The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 109: Old Ling Showing Off

Chapter 109: Old Ling Showing Off

Wang Xuan's steps did not falter as he continued on his way, his thoughts occupied by Ling Qiming's previous chilly demeanor. Is he… Actually calling out to us?

Standing firmly at the courtyard's entrance, a group of men giving off the aura of capable fighters stood around Ling Qiming. It was clear that security around the man was tight, even when they were in an environment as safe as the New Moon.

In addition to these human guards, the latest models of combat automaton stood ready. Their formidable reputation preceded them: they were known to be capable of overpowering multiple adversaries and even downing small aircrafts.

Wang Xuan's expression turned steely. Is this Ling Qiming’s way of flexing his power?

Qin Cheng, too, wore an icy expression. His bond with Wang Xuan ran deep, and he knew very well about the tension between Wang Xuan and Ling Qiming.

Ling Qiming approached the duo, appearing to be aloof. He eyed Wang Xuan, then shifted his focus to Qin Cheng. With a subtle gesture, he directed his entourage to withdraw, but to remain on standby outside the courtyard.

The ambient aroma from the copper incense persisted, but the mysterious smoky tendrils no longer seemed to gravitate toward the deity or any individual. The equilibrium had returned. Ling Qiming, who viewed the temple more for its historical value than its religious significance, appeared more composed now. He might've overreacted earlier.

"Why the rush to leave?" Ling Qiming's voice cut through the silence. "Just two years ago, you both addressed me as 'Uncle Ling'. And now you’re pretending to not know me?" His tone was accusatory, a sharp contrast to his earlier indifference, putting them on the defensive.

Wang Xuan replied with a touch of humor, “It seemed to us that your presence was so overwhelming that we’re nothing but thin air. We thought you’re clearing the temple of visitors for some private reflection, and it would be rude if we stay.”

Ling Qiming's gaze lingered on Wang Xuan, finding the young man increasingly irksome. He then turned to Qin Cheng, remarking, “Ah, young Qin, Ling Wei has spoken of you. You come across as a solid, down-to-earth fellow, not prone to impulsiveness.”

Qin Cheng, loyally siding with Wang Xuan, offered a modest smile and a nod in response.

Wang Xuan, perceiving the underlying message in Ling Qiming's comment, carried on nonchalantly. “It’s great you remember Qin Cheng. He was indeed a great help to Ling Wei when she first arrived in An City. He stepped in to address the relentless attention she received from a persistent businessman and some influential students at the school. Without Qin Cheng, Ling Wei would have been overwhelmed by their unwelcome advances.”

Ling Qiming listened with increasing disapproval. He realized that Qin Cheng's interventions were inadvertently clearing obstacles for Wang Xuan. This realization only added to his growing disdain for Wang Xuan.

Ignoring Wang Xuan completely, Ling Qiming gave Qin Cheng a nod of acknowledgment for his good character but continued to blatantly disregard Wang Xuan, speaking only to Qin Cheng. Unperturbed by the cold shoulder, Wang Xuan maintained his conversational stance, seemingly unaware of the tension in the air.

"Qin Cheng has been caring for Ling Wei in the past, but do you know that he was extorted and taken advantage of upon his arrival in your territory?" Wang Xuan remarked, an air of calm around him. He met Ling Qiming’s gaze head on with an unflinching resolve.

Wang Xuan wished to alleviate Qin Cheng's troubles, but they were now in the New World, a place governed by stringent rules. With hovering warships and formidable robotic enforcers, any rash action could have dire consequences. This was not the archaic society they knew; under the shining technological advancements of this cosmos, even the strongest had to conform. Despite the might of the influential tycoons who shaped these rules, they too had to abide by them in the public eye, ensuring no arbitrary violations. As for behind-the-scenes machinations, Wang Xuan was not keen to comment. After all, he was far from possessing the power that could challenge celestial realms.

Ling Qiming's lips curved into a faint smile, the first semblance of emotion on his face since their encounter. Is this insistent young man seeking my favor?

Qin Cheng was anxious. He was unwilling to see his friend bowing to Ling Qiming's whims. He opened his mouth to interject, but Wang Xuan silenced him.

Wang Xuan calmly continued, "I considered informing Ling Wei about her old friend, who was mistreated so severely in her territory."

Ling Qiming's fleeting smile vanished. With a scrutinizing look, he finally said, "Don't involve Ling Wei. Tell me."

Suppressing the increasingly restless Qin Cheng beside him, Wang Xuan succinctly laid out the issue at hand. Ling Qiming nodded, his expression remaining cold. Yet, there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. This new, somewhat deferential approach from the young man was a refreshing change from their past encounters.

"In life, stepping out of the comfort of school means facing hard truths," Ling Qiming stated, his tone laden with a world-weariness. He felt that once someone showed even a hint of concession, they risked losing sight of their core principles. Observing Wang Xuan seemingly seeking his help, Ling concluded that the once-defiant youth was no longer a formidable contender, especially regarding any ties to Ling Wei.

A perturbed Qin Cheng interjected, "Wang Xuan, this isn't necessary. There's no need to approach him in this manner."

Wang Xuan sighed softly, sensing Qin Cheng's misinterpretation. To Wang Xuan, Qin still harbored a mindset of the oppressed, feeling they were in a position of subservience. But was Wang Xuan one to kowtow? He'd never felt that impulse. Though Ling Qiming's regard for him seemed to have worsened, Wang Xuan's perspective on Old Ling had also shifted unfavorably. Yet given their coincidental encounter, he decided to leverage Old Ling's stature to address some pressing concerns.

"I have certain dealings with Top Martial," Ling Qiming began, an authoritative note in his voice. "If Qin Cheng has encountered issues, bring the responsible party here." It was a trivial matter for someone like Old Ling.

Wang Xuan caught the nuance in Ling's demeanor. Did Ling believe Wang Xuan was bending the knee, seeking his favor? A faint smirk touched Wang Xuan's lips; if Ling surmised he'd compromised his values, he was gravely mistaken. Lately, Wang Xuan had interacted with the likes of esteemed figures like the female sword immortal, the ghost monk, and the enigmatic red-robed demoness. Furthermore, the influential Old Wu often sought his counsel, and Zhong Cheng, an ardent aspirant, was keen to learn about the Old Arts from him. Most importantly, Wang Xuan had assumed the role of the guardian for the topmost figure of the Old Arts. All of this had imbued Wang Xuan with an elevated sense of purpose and power.

In this light, Wang Xuan's request to Old Ling wasn't a submissive plea but a strategy, rooted in mutual aversion, to elicit some beneficial outcomes. Soon, at Wang Xuan's subtle insistence, Qin Cheng, albeit reluctantly, summoned Li Kun, the department head, mentioning that an esteemed guest from the Ling lineage desired an audience.

Shortly after, Wang Xuan remarked with an air of casualness, "You know, we've got many acquaintances here in the New World. People like Zhao Qinghan, Zhou Kun, and Su Chan will definitely give us a hand if we reach out to them. But the real challenge is Qin Cheng's immense pride. He’s always painted a rosy picture of his situation, masking his actual struggles."

This portrayal of Qin Cheng was spot-on. His pride had made him reluctant to seek help, especially after leveraging connections to get to this New World.

Continuing his narrative, Wang Xuan said, "When I learned of his issues, I felt you should be informed. Considering how Qin Cheng once aided Ling Wei, it wouldn't reflect well if tales of his mistreatment here surfaced."

"Stop right there!" Ling Qiming interjected sharply. He had pieced it together - Wang Xuan was not being humble at all. He was brazenly delegating a task. The audacity of this young man!

Ling Qiming's patience with Wang Xuan thinned considerably at that realization. The audacity on display was staggering. Wang Xuan, however, harbored his own set of grievances. 'After everything Ling did to hinder my path here, he's upset over a minor request?' Wang mused, irritated. As Qin Cheng started grasping Wang Xuan's approach, he recognized it wasn't mere assertiveness. Wang was commanding, leveraging Ling's position without offering reciprocity.

Ling Qiming’s mood soured further with every glance at Wang Xuan, his distaste growing palpable. Unfazed, Wang Xuan directed Qin Cheng, "Focus on your Diamond Fist technique. Aim for a breakthrough."

Qin Cheng nodded and resumed his practice of the Buddhist martial technique, generating an aura of power and elegance within the temple grounds. Wang Xuan subtly channeled the mysterious essence towards Qin Cheng, enveloping him in its powerful influence. This energy invigorated Qin Cheng's body, pushing it beyond its limits. The temple, though distant from the Buddha's main hall, took on a more divine and revered appearance than usual.

The old monk glanced back. Earlier, he had sensed a peculiar presence emanating from the Buddha statue. But now, with the tranquility restored, he wondered if it had been merely an illusion. Ling Qiming remained silent. While he was open to extraordinary phenomena, he preferred scientific explanations over blind faith in ancient deities. Recently, his consortium had reaped immense benefits from exploring hidden terrains, collecting treasures that promised extended lifespans.

Suddenly, a loud burst resonated. It was Qin Cheng. His fists emitted a powerful sonic boom, creating a gust of wind as he underwent a dramatic breakthrough.

Ling Qiming was taken aback, witnessing firsthand someone practicing the ancient arts achieve such progress, especially someone he knew.

"From gathering energy to internal cultivation, I've achieved it in one step!" Qin Cheng exclaimed, his eyes gleaming with joy and accomplishment. For many, achieving internal cultivation after gathering energy was a long journey, but Qin Cheng had managed it seamlessly.

Aided by the mysterious essence provided by Wang Xuan, Qin Cheng's body had been primed perfectly. Anything less than this rapid advancement would have been surprising. The monk's expression changed. Was the earlier anomaly a result of Qin Cheng's practice? And his simultaneous achievements indicated an extraordinary talent.

The monk intoned a chant and commented, "Young man, you share a profound connection with the Buddha."

"I thought so too. Last night, I dreamt of the Buddha emitting light, as if calling out to me. Hence, I arrived," replied Qin Cheng, aligning with Wang Xuan's intentions to distance himself from any direct involvement, although he felt the disclosure was unnecessary.

"You are always welcome here," the monk said, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.   …… Upon arriving, Li Kun's anxiety was palpable as he noted the formidable array of bodyguards and cutting-edge robots guarding the courtyard. Recognizing Ling Qiming and then seeing Qin Cheng, he was drenched in sweat. Ling Qiming looked upon him with evident disdain. Instead of speaking directly, he spoke in a manner that was both guarded and vague, a habit forged from years of cautious dealings. Frustrated by Ling Qiming's indirectness, Wang Xuan intervened, directly instructing Li Kun to return the three million Novadollars.

"Make it five million," Wang Xuan quickly added, believing in holding people accountable for their errors.

Once he saw Li Kun's trembling nod of agreement, Wang Xuan forcefully kicked him, sending him flying out of the courtyard. This bold move drew a sharp glare from Ling Qiming.

"Old Ling," Wang Xuan began, attempting to ease the thickening tension.

Standing on the periphery, Qin Cheng felt uneasy, while the monk observed the unfolding drama with deep concern. Ling Qiming's displeasure towards Wang Xuan seemed to amplify. Wang Xuan sighed, "I've sought your help and even used such an informal address. Isn't that clear enough? Perhaps it's best if we go our separate ways."

Reflecting on Wang Xuan's words, Ling Qiming couldn't deny the truth in them, but his face remained stony.

"To protect myself," Wang Xuan declared, "if anything happens to me, a pre-set email will be broadcasted worldwide, accusing you. Ling Wei won't overlook such an act."

Given Ling Qiming's influential standing in the New World, Wang Xuan's precautions seemed prudent. "By calling you 'Old Ling', I'm setting a clear boundary," Wang Xuan emphasized.

With a conflicted nod, Ling Qiming departed, his expression neutral.

When they were finally away from the temple, Qin Cheng could no longer contain his curiosity. "Old Wang, was whatever you mentioned real?"

Wang Xuan responded calmly, "Regardless of its veracity, I won't change how I address them. It remains consistent."

Qin Cheng expressed concern, "If Ling Qiming finds out the truth..."

Wang Xuan interrupted with a casual shrug, "Whatever he thinks about it, it doesn't matter to me."

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