Surviving in Woman's world as a novel villain.

Chapter 108 108. Psychological Battle


There was no reply to Alex's comment from another side, The figure or said entity was just sitting in the corner staring at Alex.

Or at least it seems as if there is no facial or physical feature to it to indicate what that figure was doing.

'System, Use the eye of the truth of this thing.'

Alex now didn't bother with long monologue and just asked the system to get information about the entity.

Unlike yesterday he was very calm as he has a Sage heart and it's no longer unknown which he fears.

[Ding! The target details are like the following...

Name : Robin

Species : Undead

Summoner/Puppet Master : Belladonna

Awakened Rank : C-Rank

Strength : C++

Agility : C++

Mana : 15,000 (As Undead

Charm : -100 / 60 (Human form)

Luck : Null (Already Dead without any cause and effect bounding)

Skills :

Cleaning (LV 4), Cooking (LV 6), Surveillance (LV 10) 

(Note : Undead's skills and attributes were enhanced.)

Talent : 

Breath Of Death : This talent is possessed by every high-level Undead, Anyone who has this talent is a walking messenger of death, It always spreads a plague or other disasters whenever they walk into a land of the living.

Other low-level Undead's will follow their command.

Undead powers : 

• Death Bringer : Raise dead for their fight (Cost : 2000 MP)

• Enhance Attributes : Enhance attributes for short time before falling in the weak period (Cost : 5000 MP)

• Dead Healing : Fix the broken parts in an instance but only to the extent of being usable, It didn't care if the parts were in the right positions ( Cost : 6000 MP)

(Click Here To See More...)

Favorability : Null (As a corps puppet, It doesn't have any will, It is just a puppet.)

Summary : It's not good for the undead to be in the land of more living lives as it will disrupt the cycle of life. One force tries to win over another and cause carnage.

[New Function : Weakness] 

Weakness : 

• Sunlight : As the sun is a sign of life, Sunlight is very effective against any undead. That's why they prefer to come out at night.

They mostly live in the pocket dimension or dark places. 

• Fire : Fire is also a symbol of life, So fire is also very effective against the undead.

Warning : Both of these weaknesses are characteristic of both life and death. They are actually neutral forces and only work on undead as they have large amounts of aura of death.

But if they don't have that aura, these things will not work against them, So make sure you have a thing that represents only life to counter them.

(Note : You are in the pocket dimension right now, If you want to leave just use your Fire-Emperor superpower.)]

'So this is Robin? A butler of Belladonna?'

Alex was surprised to see Robin here, But it was not unexpected, As he had already been reminded by the system that his so-called fiancé had targeted him.

"Belladonna, It's been a while, How are you?"

When Alex knows Robin is the one who was seated in front of him, He was relaxed, As he now has Xiao by his side and there should be hidden bodyguards outside of this pocket world.

That's why He was not that worried. He might be uneasy if Belladonna herself came, Only that is going to cause trouble for him now.

So he called out to Belladonna as he knew that she was the one who controlled Robin and can hear and see everything.


There was no replay, A blurry figure of now-known Robin was sitting there staring at him without moving or doing anything.

"Hey, I have one question, Do all ghosts look the same? As this Robin of yours looks very similar to the ghost I saw before."

Alex didn't mind if he did not get any reply, It's very hard to control the puppet in the long distance, So it's a given that Belladonna might not be able to talk with him through Robin.

"That's a racist assumption love."

But when my ex thought he was going to reply, A very feminine voice like an aged vine fell on his ears.

This voice is so good that it made him drunk just listening to it. His mind became boggy and his vision started to blur, As his mind started to imagine some explicit images of Belladonna.

[Ding! A charm skill is detected...

Sage Heart is being triggered...

The host successfully countered the opponent's skill...]

When he was about to lose his control, System's voice rang in his mind, And his heart became crystal clear without any bemusement remaining in his mind.


When he comes back to his senses, He sees that carefree Xiao Bai staring at Robin to tear him apart as she should have realised that someone was trying to control him.

"Xiao Bai, Calm down, She is an old friend."

Alex quickly held her back, preventing her from shredding Robin in the pieces as he didn't want to let go of this golden opportunity to have heart-to-heart conversations with the late-game boss.

"Ohh, How can racist to death darling? How does that make any sense?"

So after calming Xiao Bai, He said to Belladonna through Robin, He didn't react to the stunt she just pulled, As it was her usual thing.

This is the passive of her superpower, making her voice very charming. She used to do this before but every time either she herself released the or his mother had to intervene.

As crazy as she is she also has her principles of winning the heart of the person she loves. 

Well, she literally wants the heart of her love, that's a different story.

"Love you learn a thing or two out there, You never called me darling, What changed? What is Alia not giving you enough allowance?"

Belladonna also acted as if Alex didn't just ignore her charm skill, Which is a shocking thing to anyone as Alex just countered an S-Rank warrior's skill.

But Belladonna didn't react, Which shows her intelligence and self-control, But she still couldn't help being curious so she asked him a question without asking about it.

"Well, I am going through rough periods, I only have 12 billion UC in my account, Do you believe it? That's how poor I am now."

Alex of course knows what her question is about learning new things but who is he?

Belladonna might be a smart woman and one of the late villains in the plot but when it comes to manipulation and psychological tricks, No one is an opponent of him in this world.

"Did Alia even have that much money? What did you give her that she increased her allowance to that much?"

Belladonna's voice was as neutral as it was in the beginning without an ounce of emotional fluttering or trembling as if she didn't care about Alex bragging but the reality was very different.

She didn't care about small amounts like 12 billion with their family background but the problem is that Alex now didn't have any family support.

This means this money is definitely given to him by Alia, But the question is why?

There is even a need to guess what Alex might have given to make Alia give him this huge amount for someone in that small city.

"Hey don't change the topic, You didn't tell me how my statement is racist? Answer me, love."

Alex, while saying not to change the topic, changed the topic. He was living this conversation. It was no fun when he was one-sidedly playing psychological games.

It's quite interesting to change when another side also uses the trick against you. There is still a skill issue with her but hey at least she was trying.

"Ghosts are the spirits of the dead, Who couldn't leave the mortal world, Either because something is bounding them here like an unfulfilled wish or they want revenge.

Robin is an undead, The one without any spirit but a corps of dead, They are raised from the dead by someone else's summon or command."

Belladonna was still neutral, Her voice was still calm but her heart was in chaos, She never knew that her little Alex is so deeply hidden, Even she wasn't able to counter him, Not even a bit.

This was a competition. Anyone who made others say what they wanted to hear, Will won and now she was on the losing end. 

She badly wanted to know what he gave Alia, He successfully grabbed her attention.

"Ohh, Robin is undead? So he is a corpse? If so, do his things work? Do you know the physical thing? How is this work?"

Alex had a slight smile on his face. He enjoyed every second of it. It felt good to make the late-game boss this helpless.

But there is also one thing that was bothering him, Robin.

As her personal butler of Belladonna, He should be with her 24×7, So will they do something to make his head green? 

Though he has nothing to do with her at least for now, she is still in the name of his fiancé and the woman he has plans for.

So he was worried as this is the reverse world, So women doing intercourse is common, heroines are exceptions and he didn't have to worry about them but sadly Belladonna is the villain, Which is not as that virginity protection. 

"Robin is undead, His body is dead so it did not have any bodily function, I made him kinda like Taxidermy, So he will not rot an-....."

Belladonna was annoyed that Alex had control of the conversation from beginning to end. She wanted to think of a way to get questions that answered what he gave Alia.

So she thought of a solution, That she didn't pay much attention to Alex's question and spiked half-heartedly as if only thinking that it was his mere curiosity. 

But after answering it, She just realised what she answered, She looked through Robin at Alex just to see a smug smile on his face.

She knew she lost this silent battle.

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