Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 110 110. Shadow Empress

'System, Why does my charm not affect her?'

While there Belladonna contemplating her life decisions, Alex was more curious about why she was not affected by his charm.

Rita, Isabella and Liza he met before became his most affectionate followers when they saw him.

So he was also thinking that his charm might also influence her same way. If that happens a huge worry in his heart will go away.

He was still very worried about her, As she has very messed up values in her mind.

So understanding her motives or reading her mind is like trying to teach a dog Quantum mechanics, Both are futile.

That's why he was hoping that his charm might change her way of thinking of him as a thing to possess and see him as a human.

But it turns out that even after talking with her this much time, There is no system notification about the increase in favorability of her for him.

[Ding! Host, there are multiple reasons but the most prominent being she can only see your most basic physical features at most through the crops eyes of Robin.]

The system came out and explained why his charm was not affecting her, As Robin was dead not have any functional eyes, It's similar to a video call with a broken cracked lens camera.

"Well it's good to talk with you after this long darling but now I have to leave, I Hope to get a call from you soon."

When he finds out that there is no way he could increase her affection for him through his charm, He decided to leave.

Anyway, he just build a foundation now, Now all he needs to do now is to wait for it to solidify before he does anything else.

"Wait!? We just started talking."

Belladonna came out of her thinking as she heard his words, She was unwilling to cut off their conversation now.

She wanted to make him convince her to get back to her, But if he go now how can she do that? Winchester's family not allowing anyone else to meet with him, So she can't even go in person to bring him back.

So she didn't want to let him go from this pocket world of hers, Although she was losing in this talk, She still has hope that she can able to convince him to come back.

Anyway, she thinks that Alex can't leave this world without her permission, So can keep him here until he agrees to come back.

"Sorry darling, someone else is waiting for me, It's not good to break a promise, So we will talk later."

Alex knows what she might be thinking about. It's just very hard to guess her next motive and the actions she will take to achieve what she wants.

He was very well capable of assessing what reason might be behind her actions.

So he didn't even ask her to let him leave, He just stand up to exit this world.

"By the way, Shadow Empress name suits you, darling, See you soon *Snap*"

Alex turned around to towards Robin, As he spoke before he snapped his finger taking out his own SS-Rank superpowers flame.

*Rumble* *Crack* 

As that speck of flame appeared, This whole world rumbled, It started to shake and cracks started to appear all around this white world, soiling the beauty of this world.

Then without any hesitation, he grabbed Xiao Bai's collar, Who still wanted to tear Robin for hurting him and jumped in one of the cracks.

"A...SS-Rank superpower? How much did he hide from me? And how did he know about Shadow Empress?"

Belladonna couldn't help but be shocked by Alex's move, When she saw him standing up she thought he will ask her to let him go but she never thought that he just pulls out his SS-Rank superpower and just walk away from her grasp.

When she came out of the shock of seeing SS-Rank's superpower of his, She realised he just revealed her deepest secret as if it was not big deal.

Suddenly the threat level of Alex increased in her heart as she started the second guessing of sneaking into Berlin city to get him back.

"Robin, come back."

Now that Alex is gone, She had no intention of letting Robin stay here in the city, So she called him back, While using her power through him to fix the crack in the space.

Next time she decided just to try to convince him through a normal call as making this space is both is expensive and now useless against Alex.


"That was quite a talk, Thankfully that crazy woman did not come here herself."

Alex and Xiao directly appeared in the parking lot of the city no.1 hospital, The destination he planning to come to in the first place.

He checked the time and find out that he spend 20 minutes in that space, A distance between his dormitory and the hospital is 30 minutes, So came early.

But he was not a bit of happy, He was scared a lot.

There is the reason why he calls her a crazy woman, That woman can do anything without any worry.

Think about it, This woman was planning of killing him and making her his pet, Even when he is an heir of a family like Winchester.

He knows this as there was a huge plot related to this, Though before she does this he died in the changed plot fact remains that she did intend to do that to him.

So his guard is always high against her, It might be his luck that she does not come here herself, If she did his mind games will not work on her.

They had to fight, Which he didn't want at all.


When he was in his thought, A sound notification on his phone grabbed his attention.

"Ohh shit, I forget about my promise to her."

When he read the messages, He realized what he did.

He quickly checked the time, It was close to noon, He felt quite bad as he ran towards the stairs.

He will not go to take the elevator for a while, After what happened yesterday.

'Hope she not be too sad or angry.'

While running on the stairs, He thought to his mind, Xiao Bai like a little follower was running behind him happily.

She didn't care what happing, All she wanted to do is to see this new world for the firat time.

(A/N : Who do you think she was worried about? And what promise has he forgotten about?

• Alia 

• Helen 

• Grace 

• Liza 

Also, tell me what do I improve, Please 🙇.

Like always thank you for reading and have a good day 😁.)

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