Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 109 109. Annoyed Belladonna


Belladonna just stared at Alex through Robin without blinking, She right now was overwhelmed by the mixture of emotions.

She was annoyed that she lost their unspoken battle as she is not used to losing to anyone.

She was also kinda happy, As he does care enough about her to get information related to man related to her.

That was naked jealousy, So she was happy that he also has feelings for her.

But she was also angry about Alia and her current relationship with Alex. She needs answers.

"What happened, darling, Why did you stop speaking midway?"

Alex, who was not even trying to hide his smug smile, asked her, As he patted Xiao Bai's head because she was becoming impatient.

She wanted to go outside and explore the world, Alex also didn't want to stay and watch Isabella and Amara's ranting one more time, So he decided to leave with Xiao Bai.

But just as he stepped outside his room, A strange mist covered their surroundings and sucked both of them into this white world.

Xiao Bai wanted to resist and break free from it but Alex stopped her. He wanted to see who had the guts to pull off something like this with him.

After all, he is an heir of a big family. Anyone who attacks him is considered an attack on his family, So he knows the person is either stupid or has a strong background.

In either case, He wanted to first assess the situation, And it turns out it was the right decision.

He now meets or says get talk to Belladonna, Who can be the best help for him against the current protagonist's backups.

"You hide too deeply, love. I am impressed."

Belladonna finally spoke, She was impressed that a man can be this smart, And hide this deeply.

She has known this man since childhood. His every move, liking, and dislikes are known to her and yet she still wasn't able to find out his sinister level of intelligence. 

She now has second guesses about cutting him into pieces and putting him in the coffin. It's better to put him in suspended animation.

'I still going to need a big coffin then, Better to give a custom order soon.'

If you forgot about it, This is a reminder that this woman is bat shit bat crazy, Her way of showing love is also proof of it.

"What did I hide darling? Everyone knows where I am, You just don't want to come and meet me. Do you know how much I was here? But no one came, Now I am sad."

Alex being who started his acting skill, A skill that has not been used for a while ran on full power.

His appearance quickly changed, His eyes turned red as if he would burst out crying the next moment, His voice was also choking and an aura of loneliness surrounded him.


The emotions he was showing were so powerful that Xiao Bai, sitting close to him, was also affected by them.

She looked at him in confusion about what happened. Why did he suddenly become sad? She wanted to help but Alex motioned her not to move, So she was confused but did what Alex said and sat tightly.


Here other side hundreds of kilometres away, Belladonna felt like a sharp arrow just struck her heart.

The appearance of Alex made even her who has a fucked up way to express love feel pain and heartbroken.

Guilt appeared in her heart as to why she didn't go to meet him, Completely forgetting that he was the one who ran away from their marriage.

This is turning black into white, Without others realising what Alex loves the most. 

Just make yourself a victim and others will come to your rescue. This is a tried and tested trick, This worked in the past world and it was still if not more useful in this one.

"S-Sorry for that but didn't you have an Alia?"

Belladonna's heart was guilt-ridden, Her thinking was influenced by her raw emotions, The smart side she started with now was getting weaker and weaker.

Alex systematically lowers her guard against him from the very beginning, It just goes unnoticed by everyone.

So as an heir of the same status family as Alex, She apologised unknowingly, It might be the first time in her life she apologised to anyone.

"Well I do forgive you, You should have a lot of work to do, But can't you ever spare to give me a call?"

Alex as a pro-manipulator followed the first rule of manipulation, Never answer the question straight up and always distract them from the key point.

This is what he did now, He diverted the question of Belladonna with his loaded question.

There is no way that she could able to ignore this question as doing so make it look insensitive to his feelings and if she answers it, Which she will, He can drag her further away from Aila's topic.

"....Tha- I!?"

She was stunned by his question. She has the answer to his question but she can't say it now.

Alex looks like he might burst out crying at any moment, So she can't just say that he ran off on their wedding and ruined her reputation, Can she?

She didn't know what to say anymore. There are no words to describe her situation. She really felt wronged.

She was supposed to blame him. That's why she sent Robin here to make him guilt-ridden and came back to her but this thing backfired on her.

Now she felt worse than a human being even thinking of blaming Alex now, It felt like a crime against humanity.

She fell into thinking of how did she end up in this position, She was supposed to victim here.

(A/N : Tell me what you don't like in this chapter, This way I can learn where did I making mistakes, So please point that out 🙇.

Like always thank you for reading and I have a good day 😁.)

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