The Conspiracy of the Elites

Chapter 369: surprise

Chapter 369: surprise

Clarks head was left buzzing like a thousand bees were hovering around his head, his brain clicked into overdrive, filling him with lots of thoughts and speculations of what exactly happened as soon as he saw the message.

His mind went numb immediately as horrifying scenarios filled his head. In just a moment, he made his decision.

He turned to his student. Follow me.

He didnt dare waste time and think about what was happening in detail, lest this result in him being met with the worst-case scenario. Right now, fear really engulfed his heart.

Why didnt the messenger elaborate? This lingered in his mind but he did not dare think further into it.

Leo is in danger! Right now, this was the only sentence ringing in his mind repeatedly like metal music filled with offbeat guitar plays.

Yes, master.

Albert did not dare hesitate also; he gave his consent immediately. Being a student of his master for months already, he knew Mr. Leonard Bane and also the relationship between him and his master.

At the same second that he gave his consent, he already went on the move. Grabbing his black vest from the nearby chair, he bolted in the direction of his masters exotic car immediately.


Not patient enough to let the cars A. I take control, Clark took hold of his cars steering wheel and rapidly accelerated out of the underground base.

Ignoring the Radan regulations about speed limits on the road, he drove at his cars maximum speed straight in the direction of the airport. Before getting there, he bribed all the required authorities already through his implant.

Right now, splashing money was the least of his concerns.

After settling this, despite his speed, as soon as he got to the airport, he got unrestricted passage and directly entered the next airplane going to the vicinity around the Spartan republic.

As soon as he drove his car inside the airplane and it took off, he brought out his phone and immediately dialed the number that sent him the message.

He paced back and forth around the plane with his phone but no one picked, he did not relent as he continued sending messages of inquire and calls to know the exact situation of his friend.

He dialed a few other numbers of his friends that he had, but none of them seemed to be going through. Frustrated, he could only sit down in the plane and silently hope for the best.

A few hours later when Clarks emotions and nerves were already being stretched taut from anxiety, the plane finally touched down in the Spartan republic, precisely in North Sparta.

Not willing to take the road because of the concern that it would take more time, he used his connections to get unrestricted access to the seawater.

With his car now in its mini-submarine configuration, he rode the waters to his destination at an extremely fast speed. On the way, he was surprised as he received another message from the anonymous number.

According to the message, Leo and his wife were not at home. The situation became too serious that they had to transfer him, now his best friend was in his mansion.

The first emotion that came to him on seeing this message was relief, relief that his best friend was still alive as that was his greatest fear.

The first thought that came to his mind on seeing the message was that what happened to Leo that they had to take him to his mansion?

What was the situation that became too serious?

This was just one of the many questions that he had already, so he could only shelve it to the back of his mind. This was perhaps his fastest journey yet, but he was still not satisfied with his speed.

Throughout all the movements, Albert was beside him and remained quiet so as not to disturb his thoughts.

At some point in time, Clark noticed a change in him after he received a message. But he didnt care about looking at the message nor why he changed, all that was in his mind now was his friend.

25 minutes later, he finally arrived at Vatican City at a record-breaking speed.

In less than 2 minutes, he arrived at his mansion. Detecting his car from afar, the gate opened immediately, granting him unrestricted access.

As soon as he drove into his mansion, his face fell. He detected lots of abnormalities immediately that left him tense.

First, none of his workers were to be seen which was abnormal. Second, lots of cars were now parked in his garage. To him, this was not a good sign as it meant that something definitely happened.

With a heavy expression on his face, he parked his exotic car in the middle of the compound without much care before quickly walking inside the building.

Getting to the door, he took a deep solemn breath before pushing it open. Then, he was stunned in place by the sight that presented itself before him.

Dozens of people were now inside his mansion, and they were familiar faces. At the front of this group of people stood Rose, Emily, King, Kate, and the person who was in danger.

Leo had a wide grin on his face. Surprise!

All the people pooled their voices together, including Albert, and shouted. Happy Birthday!

Clark was left standing, still shocked and amazed by the sudden turn of events. He didnt even know why, but cold sweat suddenly filled his back for a reason that he was not sure about.

November 29, yes, its my birthday. So, all these were just to make me come back and wish me happy birthday? He suddenly felt faint.

And even Albert knew of it too, hes been acting. He suddenly felt a strong urge to spank his student.

Despite the strong emotions that he was made to go through, he couldnt find the voice to blame anyone. In the end, he just felt a fuzzy feeling engulfing his heart like he hugged a soft pillow.

Make a wish! Leo said with the cake in his hand.

Standing before friends and well-wishers, Clark suddenly felt melancholic. If his memory didnt fail him, this was the first time that his birthday was celebrated with people actually being there for him.

He took a deep breath and placed his hand on the knife resting on the cake.

I wish, that well always be friends.

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