Surviving a Harsh Fantasy with Cheat Items (WN)

Chapter 82.5: Conversation with Asama

Chapter 82.5: Conversation with Asama

So, human civilization destroyed itself once and was driven out of my influence by the demons. However, the descendants of those who had not lost their free will eventually begin to build a new order.


After the age of perfect goodness, the survivors of those who tried to live the way they wanted to created the world we live in today.

So thats why the people in this world are so free-spirited.

In both good and bad ways.

I made the new Asama Church cherish free will more than equality. Of course, there are doctrines but I taught them that even clergies can go beyond the doctrines and do what they think is right.

I think that alone is a wonderful thing.

If only they could do something about the perverted saintess and the homo saint.

Man does evil. But evil is part of man and if he denies it completely, he will lose himself. I pray that man, with his free will and choice, will still choose the path of good. It is strange that I, the goddess of creation, pray to people.

No, its not.

Then, I have a favor to ask you.

What is it? As long as it is something I can do.

I didnt think that the goddess would ask me anything.

Be nicer to Ria.

Ehto.are you someone gone from being a goddess to being Ria again?

No, you know what? Ria is being reserved just for you.

Is that so?

If shes already being reserved, then, what kind of Ria is not being reserved. Im already scared.

Its not uncommon for saintess and heroes to get entangled with each other. If a saintess marries a hero after they had a child, I would not punish her. However, Ria wouldnt want something like that to happen.


So thats the reservedness you are talking about. So, her reservedness is like taking a hundred steps back.

No, wait a minute, goddess-sama. From what you said, the order of child-making and marriage seems to be off.

Shes just taking the sisters commandments as an excuse. Ria doesnt want to take the last step because she knows how the present Takeru feels. She knows that you dont want to get into a deep relationship with women.Hey, dont you think a woman doing something like that for you is lovable?

Maa, the way you are convincing me, somehow I feel like its not working that much.

I dont think I can be convinced since Im seeing Rias face.

I might think that shes playing herself.

Youre not very honest either, you know. This girl is your saintess, Takeru. By becoming the sister in charge of the hero, arent the two of you already a step on doing that? Im also being asked by her dead parents, she said she wants it to come true if possible.

Thats a very touching thing to say.

The saintess who died as a result of Gales scheme, Rias foster parent.

Im not sure what kind of person she was but Im sure any parents will pray for the well-being of their children.

I want you and Ria to live freely in this world Ive created just like everyone else. Of course, Im not forcing you but I do request you to be more kind to her. Consider that as the replacement of the last sacrament.

As you wish.Ill try to be positive to her as much as possible.

I dont want something simple as that, Im really requesting you. Ill give you a bonus other than being certified as a first-class hero. Ill give you a blessing or something. There will be more battles in the future and youll need the power of the goddess.

Is that a deal?

Its not normal for the goddess of creation to offer a deal to a human.

Its not a lie that she wants to make this world a world of free will.

Whats happening to the world might have influenced her to do that.

Perhaps it would be better to call this world a free will fantasy instead of real fantasy.

I hope we can talk again but Im the only one here so I have a lot of deadlines.

Thank you very much for giving us some of your time despite your busy schedule.

Thats a showbiz term.

TN: Yeah, she used a showbiz term.

Ah, I forgot to mention that Ive removed your trauma and psychological resistance to women.


The door of this room wont open after a certain amount of time. Use that to get along with Ria. Enjoy yourself!

Asama said that and left.

Ria, who had empty eyes, fell and the communication with Asama ended.

What does she mean about removing psychological resistance?

What should I do now.

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