Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 110: Even In Front of Snow Lover Family, They Will Forever Be Thick Face.

Chapter 110: Even In Front of Snow Lover Family, They Will Forever Be Thick Face.

Soon, after a bit of difficulty, Qing Ye has finally able to fix the problem of forgetting to mention about having a blood race inside the car that he was riding at and after the car has finally started to drive toward the large luxurious mansion standing in the far distance, Qing Ye has instantly turned around to his Baby in order to gently coax him from being angry at the unexpected mistake he just made while the entire time the driver in the front remain silent, as he professionally just drive the car toward the large mansion ahead, although no one really knows what is currently going on in that mind of his.

But to Snow and Qing Ye, the driver's opinion doesn't matter one bit as one person tried to please the other person who was currently faking about being angry.

Soon, the low key but luxurious black car arrive at the entrance of the beautiful large and huge mansion, where figures of people could be seen standing in front of the house, as they wait for Qing Ye to finally arrive since their family already called them ahead of time and also because of the ruckus of their arrival was rather eye-catching.

Those who were in the dark, at last, have finally learned that the usually free-spirited person who does whatever he wanted has somehow fallen in love with a blood race.

In the figures standing outside, there is the two familiar figure of Qing Ye brothers, Qiang and Cai while the other remaining people next to them was the figure of two beautiful women, both young and old, and standing behind their four figures were the butler and servants.

After waiting for a long time, the door of the black car has finally open, although the door was open at their opposite side, where it was farther away from their current position.

Soon in everyone's visions, a delicate figure wearing simple clothing coloring in all black was the one that has gotten off from the black car.

Before long, a pitch abyss black eyes which don't have any single ounce of emotions within it has taken a glance at the direction of a group of people that are currently standing at the luxurious large mansion, causing everyone that has been looking the entire time to suddenly shudder, with that just one simple move of the supposedly normal young man dress in black has suddenly made their instinct scream dangerous.

Despite wearing an expressionless expression on his pale face, with the way the young man tilted his head up for a bit, everyone seemed to be able to tell that he was confused about their current presence standing before him.

Suddenly Qiang and Cai felt suspicious at the blood race's current reaction toward them, why is this blood race who has a young appearance feel confused about their presence? 

Don't tell them that their Third Brother Ye didn't tell or asked this person's opinion when he has taken him home?

Or did their brother kidnap the blood race because he was rejected?

After all, this person seemed to have great resistance against their Third Brother Ye charms.

Before the two brothers can react and imagine more scenarios in their head, the begging voice of their Third Brother Ye sudden reach their ears causing their eyes to twitch as the two of them has suddenly felt that a bad premonition was about to happen.

The blood race youth seemed to frown a bit after the other person inside the car has spoken, before walking away from it, though the youth in black clothes was walking toward their direction the entire time.

"Ah! Baby, please wait for me~"

And so, without regard to his images, Qiang and Cai watch as their Third Brother Ye walked out from the open door of the car before he started to plead, beg, flirting and gently coaxing all at the same time as he goes after the walking blood race.

"Baby, it's my fault. I'm sorry to have scared you! Please forgive me?

"Baby, look at me! Please don't ignore me anymore I can't take it. I want those charming pitch abyss black eyes of yours to reflect my existence within it..."

"Baby your angry face looks so adorable right nowcausing my heart to beat faster than ever..."

"Ah! Don't be annoyed! I didn't mean that! No! I mean you are really so cute and adorable but Baby, come on, please don't be angry anymore alright?"

"That's right! Baby just keep looking at me! In the entire world, I am the most good looking existence that you will ever see don't dirty your eyes from looking at those rubbish people..."

The unknowingly rubbish people that have been watching and listening couldn't help but want to vomit blood.

Third Brother Ye, please watch your images right now our mother is watching!

At least, keep your mouth shut from speaking so much nonsense! See!

Our Mother looked like she might faint from shock at any moment now about what she is currently witnessing.

Seemingly hearing the inner monologue of his two brothers, Qing Ye turned around and has finally seen the appearance of his mother, two brothers, younger sister, and the servants standing before them which has a different expression on their faces, though most of them seemed to be twisted in a negative way.

After affirming that his family and servants are currently watching them, Qing Ye has quickly nodded his head in greeting without any shame and guilt.

Soon after finally standing before them, Qing Ye has instantly taken the smaller young man toward his arms in an embrace, while the blood race youth that has been angry before basing from Qing Ye reactions and words, has obediently let himself be hug with ease and familiarity in their movements while there wasn't a bit of any complain and shyness on his expressionless young face like it was a normal occurrence happening between the two of them just like always.

The angry and pleading scene, where there seemed to be a misunderstanding between the two of them seemed to has disappeared immediately just like that and now an image of a happy, touching and pleasant scene is currently happening before everyone eyes.

With a bright smile on Qing Ye devilishly handsome face, purple eyes flashing an extreme gentleness and tender affections as he glances at the person he is embracing without any discomfort and shame.

"Mother! First and Second Brothers, Younger Sister, and everyone! This is Zou Yi! The person I have fallen in love with!"

Snow who was introduced, just nods his head, while blinking his eyes as he too has opened his lip to introduce himself without feeling nervous and showing any shame at his current appearance of being openly embraced by his lover.

"Nice to meet you everyone, My name is Zou Yi."

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