Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 111 111. Forgotten Promise

"Why didn't he come last night? Did I do something to make him angry?"

A beautiful gentle looking woman was standing in the hospital hallway walking back and forth.

Her hair was frizzy as if she had just woken up. There were slight dark circles below her eyes hinting at the sleepless night she had yesterday.

At this time she was super worried as the two most important people in her life were not there with her.

She felt lonely all over again, A fear she was pushing down all this time trying to raise its head inside her heart.

A sudden surge of sadness hit her, All the things she held back before were running through her mind.

All her struggle up to now, Finally going to get a sweet moment she yearned for all these years, And now it felt like it was just a one-time thing.

"How complicated is the human heart, I always wanted to just spend a few moments with him and now that I got way more than I asked for, So why other than being happy, I am sad, Why I yearn for something that I can't have?"

Grace stopped in front of her mother's ward, Gloria still hasn't woken up though the doctor said there is no problem but worry in her heart was not lessened at all.

This flamed the worry about Alex even more in my heart. He promised that he would come to her at night but he didn't.

She imagines almost every possibility of why he didn't come and most of them pointed out that he should be busy with Alia.

This realisation makes her feel like someone ripped her heart out and butchered her with a blunt knife.

Yes, she did agree and did not mind him having another woman. That is a legal thing but the fact that he goes to another woman forgetting his promise given to her hurt her the most.

She wanted to cry but she didn't, She still has to be strong for her mother.

'Is Alia forbidding him from meeting me?'

Suddenly she comes up with a different reason, Alia is Alex's official girlfriend and way better than her in everything, So she should be the one stopping him from meeting her.

After all, who is she to him? Nobody. 

She neither has any money nor any background like Alia, So why should Alex choose her over a big boss like Alia?

Also, he also loves Alia a lot. That song is proof of it.

"But did say he also likes me, But again he didn't write a song like that to me, So he still did not like me enough to sing for me."

Grace was going through her thoughts, Which were becoming depressing second by second, Which is a by-product of her worry for her mother, lack of sleep and most importantly, Alex breaking his promise.

So she was now even thinking about if he had to choose between her and Alia, Who he chose? 

There is no doubt in her mind that will going to be Alia. His love for her is not unknown to her.

That song he sang for, The overwhelming love in his emotions was solid proof of it, That Alia is his first priority, not her.

"Mom, did I make a mistake loving a man I shouldn't have?"

Grace put her hand on the viewing glass window of her mother's ICU ward.

Finally the tears she fought to hold back won and broke free from the bounds of her eyes sliding down on her well-carved cheeks, Leaving behind proof of her sorrow.

She fell into thinking the first time she met him, It might be a normal day for him but for her, it was a day everything changed.



"Grace Smith, Why are you even here? This is financing class girl, It's not a place for someone like you."

A well-dressed 19 or 20 year old girl was blocking the way of Grace on the 6th floor hallway. She just wanted to go to her class, She tried everything to avoid them but in the end, they cornered her.

So now she had to listen to this group of upper-class girls taunting, It was nothing new for her.

Every time she gets a scholarship and transfers to these big schools, There is always a group like this that comes to trouble her.

It's just that normally she can avoid them a few times. After that, they lost their interest in her but this group was very persistent. They still find her after a month and she avoids them.

"Yeah, You need money to make money. Looking at you, I doubt you might even have money for lunch today."

A girl wearing the same flashy revealing clothes as the first girl spoke, And she was right, Grace indeed doesn't have the money for the lunch.

Her mother does give her some but she spent on the books she needed, So she has to manage without food today, Well this is also not a new thing for her.

"Did you even have to doubt? Just look at her whitewashed tattered clothes, I thought she came here to beg at first hahahah!!"

The third girl in the group spoke, She too was wearing the same type of clothes.

After she spoke to Grace, She burst out laughing.

"You are right, I didn't know what I was talking about haha"

"Well Smith, If you beg, I can spare you some change, Ahaha!"

After the third one makes fun of Grace another two also join in to taunt and make fun of her.

They hate someone like Grace, They don't understand why someone like her deserves to be scored top of the class and be praised by their teachers.

People like her should know their place and try not to compete with them here. If she always scores like that they become a joke in college for being behind someone like Grace.

So they tried to warn Grace as they were impotent to compete with her, That's why they decided to destroy the competition itself.

Well with that they do have the true spirit of a businesswoman, If you can't compete with it then destroy it.


Grace didn't say anything, Her head was down staring at her feet standing there, This way she will not escalate the matter.

She knows what they wanted, But she will never purposefully try to lower her grade.

For these girls having higher grades meant nothing but a frame and status, But for her, it was her only lifeline.

She needs to earn money, A lot of it and quickly.

Her mother's health was becoming worse and worse. She needs urgent medical help but they don't have any money.

So Gloria was refusing to even go to the hospital to get checked, Just urging her to complete her studies, While she was doing odd jobs for their day-to-day living.

Grace didn't want her mother to work. She was ready to get a part-time job but Gloria sternly refused.

She didn't want to disappoint her mother and make her proud, So she was not going to lower her grade under any condition. 

"Bitch are you ignoring us *Slap*"

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁)

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