The Elysium Across Deep Space

Chapter 108: The Bodhisattvas Are Too Nice

Chapter 108: The Bodhisattvas Are Too Nice

The millennium-old temple stands as a testament to time itself, having witnessed countless dynasties rise and fall. Its timeworn facades carry the indelible marks of ages past, now looking out towards the vast cosmos, casting its gaze across the Milky Way and recalling stories long gone, lost to the winds of history.

Yet, a certain consciousness, ancient and deep, persists.

Wang Xuan believes that ensconced within the temple's heart lies the residual spiritual energy of a bodhisattva, sealed in a unique artifact, awaiting his touch to unlock its secrets. This mystical essence seems to rejoice, dancing in anticipation of his arrival. Where do the true immortals find their haven of eternity? And where is the promised land of the bodhisattva?

Lost in thought, Wang Xuan wonders why these ancient beings, with their boundless powers, left no lasting presence. The rekindling spiritual energies seemed to beckon, trying to ensnare the unwary into their embrace. Were these remnants truly echoes of the legendary immortals and bodhisattvas? Could they have been left purposefully, as anchors to this very world?

"I never truly appreciated the profound aura of this ancient temple," Qin Cheng remarked, eyes glistening with awe. "It may not tower into the sky, but it possesses an immense spiritual gravitas. The weathered bricks and tiles, scarred with time, glow with an age-old wisdom. The legacy they represent feels overwhelmingly grand. The eternal flame of enlightenment, it seems, spans the vast expanse of the cosmos, exuding an everlasting compassion. It's incredibly moving, compelling me to bow in reverence." His demeanor suggested a deep-seated desire for a sacred pilgrimage.

Acting swiftly, Wang Xuan held him back. Had Qin Cheng inadvertently awakened the dormant energies of the temple? Was he being summoned for a higher purpose?

"Snap out of it!" Wang Xuan urged, lightly tapping Qin Cheng's shoulder. "You're under the sway of some lingering spiritual aura. With all the wonders we've seen, would you really consider renouncing the world now?"

A serene aura radiated from Wang Xuan, encompassing both men. It resonated with a calming frequency, clearing the daze from Qin Cheng's eyes.

Qin Cheng looked around, bewildered. "Something's different about this temple today, Wang. It feels so... divine, like it's calling out to me."

"Try standing ten meters away and see if the feeling persists," Wang Xuan suggested.

He hypothesized that the residual energies of ancient bodhisattvas were drawn to his presence, unintentionally influencing Qin Cheng in the process.

Stepping back, Qin Cheng remarked, "It's strange... the pull is weaker now."

Wang Xuan, opting for caution, didn't delve into explanations. Instead, he led the way to a clearing near the temple and said, "Here, practice your Diamond Fist technique."

"Why this place?" Qin Cheng queried, curiosity evident in his voice.

"The area near the temple enhances the practice of such martial arts," Wang Xuan explained.

Nodding, Qin Cheng began his routine, silhouetted against the backdrop of the ancient temple, imbuing the scene with an ethereal grace. As Qin Cheng practiced, Wang Xuan silently invoked the ancient methods he'd learned, magnetically drawing even more mystical energies. The temple seemed to shimmer even brighter. However, Wang Xuan remained grounded, staying just beyond the temple's perimeter. Establishing a resonance with the energies, he deftly channeled them towards Qin Cheng.

Of course, Wang Xuan could accomplish this because he could willingly activate his Inner Landscape, making these mysterious substances inherently drawn to him. While the density of the Mystery Factors drifting down around him couldn't compare to what was within his Inner Landscape, for Qin Cheng, it was more than enough. He had never encountered these substances before, and their presence now was invaluable. Wang Xuan speculated that if he were to cultivate here himself, he might ascend to the realm of Grandmasters within a year or two!

Now, he channeled all these mysterious energies toward Qin Cheng, a monumental boon for someone who hadn't even begun the chi gathering phase. As the recipient, Qin Cheng might not detect these Mystery Factors, but he felt a marked surge within him. His metabolism sped up, and practicing the Diamond Fist felt increasingly profound.

"Am I about to gather Qi?" He could hardly believe it. Glancing down at his hands and body, he felt a tremor of anticipation.

Truthfully, he had already been close to this threshold. After arriving on the New Moon and overseeing the tiger-wolf herbal test fields, he had been given various concoctions. He had tried desperately to assimilate and benefit from them, with evident results. However, the barrier to chi gathering loomed large, always just out of reach.

But now, everything was different. Nourished by the Mystery Factor, his vitality soared, and his spirit surged. He could feel that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough. A wave of emotion overcame Qin Cheng. He had yearned for this level for so long, always thwarted at the last moment. But now, it was tantalizingly within reach.

Lately, he had been laden with guilt for spending so much of his family's money. After arriving here, he had been taken for a ride, handing over a whopping three million Novadollars with nothing to show for it.

Naturally, Wang Xuan's capability to attract these mysterious particles was linked to his unique ability to activate his Inner Landscape, making these mysterious elements gravitate towards him. The concentration of these particles in the air might not match the richness within his Inner Landscape, but for Qin Cheng, they were invaluable. This was a first-time encounter for him, and their presence was truly a treasure.

Wang Xuan surmised that if he cultivated in this spot, he could possibly elevate himself to the Grandmaster realm in a mere couple of years. Now, he funneled all these esoteric energies towards Qin Cheng, presenting a significant advantage to someone yet to embark on the chi gathering journey. While Qin Cheng could not directly sense these mysterious elements, he unmistakably felt a heightened vigor within. His metabolic rate accelerated, and every move of the Diamond Fist seemed infused with deeper insight.

"Could I be on the verge of chi gathering?" The thought was so overwhelming that he found himself constantly checking his own hands, almost expecting them to betray some sign of change.

He had been inching closer to this phase for some time. His responsibilities at the New Moon, overseeing the experimental herbal fields, had granted him access to potent mixtures. He had strained to absorb their benefits, with visible effects. Yet, the chi gathering threshold remained just beyond his grasp.

But now, it felt different. Fueled by the mysterious particles, his very essence seemed to surge with newfound potential. A breakthrough felt imminent. A tide of emotion threatened to overwhelm Qin Cheng. His longing for this progression had been a long-standing one, and now, its realization seemed tantalizingly close. His recent guilt over squandering his family's resources weighed heavily on him. Despite his expenditure, especially the staggering three million Novadollars, he had seen no tangible returns. But perhaps now, there was hope on the horizon.

"Time to head back," Wang Xuan suggested after another hour of exploration. Together, they began their return journey. Although it remained brilliantly illuminated outside, by the New World's time, it was already night.

Inside their accommodations, they could block out all external light, creating a soothing darkness. Wang Xuan fell into a deep, uninterrupted sleep almost immediately. As a Grandmaster, his slumber was profound, untouched by dreams unless specifically invoked. Upon his return, emotion welled up in Qin Cheng. He quickly wrote a heartfelt letter to his parents, conveying his imminent transition to the New World. He emphasized that there was no need to appease anyone with offerings, as he was on the verge of meeting the required standards on his own.

The next morning, the duo visited Ding Wu Corporation's lunar outpost. There, they encountered the avaricious department chief, Li Kun – a man whose sincerity seemed only skin-deep. After exchanging superficial courtesies, Li Kun excused himself. Shortly after, Wang Xuan and Qin Cheng departed for the ancient Taoist temple. As they approached the temple, Wang Xuan felt an unmistakable aura enveloping the place. The temple grounds radiated a serene yet profound energy, suggesting the presence of powerful relics from ages past.

"This temple, steeped in a thousand years of history, likely holds relics from a legendary Taoist figure," Wang Xuan reflected, absorbing the temple's ambiance.

The mystical energies here felt contained, almost reserved. While they wafted through the surroundings and were drawn to Wang Xuan, they weren’t overbearing.

"Is the spiritual energy within these artifacts dormant and potent, or is it inherently calm?" Wang Xuan contemplated, standing at the temple's entrance. It felt like he was gazing into a vast chasm, its depths enigmatic.

He had learned that this revered Taoist temple was among the foundational seats of Taoism.

"Never mind. What if the dormant spiritual energy here actually belongs to Old Zhang? If I accidentally release it and he takes offense, he might give me a beating," Wang Xuan mused half-jokingly. He felt slightly guilty for having casually referred to such a venerable figure as "Old Zhang" for so long.

However, that wasn’t the main reason for his hesitation.

He resolved to venture deeper into the ancient temple grounds, believing that it was time for a favor to be returned. "I once freed the ghost monk, effectively saving one of your bodhisattvas. Later, I battled and vanquished various malevolent entities, from the White Tiger to the red-robed witch, barely escaping with my life. All these events were a result of the demonic bone relic from your Buddhist underground sanctuary being lost to the outer world," Wang Xuan whispered, bolstering his resolve as he stepped into the temple.

At this point, he had no intention of releasing any spirits. Releasing more bodhisattvas might spell trouble. He wanted to observe carefully. For now, his mere presence here attracted enough mystical energies to satisfy Qin Cheng's needs.

As Wang Xuan led Qin Cheng into the ancient shrine, they immediately sensed an anomaly. The temple's central hall, where the bodhisattvas were enshrined, was now enveloped in a thicker, more vibrant mist of incense.

The smoke spiraled upward, seemingly drawn to the gilded statues of deities, slowly enveloping them. It felt as if something was about to materialize.

Rich mystical energies emanated, gravitating towards Wang Xuan. The bodhisattvas, it seemed, were overly welcoming.

Wang Xuan hurriedly escorted Qin Cheng out of the central hall and into the courtyard. He gazed in bewilderment at the large copper burner, thinking, "What on Earth do these bodhisattvas intend to do in broad daylight?"

"What's going on, Wang?" Qin Cheng inquired.

"It's fine. Practice here in the courtyard. Center yourself and then pierce through that final barrier," Wang Xuan advised, adding, "Achieving chi extraction is just a small step. You have much more potential to tap into!"

Soon after, within the temple grounds, an elderly monk accompanied a middle-aged man into the courtyard, directing him towards the main shrine. Wang Xuan's eyes widened in surprise. Fate seemed to have a sense of humor, for he once again crossed paths with Ling Qiming. Unperturbed by Wang Xuan's presence, Ling, with the monk by his side, proceeded without a word.

"That man looks familiar," Qin Cheng murmured, puzzlement evident in his eyes.

"It's Ling," Wang Xuan whispered back.

Ling, having overheard them, hesitated momentarily, his face twitching in restrained annoyance. He, however, chose to remain silent, continuing his path into the shrine.

The elderly monk, observing Ling's offering, remarked, "Today, the temple's aura is particularly vibrant. The incense smoke encircling the deity signifies good omens, likely due to the presence of an esteemed guest."

Wang Xuan noted that Ling, rather than being flustered, responded with a subtle nod of acknowledgment. Without further ado, Wang Xuan gestured to Qin Cheng, and they swiftly began to make their exit. However, as they retreated, the enveloping smoke from the deity seemed to trail them, drawing the attention of both the monk and Ling. The monk immediately uttered a prayer, sensing the deviation. Ling, on the other hand, was taken aback, his demeanor shifting to one of discomfort. He promptly exited the shrine, catching up to them and exclaiming, "Hold on a moment!"

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