caution was the better part of valor, they chose not to delve deeper. In a land as treacherous as this, excessive curiosity could prove fatal.

"Perhaps, in our frantic flight from the mighty serpent, we inadvertently veered off course," suggested Zhao Qinghan.

Since no previous explorers had encountered such structures, they reasoned they had ventured into unexplored territories. Thus, they sought to recalibrate their path and find familiar ground.

The hidden realm was vast, teeming with mysteries. As they journeyed, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan kept their eyes peeled for its many treasures. They had already experienced the benefits of the Nourishing Lotus. If they were fortunate enough to discover the legendary Elixir of Destiny or the Earth Immortal Grass, Wang Xuan was confident that his prowess would ascend to unparalleled heights—enough to confront and perhaps best the fearsome serpent.

Yet, the land didn’t yield its secrets easily. While they pinpointed intriguing locations, there were ominous hints of formidable entities nearby. With his acute spiritual awareness, Wang Xuan sensed these lurking dangers. Charging forward recklessly might spell doom.

Zhao Qinghan reassured, "We're still within the boundaries of this concealed realm. We haven't strayed."

Suddenly, Wang Xuan pointed ahead. "There's a fierce battle unfolding!" His voice tinged with awe, he continued, "The forest is aflame with energy. This suggests combatants of Grandmaster strength, at the very least!"

Explosions and dazzling bursts of light punctuated the horizon. Cliffs disintegrated, and towering trees were felled.

Gazing in wonder, Wang Xuan whispered, "Could those be... Pegasus? A herd of the legendary celestial steeds right before our eyes?"

Both Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan stood in awe as a herd of horses took flight from the mountains. These weren't ordinary horses. These were majestic, snow-white steeds, unblemished from mane to tail, each sporting vast, white wings. They soared gracefully over the mountains, enveloped by a radiant mist.

Yet on the ground, another group of horses galloped at astonishing speeds. Their bodies shimmered with a golden luster, making them resemble living tapestries of gilded silk. Their speed was astounding, even scaling cliff faces with ease, seemingly in pursuit of the winged horses in the sky.

Once the herd had departed, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan cautiously approached the area. The forest floor was marred by hoof prints, and many towering trees lay shattered, testament to the intensity of what had transpired.

"There's an injured one!" Wang Xuan pointed out.

"A Pegasus?" Zhao Qinghan wondered aloud.

In a clearing, they found a white horse, its body as lustrous as polished marble, radiating an otherworldly beauty. However, a grievous wound marred its head, staining the ground with blood. It lay there, letting out soft, mournful whinnies, its gaze lingering in the direction the herd had vanished, a palpable sense of longing in its eyes.

It was evident that this horse had clashed with either the winged ones or the golden ones, resulting in the devastation around them.

"This horse is incredible," Zhao Qinghan remarked with awe. "It doesn't have wings and can't fly, but look - it seems to be just a youngling, not yet fully grown."

Many people in their world had a penchant for horse racing, breeding various exotic equines. Zhao Qinghan recalled that one of her uncles owned several high-priced, rare horses.

But by comparison, she realized, even the most prized horse her uncle boasted of paled beside the injured white one before them. Wang Xuan nodded in agreement, equally impressed. Though the injured white horse wasn't small, it was evidently more youthful than the others that had departed.

The battlefield bore the hallmarks of a clash between Grandmasters. Wang Xuan felt a momentary crisis of belief. Could it be that these horses were all at the Grandmaster level of power? The very thought suggested that the more formidable horses within the herd must be transcendental beings.

"Are we still on the outskirts? This isn't right. We've encountered a herd of Grandmaster-level pegasi, and perhaps even a Transcendent lead stallion," Wang Xuan remarked, a note of wonder in his voice.

He then approached the injured white foal on the ground, which was possibly dazed earlier from a blow to its head. As Wang Xuan neared, the horse's eyes widened, and it began to struggle.

"Don't be afraid," Wang Xuan gently said, crouching beside the creature. "I mean you no harm. Come with me. I even have a spiritual herb you can eat." He extended his hand, trying to soothe the wary steed.

Zhao Qinghan watched with anticipation. Taming a Grandmaster-level spirit horse and taking it to their home world would undoubtedly drive the horse-racing enthusiasts mad. Besides, having such a powerful mount in this mysterious land would undoubtedly offer them a significant advantage.

But suddenly, the seemingly placid moment took an unexpected turn. While still lying on the ground, the spirited horse lashed out, aiming a powerful kick at Wang Xuan.

Zhao Qinghan braced herself, expecting Wang Xuan to continue his patient attempts to calm the feisty creature. But, to her astonishment, Wang Xuan retaliated with a swift slap. The echoing sounds of their skirmish filled the air.

The subsequent scene was far from a graceful depiction.

Wang Xuan communicated with the young horse using brute force. In the end, he subdued the sentient creature, forcing it to lower its head in temporary submission. Clearly, the horse had a strong will to live and had no desire to meet its end. Once it realized it was outmatched by Wang Xuan, it ceased its resistance.

Later that day, Wang Xuan and Zhao Qinghan successfully mounted the magnificent steed, journeying through the mountains in search of their acquaintances.

Riding a Grandmaster-level spirit horse came with benefits – its pace was astonishing. It effortlessly navigated rugged terrains, making the journey both swift and efficient. However, Wang Xuan remained on guard, continuously disciplining the horse. It had tried to escape or even retaliate against him on several occasions, but each attempt was swiftly quashed. Clinging to its mane, Wang Xuan seemed almost glued to the creature's back, ready to reprimand it at its slightest fuss.

Needless to say, Wang Xuan was immensely satisfied. Not only did he possess the combat prowess of a Grandmaster, but his mount was also a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Zhao Qinghan sat behind him, holding onto the sides of his clothing. But whenever the horse leapt over uneven terrain, the jolt would force her to wrap her arms tightly around Wang Xuan's waist.

By the afternoon, they returned to their initial location, only to find their comrades missing, replaced by numerous blood stains and signs of combat. An intuition told Zhao Qinghan they were close to finding their friends. She whispered into Wang Xuan's ear, "I'll keep your secret safe."

As evening approached and just before the sun set, they came upon some familiar faces. Through the dense woods, Wang Xuan spotted Zhong Cheng and Zhou Yun, both bloodied and battered. They were accompanied by only a handful of their initial group.

At the same moment, Wang Xuan's eyes caught the breathtaking sight of the herd of flying horses once more. Their vast snow-white wings stretched across the sky, making a majestic traverse across the mountains. Their divine aura was amplified against the backdrop of the evening's afterglow.

Below, a group of golden horses galloped over a cliff, seemingly in pursuit.

"Are those... Pegasus?!" exclaimed Zhong Cheng in shock.

"How incredible would it be if we could tame such creatures and breed them on our new star?" Zhou Yun mused aloud, imagining the betting odds if he had such a horse. "No horse would ever outpace them."

However, an experienced member of the surviving expedition dampened their excitement. "Don't even think about it. A Grandmaster once tried to tame one, only to get crushed by its hoof. It was a gruesome end."

Zhong Cheng remarked, "Sounds like something Xiao Wang would do."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan's patience wore thin, and he felt the urge to give Zhong a piece of his mind!

Zhou Yun nodded in agreement, "I've heard about it too. That powerful hoof stomp is notorious."

The young horse Wang Xuan was mounted on remained silent, seemingly melancholic. It gazed longingly at the distant herd as they slowly walked out of the woods.

"Little Wang, Sister Zhao!" Zhong Cheng gasped in surprise. "How are you both alive after being taken by those beasts?"

Zhou Yun, equally stunned, quipped, "A Pegasus? Impressive, Little Wang! How much would you sell it to me?"

Suddenly, from the departing herd of flying horses, a few turned back, gazing in their direction and letting out a haunting neigh. Could they be rallying for an attack? Wang Xuan's skin tingled with apprehension. He quickly covered his mouth, fearing that any words he might utter could inadvertently come true.

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