The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 395: operation begins

Chapter 395: operation begins

In the Radan Republic, Arial City, an enormous building stood on the Southside of the city. Its identity was directly written on its uppermost floor, carefully made by an artist to look like a signpost.

>Traffic Control and Enforcement Building>

At this moment, a courier drove a bike there and stopped before the building. The courier brought a description note from his delivery box, he crosschecked it thoroughly before bringing the box down.

Carefully carrying it to the base gate of the building, he was stopped by a group of soldiers with stern expressions.

What do you want? One of the soldiers asked.

I came to deliver this to Corporal Ares.

Ok, bring it over, you can go. The soldier who questioned went forward to take hold of the box.

The courier nodded, asked if they could sign on Corporal Aress behalf which they nodded to. After the document of successful delivery was signed, he finally turned around to leave.

After starting his bike, before he left, he turned to face the soldiers.

Merry Christmas!

Corporal Ares? Why would a Corporal work here? A man on suit questioned in confusion after the soldier handed over the box to him.

Who knows? His colleague came over to him. All these couriers are becoming more clueless by the day, just fulfill bosss orders and take it to the Naga Battalion headquarters.

Me? The man scoffed. I dont have that much time to waste. If this is for him, he should come to take it himself. Im not scared of any Corporal.

He quickly stormed over to where his communication device was. He searched for a minute before getting the soldiers number, then he dialed it and waited patiently.

Is this Corporal Ares?


You have a delivery and

Ill be there to take it, Im sorry for the inconvenience. I just got the news that they sent it to Traffic control headquarters, couriers are really becoming more casual these days.

Yes, youre right.

When the man ended the call, he was left stunned.

What a polite soldier.

10 minutes later.

Who are you? The same soldier at the gate asked the man in casual clothes with the same stern look on his face.

Instead of answering, Ares casually dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out his badge before flashing it before the soldiers.

Seeing the rank indicated there, the 3 soldiers were stunned. They immediately stood erect and saluted. Corporal!

Ares nodded casually before entering the compound. As he walked towards the main door leading inside the traffic control building, he casually swept a glance around his surroundings.

With this one glance, he quickly got the whole picture of the compound in his head. He saw where the CCTV cameras were kept, and he also easily deduced all the locations with secret cameras.

Knock! Knock!

A female in a suit opened the door. Seeing the handsome man before her, the complaint on her throat faded before she asked politely with a smile.

Sir, how may I help you?

Ares combed his hair with his hand helplessly. I was supposed to receive a delivery, but I just received news that the courier sent it here by mistake.

Oh, youre Corporal Ares? The ladys eyes lit up.

Yes. Ares nodded with a smile.

Come in.

The lady smiled as she personally led the handsome soldier to where the delivery box was kept waiting for its owner. She engaged him in a small talk which Ares responded politely to.

2 minutes later, Ares got his delivery box and left the building.

As soon as he stepped out of the building, without even needing to sweep a glance at the compound again, he walked to a blind spot that was temporarily not being watched by the CCTV cameras.

Quickly tearing the box open, he found a small mechanical device inside. He quickly attached it to his waist and activated it, the device spread a blue armor around him before he immediately disappeared.

The delivery was an exotic stealth armor.

He patiently waited for some minutes, when the door was opened again, he slipped inside the building without arousing any suspicion.

Having secretly hacked and infiltrated into the records of the Traffic Control and Enforcement headquarters, he was able to navigate his way directly into the room where CCTV cameras are controlled.

As soon as he slipped inside the room, he activated a function on a device with him and all lights in the room switched off.

The confused workers could not react until something hit them.

A minute later, the lights went on again but every worker in the room was fast asleep. Only an invisible figure shuttled across and immediately arrived before the control center of the CCTV cameras.

He quickly typed his way to the cameras watching over the Radan Central airport, then he slightly altered them in negligible ways. He left all the other cameras to remain normal to not arouse immediate suspicion.

After doing this, Ares slumped down on a chair and heaved a huge sigh of relief that relaxed his tense nerves.

A few seconds later, he stood up again. He was not done.

In the Radan Central airport, as soon as a certain order was transmitted, airplanes started descending into the airport in an organized and systematic manner.


As soon as the door of the first airplane opened up, Jack came down out of the plane dressed in all-black clothes. All his weapons were already where they should be, his eyeshades increased how cool he currently looked.

His coming down seemed like a signal because as soon as he came down, troops of other black-clothed individuals started coming down from the other airplanes.

In moments, the airport was filled with strangely dressed individuals.

The airport security and officials were startled by this sudden invasion. They tried to report the strange situation immediately but they could not. Of course, they could not put up a resistance also.

A minute later, they were all put to sleep.

After bringing down all the war weapons that they came with from the airplanes, as the mercenaries and freedom fighters arranged them, their 2 leaders went to meet each other.

Jack exchanged a handshake with the stern-faced man. Corporal Jack.

Captain Madara. The man smiled amiably. I hope for good cooperation between us.

I hope so too.

After this short exchange of pleasantries, they quickly turned around and started ordering their subordinates. Inside the airport, tons of civilian cars were already waiting for them.

After everything was put in place, they systematically boarded the cars, and with intervals between each one driving out to avoid immediate suspicion, they left the airport.

Don City, Sewers District.

Christmas Day was supposed to be a celebratory day in the country but this was not the same in Sewers District. The district was as neglected as always, and the citizens were wallowing in hunger and poverty like usual.

At this moment, assassins from the old warriors club already secretly infiltrated and blended in with the suffering civilians.

At a crowded alley, a man suddenly brought out a sound amplifier from his bag before coming to a more conspicuous place in the alley.

Fellow citizens of Sewers District, today is Christmas Day, a day of celebration but are we truly celebrating?

For years, we have been oppressed by the Radan government. They are currently celebrating Christmas in the comfort of their mansions while most of us cant even eat one set of meals today.

I say we are tired! His voice increased in volume exaggeratedly.

I say we are tired of this oppression!

We need to riot; we need to riot to show them that we are fed up!

We cannot let our unborn children come to this world only to face what we faced. I say no oh, this has to stop.

Today, I either live to see a better future for my child or die trying.

Who is with me?

ME! His supporters from the dark shouted.

Seeing the commotion, more civilians attention was drawn. Quick asking around, they got the gist of the situation. They looked on at this man with complicated emotions in their eyes, the dead willpower was rising in them.



Sewers District was aroused, the whole of Don City was aroused. Today, they were ready to go all out for an end to the oppression.

Today, the whole of Radan was aroused.

[Sorry for the late release.]

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