Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 102: Snow Smile, "I Believe You."

Chapter 102: Snow Smile, "I Believe You."




As the deafening loudly continue to resound on Snow's ears, he perceived the powerful pressure and force from all around him, while feeling the heats and bits of metal hitting and bouncing on the thick and solid shadows that have automatically wrapped in protections all around Snow and Qing Ye body.

Snow forehead started to sweat, while crimson bloody eyes have been constricting from their dangerous situations while using a large amount of energies and power in order to keep their life safe, shielding and defending at the sudden blast of bombs that activated without presenting any sign a few seconds ago.


That is the only thought that runs through Snow's head as he thoughts about the hidden organization's actions, he always knows that there is always many additional planned on a mission, just in case of an accident or other surprise elements happening, yet Snow has never thought that the hidden organization another planned has been so extreme and absurd that they have decided to bomb the airplane to remove any further danger that will happen to them after their mission is done, either be it in a completion or failure.

Especially when there is an absurd amount of bombs that have been set off and it was in order to absolutely completely eliminate an elder blood race that will cause them more difficulty if left alive.

So, if they can't take and capture the elder blood race during their task, then killing one is also the best method.

After all, there are different elder blood races out there, besides, better to remove the one they have failed to capture now so that they can also weaken the blood race strength and power considering that their organization has already been leaked out during the first mission failure of capturing Tao Xin.

The moment that the monitor has been cut off by Snow and Flake, the hidden organization might have decided to set off the bomb that they has set up all around the airplane, or either the enemy which Snow decided to kill last, which has been flying the airplane was the one who has activated the bomb himself.

Either way, Snow now completely understands the most important nature of this hidden organization that is currently after his race, they are cruel, ruthless and cold-blooded, doesn't care about anyone life, both from innocent bystander and their own member as long as the mission that they are given is fulfilled, sacrificed can be made without any single hesitation.

But the most important matter now is their current situations because the strength and power of those bombs have been really strong that Snow is finding it hard to defend the intensive force that has been hitting the shadows that he started to control, especially when he was protecting not only himself but also another people.

The moment that the bomb was activated, Flake that has been hiding the whole time in the shadow that he has a place to Xion Jian spot, has also instantly protected them.

If the current body that he is residing in is in its current peak of power, Snow was sure that he will never get a hard time protecting themselves right now.


Snow couldn't help but cough up blood, a blue vein appearing on his forehead as he calmly and steadily controls his power despite feeling the powerful weakening of his body lessening real fast.

The tiny energies that he has just manage to spare by interacting with his lover, was losing in a frightening speed, there was a reason why Snow has never really use his power and only by lessening or removing his entire presence.

Although among the blood race, Zou Yi power can be seen as the most powerful with more uses on it, however, the energies it needs is also massive.

"Baby! Your coughing up blood!"

Qing Ye purple eyes constrict in anxiousness, heart beating with fear and panic since he has been observing the person wrapped around his arms, despite the fact that they are currently wrapped in a layer of shadow, he was still capable to see that his little Yi has cough out before he felt a wet stuff sticking on his clothes while the smell of blood soon invade his nose.

"Stop hurting yourself! Please don't use your power anymore!"

Hearing the loud voice of his lover filled with panic, terror and anxiety has caused Snow to blink his eyes, but has still remained silent as he continues to concentrate on protecting their lives.

"Baby, please believe in me, alright?"

Suddenly his body tenses up from the gentle and determined voice of his lover, causing his head to slowly raise up from his leaning on a firm chest of Qing Ye, soon beautiful purple eyes filled with great determination met his crimson bloody eyes.

Snow gaze at the worried devilishly handsome face who was carrying a resolute look, his stain bloody lip curve up a bit, causing Qing Ye beautiful eyes to widen at the sudden tiny expression that has grace on that usually dull and expressionless face of his Baby.

"I believe in you."

After speaking those words without any hint of hesitation, Snow slowly remove the shadows that have been wrapping their entire body, while Qing Ye head slowly lower down before he places a gentle chaste kiss on the sweating pale forehead while his entire body started emitting purple aura, which in turn becomes thick and solid as it wrapped all around their body, replacing the shadows.

Thus, causing Snow to be able to observe their current situations as soon as Qing Ye aura has replaced the protection toward their body.

Snow and Qing Ye is currently falling out of the sky after the bombing has finally stopped, and spread throughout the sky was the wrecked parts of the blown-up airplane and the melted metal along with some remaining burning fire, while the smokes spread out wide.

Soon, crimson bloody eyes turn toward the location of Flake and saw the shadows still protecting the bodies of Xion Jian and her lucky blood race follower that has been in the range of the protection because Snow will never go in the trouble to protect the other person if he has to.

Qing Ye that has been watching his little Yi while tightly wrapping around his delicate body fearing his safety has seen his actions and without any words from him, he instantly shape his purple aura into a solid line of rope, seemingly going toward the shadows and wrapping around it before Qing Ye has used his purple aura rope to pull it toward their directions, which has already started to fall down from the sky.

Seeing as the figures of two female has arrived close by their sides, Snow instantly removed the shadows around them while letting Flake disappear into his shadow while Qing Ye has immediately used his purple aura to wrapped around in a solid form around the two scared and frightened female.

After finally finishing all that needed to be done, Qing Ye turned his entire attention at the person on his arms that has been silent the whole entire time.

A distress expression instantly graces on his devilishly handsome face after he saw that bloodstain lip along with a pale as white sheet face of his little Baby.

"Baby, it's alright, relax! I will take care of everything, so please be at ease and watch your health more."

Snow that has been gripping the shirt of the person before him, has obediently nod his head, while his hands move to hooked around the man's neck while leaning his delicate more tightly against the warmth and lithe body of his lover, becoming more greedy for the touch of their skin.

He let out a deep sigh when he felt the comfort and warmth of the man-body while trusting that his lover will never let anything bad happen to him.


Qing Ye that has heard the weak and almost spoiled voice of his Baby has instantly used his hands to enter underneath those black shirts before instantly feeling those smooth and soft skin on his large hands as he began to explore the delicate body that has become a bit familiar to himself.

Before his sexy thin lip, bend down to slowly rain down kisses to that delicate neck and adorable earlobes.

There was a reason why he uses a more intimate way to touch his Baby since it seemed that it will give more energies toward the person wrapped in his arms.

Just, at this moment, Qing Ye wishes that he could just directly give all his power and energy to his weak Baby right now, his heart feeling pained and distressed the entire time.

Really, he should hurry up and make his Little Yi fall for him already so that he can feed him properly.

As Qing Ye worried about the health of his Little Yi, soon, the four figures wrapped in a layer of the thick purple aura has finally touched the seawater underneath them, the strength of their fall causing a loud and wide splash of water to spread all around them in waves.

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