Supreme Dragon Seal

Chapter 106: Murong Xingchens Past

Chapter 106: Murong Xingchens Past

In the backyard of the City Lords mansion, a gentle stream flowed, glimmering with a golden hue. Some winter snowbirds were perched on a nearby large tree, filling the air with their cheerful chirping and chattering.

It was a beautiful day, but Yan Ling was feeling restless. She was tossing small stones into the stream as if she was angry with someone.

Hey, did these fish offend you? Qi Bei walked over to Yan Ling, tying his hair back and wearing a robe. He smiled and asked.

Yan Lings cheeks turned slightly pink as she snorted in response, but remained silent. The stream reflected her exquisitely pretty face, which was now tinged with both shyness and anger. As the water rippled, her features became slightly blurred.

I heard youve been looking for me several times. Whats the matter? Qi Bei didnt take her temper seriously. He found her outbursts cute.

You teased me Yan Ling pouted, still annoyed.

Tease you? Why would anyone tease such a lovely elf? Qi Bei looked innocent.

You knew it was me outside, and you still deliberately Yan Ling hated that she couldnt find the right words to express her frustration.

Qi Bei cant help but laugh. He recalled being with Huan Ying at the time, and hearing Yan Ling eavesdropping just outside the door. Feeling playful, he used his internal energy to rattle the door and shouted, pretending to catch the eavesdropper in the act.

In fact, there was a screen and bed curtains blocking the view, so Yan Ling couldnt see anything. But she was scared by Qi Beis shout.

Yan Ling thought back to what happened when she wandered outside later, and she realized he was teasing her.

Youre still laughing! Stop laughing! Yan Ling swung her elven sword and landed a hit on Qi Beis arm.

The sword hadnt been unsheathed, and it didnt have much force. She was just venting her frustration.

But when the sword touched Qi Beis arm, a tremendous force reverberated. Yan Ling screamed as her sword fell to the ground. Her wrist had been split open, and blood trickled out.

Qi Bei was surprised too. He rushed over to take Yan Lings hand and wrapped her wound with a cloth.

Im sorry, I didnt mean to, Qi Bei said regretfully. The second transformation of the Divine Dragon was his arms, and although he had completed the transformation and was now in a non-transformed state, his arms were still being constantly modified. It was possible that Yan Lings attack had hit a point where the draconic force was being modified, causing a backlash.

Its okay, you can let go of my hand, Yan Ling said. She believed that Qi Bei didnt do it on purpose and it was probably just an instinctive self-protection. However, it was still a bit scary. His strength seemed to be becoming more and more unpredictable.

Qi Bei released Yan Lings hand, and there was silence between them for a moment.

Dont you want to know about the Star Master? Yan Ling suddenly spoke.

Thats right, are you willing to tell me now? Qi Bei asked.

Yan Ling nodded and sat on a piece of bluestone by the creek, sighing as she looked at the clear water and the fish swimming in it. Every time I came to find you, I came secretly. The Star Master doesnt allow us to reveal anything about her.

Qi Bei said nothing, waiting for her to continue.

We can all see that the Star Master has feelings for you. You are the only man who has entered her heart. She has been through too much, and we all hope that there is someone who can share her burden, who can be a shoulder for her to lean on, and who can alleviate her pain and loneliness, Yan Ling murmured.

But she doesnt want me to get close. She has been avoiding me, Qi Bei said.

Thats because she is afraid. Shes afraid of causing trouble for you, Yan Ling said, somewhat emotional.

Then tell me, whats wrong with her body? Qi Bei asked.

Yan Lings eyes started to fill with tears filled, and the memories seemed to be too much for her to bear.

You know that the Star Master is a Moon Elf, right? Moon Elves are the royal family of the Elf race, and the Star Master is the most noble princess among the royals. Originally, her status would have remained this noble until she came of age and became the queen of the Elf race. But thirty years ago, the dark uprising destroyed everything When Yan Ling mentioned the dark uprising, her tone was filled with uncontrollable fear.

Thirty years ago? Dark Uprising?

Qi Bei suddenly had a faint impression. Although he was not born thirty years ago, he seemed to have heard of or read about the dark uprising somewhere.

Although the Nine Layers of the Netherworld had been sealed for a hundred thousand years, the remaining forces of darkness in the world were unwilling to fail. There had been several large-scale dark uprisings in history.

However, thirty years ago, the dark uprising was not widespread, and at least the Golden Leaf Empire had not been affected. Therefore, even though Qi Bei had seen the records, his impression was not very deep.

A few Dark Saint-level mages  used a summoning formation left behind by the residual of the Netherworld to summon the God of Curses from the Ninth layer of Netherworld at the cost of their lives. Although the God of Curses was destroyed halfway through the summoning by the peerless experts of the five Holy Lands, the remaining curse energy ravaged the habitat of the entire Elf race.

At that time, the Star Master was still young when she watched helplessly as her mother, the previous Elf Queen, died protecting her people. She used a special power to absorb all the curses into her body, and since then, she has become what she is today, Yin Ling said, tears streaming down her face.

Qi Bei did not expect the situation to be like this, but soon his pity turned into anger.

Murong Xingchen made such a great sacrifice for the Elf race. Why didnt the Elf race find a way to remove the curse from her body instead of letting her bring you three girls to the chaotic West Spirit City? Qi Bei said coldly, feeling sorry for Murong Xingchen.

Yin Ling was silent for a while and said, Its not what you think. The Star Master didnt want to involve her people and came out voluntarily.

And her people let her out? Qi Bei mocked. Murong Xingchen was only so young thirty years ago. Did she use her special power to absorb the curse herself, or was she forced or deceived by her tribe to use it? This is difficult to say.

Moreover, even if a little elf girl had compassion and didnt want to involve her people, as long as her people wanted to keep her, would she still object? Did she have such a strong opinion when she was so young? A little girl who grew up under the wings of her parents, when such a thing happened, her first reaction was to find someone to rely on, right?

In fact in fact Yin Lings tone was a little weak.

Dont in fact anymore. What happened next? Qi Bei interrupted Yin Lings weak explanation and asked.

Then, the Star Master activated a Dragon Clan token left to her by the Elf Queen. This was a token left by a true dragon who was helped by the queen back then. Shortly after, an elderly bearded Dragon Clan elder came and gave the Star Master a dragon scale, saying that it could suppress the curse on her body, but if she wanted to completely remove the curse, she would need the power of the Dragon God. However, the Dragon God disappeared a hundred thousand years ago, Yin Ling said.

Dragon God? Dragon scale no wonder Qi Bei realized, recalling the dragon scale he saw under Murong Xingchens bed that day. It turned out to be used to suppress the curse on her body.

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