The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 390: simulated training wave

Chapter 390: simulated training wave

[Difficulty: Intense Level Mode Training Activated.]

[Simulated Opponents: Soldiers {1- 4th ranks}.]

[Maximum Duration: One Hour.]

As the training chambers A. I worked to set all the parameters for the training, Clarks eyes remained focused on the mech as the familiar feeling of having an extra body dominated him.

It was not easy getting used to controlling a Giant body of such gigantic proportions, but everything could be done by learning and that was exactly what he was about to do.

[Training starts in 3, 2, 1. Start!]


The surroundings before the mech suddenly changed before being filled with soldiers. An elite battalion of soldiers suddenly appeared, armed to the teeth with weapons and having the support of artillery machines.

Already used to this sight, Clark was not flustered. Before the soldiers could arrange themselves, he gave the mental order and the huge mech took a step forward with large strides.

It raised its right hand, slightly bent it back to touch its metallic body before pulling out as a huge flaming sword quickly followed the pull.

Taking another step forward, it slashed out with the sword.


The flaming sword broke the sound barrier immediately, wiping out a significant portion of the soldiers in the process. Only the ones who reacted fast and dodged survived.

Regroup! Attack from the flanks!

Though they were just simulated soldiers, they looked, talked, and moved so realistically that Clark took them as such- real soldiers.

Tu! Tu! Tu! Tu!

The few artillery vehicles that survived immediately aimed and started shooting at the mech, but they didnt even get to touch its metallic body as a shield generator was activated by the mech.

As the energy shield shimmered to life and blocked all the damage, the mech stumped down with its left foot, crushing dozens of the artillery vehicles in the process with sheer power.

The soldiers who rushed to its back to attack from there didnt get to do much as the mech suddenly inclined its body and slashed backward, they were all caught off-guard and died immediately.

Despite its size, the mechs speed was something else entirely.

In just a few seconds since the battle started, the first wave was already on the verge of being wiped out. this was not strange though as the first wave was entirely comprised of normal soldiers.

[Wave 2 Simulation starting in 5 Seconds.]

[Opponents Level: Including 1st rank high-grade soldiers.]

[Starting in 3, 2, 1. Start!]


As soon as the 1st rank high-grade soldiers appeared, one of them opened up the battle by shooting the electric handheld canon that she wielded.

Despite the extremely fast speed of the kinetic-powered canon ball, Clark was able to react and give the appropriate mental order.

The mech suddenly bent its body, raising its left leg in the process as it kicked at the canon ball. As it did this, a metallic chain was suddenly attached to its sword then it threw the sword outwards.


The canon was kicked to pieces, while the sword impaled the 1st rank high-grade soldier who shot it to death.

Before the soldiers could react to the changes in the battlefield, the mech suddenly held the chain that was attached to the sword and fiercely swung, swinging the sword in the process.


Heads, shoulders, and limps were cut off at an extremely rapid pace before the soldiers could react as the flying sword spread death in their midst.

As soon as they recovered, the few 1st rank high-grade soldiers tried to close the distance to the mech and fight a melee battle but that only accelerated their death. They died without understanding how they died.

In less than 2 minutes, all the 1st rank high-grade soldiers died and the 2nd wave of soldiers was already on the verge of being wiped out again.

[Wave 3 Simulation starting in 4 Seconds.]

[Opponents Level: Including 2nd rank high-grade soldiers.]

[Starting in 3, 2, 1. Start!]

This time, under the lead of the 2nd rank high-grade soldiers, the soldiers formation as a whole became more cohesive as they got prepared to present a proper resistance to the mech.

As a soldier, Clark knew most battle formations and strategies before they were even fully executed. Before the simulated soldiers could complete their formation, he struck at their weak point.

A port opened on the mechs leg where 2 pairs of gun muzzles emerged, before the soldiers could react the guns erupted with fire.

Bam! Bam!

High-caliber bullet after high-caliber bullet came out to the horror of the soldiers, battering them hard at where it hurt most as dozens of soldiers started dying every second to the newly reinforced massacre.

The 2nd rank high-grade soldiers survived the onslaught of the bullets, but the mech hunted them personally with its flaming sword, leaving them no hopes for survival.

This time, the wave was wiped out even faster than the second wave.

[Wave 4 Simulation starting in 3 Seconds.]

[Opponents Level: Including 3rd rank high-grade soldiers.]

[Starting in 3, 2, 1. Start!]


Immediately as these powerhouses appeared, one of them was able to dodge the mechs slash and roll to its sides before stabbing his sharp spear into the legs of the mech.

Almost instantly after this damage was dealt, a port opened on the damaged leg and a torpedo bomb shot out.

The 3rd rank high-grade soldier tried to dodge but this was an area of effect bomb. He survived the onslaught of the bomb, but before he could dodge a hammer crushed him to death.

The enormous war hammer like those wielded by the legendary Titans was thrown at the soldiers formation, hitting hard and crushing a few dozen soldiers immediately.

The soldiers tried to hold it down, but it immediately rose up again after being pulled by its chain attachment to the mech.

It slammed down immediately, crushing another dozen soldiers in the process. Despite the increased offensive power of the mech, 3rd rank high-grade soldiers were upper echelons of any army for a reason.

Bam! Bam!

After the death of the first one, only 5 remained but pooling their strength together, they were able to deal significant damage to the mech.

With their intervention, their support artillery weapons became more effective as they repeatedly battered at the surface shield of the mech, waning its energy reserves at a rapid speed.

With their intervention, the lower-graded soldiers had more room to roam about the battlefield thereby having more opportunities to deal damage.

Despite all the competence shown by them, a mech was still a mech.

Pairing such superhuman power with superhuman speed, it was only a superhuman that could stop it and none of the people here were obviously at that level yet.

The mech advanced and retreated, it stabbed, slashed and hacked, it stumped down with its enormous metallic legs, it revealed hidden weapon ports every second, repeatedly catching the soldiers off-guard

Its means were just too numerous to adapt to or be exhausted in a battle, which meant that despite the tyrannical resistance led by the 3rd rank high-grade soldiers, it still firmly held the upper hand.

The 4th wave lasted for 30 good minutes, then they were all wiped out.

[Wave 5 Simulation starting in 1 Second.]

[Opponents Level: Including 4th rank high-grade soldiers.]

[Starting in 1... Start!]

The new wave arrived before Clark could blink his eyes.

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